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    Sin City

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  1. Well i think the MEU stuff started in 92 but may have been earlier.....my memory is kinda bad from meds and being ill but check with anybody on the TR and theyll tell ya we had the MEU on board for at least three deployments again i dont know if it continued after 93-94 as all my buddies were eaos/pcs after that. nothin like workin 18 and 6 and goin to chow and findin 500 marines in line.... ya gotta love it...... we took them to FT Lauderdale / ST Thomas and a show for the Indian CNO cheers Joe
  2. I was on the TR from 05/90 to 07/92 we were the lucky first for the MEU and gator freighters can't keep up with CVBG (not for long anyway)also the "lucky first" for gals on board also........anyhoo i was part of "A" gang so at least the Jarheads never had hot water....well at least it was either brrrr cold or steam.... i believe the MEU thingy became standard practice after that but could be wrong as i didn't keep in touch with anyone one the TR after 94....but we did drop the most tonnage of "presents" for Mr Saddam! cheers ,Joe
  3. I was on the TR and we had only room in the hanger deck for 20 AC as we had an MEU on board....since their stuff took up room.... we were the first CVN to use this MEU attachment....