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File - WPac - MOB

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File Name: MOB

File Submitter: Gdtrfb

File Submitted: 7 Aug 2008

File Category: WestPac

DB Used: westpac

Authors: Gdtrfb

Battleset-WPac: .scq - WPac - WestPac


Blue only......monster stuff my first time so be gentle with the heckling

P.s dont use the CALCM loadout for the -52's

please give me some feedback as this was my first scenario wondering if i should make a second

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I ran this one as the Red side since I ran Blue last time. Since the orders say, "Red Orders:

YOU MUST BREAK THEM!", I interpreted it as being a side that is playable.


The number of massive bombers available gave me the impression that it would be a quick walk-over. I easily crushed the two Blue bases with ALCM.


The CVBG was a bit tougher. I thought that one ASM mission was sufficient, but it actually took two. The SAM defences are pretty impressive when that many AEgis ships are together. In the end, I lost 67 planes before total victory was granted.


When Blue AI is faced with this many high-quality bombers, I don't think that it has any chance.

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I ran this one as the Red side since I ran Blue last time. Since the orders say, "Red Orders:

YOU MUST BREAK THEM!", I interpreted it as being a side that is playable.


The number of massive bombers available gave me the impression that it would be a quick walk-over. I easily crushed the two Blue bases with ALCM.


The CVBG was a bit tougher. I thought that one ASM mission was sufficient, but it actually took two. The SAM defences are pretty impressive when that many AEgis ships are together. In the end, I lost 67 planes before total victory was granted.


When Blue AI is faced with this many high-quality bombers, I don't think that it has any chance.


Well Herman thanx for your help on this scen if you had played as Blue i think it would have been a little bit harder .

It does say in the briefing Blue only and there is a Herman tribute in the blue orders but thanx for checkin it out anyway

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Well Herman thanx for your help on this scen if you had played as Blue i think it would have been a little bit harder .

It does say in the briefing Blue only and there is a Herman tribute in the blue orders but thanx for checkin it out anyway

Yes, I saw my name in the orders when I played the Blue side, last night. Many thanks for the inclusion. :)


The Blue side is definitely much tougher. The air attacks against my bases with ALCM was pretty impressive. When faced with hundreds of cruise missiles and not able to do the same to Red was very much a challenge. Your decision to restrict the B-52s from carrying ALCM was a good idea.


I sent the B-1s out with JASSM and they got lucky enough to kill Ukrainka, but got the crap shot out of me going after Ussuriysk and the other bases. The B-1s were detected just as they got near their release points. You set up some good CAP and AEW coverage.


The number of SAMs you placed around the bases was phenomenal. It was good to see that you did not only place the top-end SA-21/20/10 and had some SA-6 and SA-8 mixed in, too.


With a scenario duration of 30 days, I took my time organizing my ships. I had them stay at creep to avoid the known sub threat. Because I did not rush around, I think that your recon assets had a tough time finding me. Your Tu-95 Bears reached their patrol positions just outside the range of my ships. I don't think that they helped much when they went active because they were too far away. So long as I stayed out of range, they could not detect me and send in the bombers.


The subs did do lots of damage to the fleet. The SSGNs got 2 AEgis cruisers, a DDG, and 2 FFGs. Placing them within my formation made them very effective. I'm not a big fan of having the subs start inside my perimeter, but it does work.


I did manage to finally hammer down all the bases through attrition. Another thing you might consider is that the Tu-16 Jammers are coming out in groups of 3-4 planes. I don't think that having 4 Jammers in a group is going to improve their coverage and effectiveness. If one is shot down, the others can continue the mission. However, when all four are at the same location, it's just as easy to shoot down 4 as it is to shoot down 1. I think that lone Jamming groups will serve your purpose much better.


You might also like to try a "creeping wall" of ECM. i.e. deploy the first jammer at 100nm out from your base. As it degrades my radar, the next jammer can deploy at 120nm, then 140nm, etc. This might help you survive long enough to get the jammers close enough to my formation as they get shot down fairly easily.


The ALCM attacks throughout the game kept me on my toes. I could not transfer the assets away from the bases due to them. That's a good thing, IMO. I was always wondering when the next wave was incoming. However, they did seem to come from only one direction. Perhaps you could consider making attacks from different bases so that I have multiple threat axes to defend against.


Good stuff. Hope that this helps and that you are enjoying the design process. Thanks for sharing it.

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Thanx for your breakdown.....in hindsight i probably shoulda gave blue only 2 CVN's and 2 less Aegis ships but wat the hay...

learned some things for the next time...!i would welcome your input on a scen involving a US transit of Gib with the EU/SOVs opposing circa 2008 after this georgia situation erupts into global war....unrealistic but thats what games are for.....was thinking maybe a staged chem attack to get the world against the US...i dunno rambling here...anyhoo if ya have any thoughts for this next one lemme know as you were invaluable in helping with the first one

cheers Herman



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Joe, I am still battling my way across the western Pacific in this scenario (as I do not have nearly as much time on my hands as does Herman, and that in itself alarms me :rolleyes: ), but I do have some preliminary thoughts (some of which I may have already mentioned to you on IRC):


1. You may wish to consider reducing the combined US CVBG by a carrier, but I am not sure I would reduce it by two. I have been able to repel most airborne attacks, but have still lost a pair of Perry frigates (on picket duty) and the Wasp class LHD Essex was torpedoed.


2. I'd repeat Herman's comment about having Red submarines inside the formation at game start. I understand there may be sometimes good reason for doing so, and occasionally I'd be in favor of maybe putting one sub in there. Multiple submarines, however, can cause considerable havoc and the player is powerless to prevent it. Again, there may be sometimes a good reason for doing it this way, but it can lead to player frustration and can sometimes end a game before it has even begun.


3. The Red integrated air defense system (IADS) is extremely formidable. Two of my attempts at hitting Red bases have been repulsed. This was despite my launching over a hundred decoys and nearly a hundred stealthy JASSM cruise missiles at a single base, after an offensive counter-air (OCA) fighter sweep. I am left wondering if the Red IADS are maybe a little too thick? (And considering that real life expenditures of munitions in these numbers would probably lead to rapid depletion of available stocks in theater).


4. Fighter escort for your Red bomber attacks (where possible) would significantly improve their survivability and likelihood of success.


5. Blue has no submarines of its own?


6. Do the two LCS ships at Guam have a mission?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Status report ...


Finally making a dent on the enemy OOB after some further play last night.


Lost Shemya AFB in the Aleutians to a monstrous and devastating attack by literally "hundreds" of cruise missiles. Managed to get all but eight aircraft airborne and ferrying to Guam (Andersen) via a massive air bridge. Unfortunately, several F-16s did not have enough fuel remaining to rendezvous with KC-135s coming out of Andersen, and had to ditch.


I have downed over 800 aircraft without yet destroying a single enemy airfield, though both bases in Japan have now been smacked pretty hard. Thanks to generous applications of jamming, offensive counter air/sweep and escort missions, decoys and JASSM. (Btw, I think adding CALCM to the mix probably wouldn't have made much difference).


Multiple layers of SA-10, SA-20 and SA-21 have been as close to impenetrable as one could possibly imagine, not to mention the MiG-31, Su-33 and Su-27 defensive counter air/CAP. And buckets of A-50 AEW&C.


I encountered and began attacking the Russian multi-carrier battle group around the end of the first day of fighting. It was a maritime equivalent of the Red airbases, bristling with SAMs and Yak-141 (interesting choice of carrier borne fighter, btw). More decoys, plenty of HARMs, Harpoons and Mavericks later, and this enemy CVBG has been devastated, with all carriers and major surface escorts (the Kirovs) sunk, and most of the remainder damaged and running. Interestingly, once the SA-N-6 was exhausted, the AGM-65F Maverick proved the weapon of choice for Blue navy air.


No more enemy submarines have been encountered, though this is probably due to my detour to the southwest while on approach to the Japanese mainland.


More to come ...

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Another report from the beautiful Western Pacific ...


At dawn on the second day of the conflict, a large, combined USAF/USN strike finished the enemy occupied airfields at Hamamatsu and Tokyo, leaving only the battered or isolated remnants of their air defenses scattered around them. These succumbed to "plinking" during the afternoon by F/A-18s sweeping in from the carriers (now some 600 nm to the southeast) at low altitude and popping up only to illuminate targets for their bombs. Growlers flying at high altitude jammed and HARMed enemy radars wherever they threatened to interfere. Su-35s flying from Ukrainka (some 600 nm distant) attempted to intercept but were too late each time to disrupt the Navy bombing missions.


A new trio of Russian submarines were detected in the path: an Akula II and two Oscar II SSGNs. These were hunted down and sunk one by one by the rather accurate and deadly Mk 50 Barracuda.


When night fell the carriers were passing between the islands of Iwo Jima and Haha Jima, now about 800 nm of Guam.


Before dawn on the third day, the Kara class cruiser Vladiovostok, last survivor of the massive Russian carrier battle group, had been sunk about 250 nm to the north of the USN armada. The attacks upon it would have been uneventful if it had not been for the rather careless loss of three USMC Harriers, downed by the cruiser's SA-N-3 SAMs after venturing too far into its still active missile envelope.


Next objective ... transit through the Ryuku Islands.


(I've been chatting with Joe about some possible enhancements for his scenario, and I'm happy (sorry?) to report that the next iteration will be even more difficult, although this one has been plenty challenging at times).

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  • 3 weeks later...



I´m to in this scen now. Yes, that is a monster. So far I have lost two ships - one was the "Edward Ladner" (good ole Ed...) On the other side I downed over 70 ac so far, but that is not so much if I read the posts here.


It will be a long, tough way through the Pacific I guess.


More to follow.




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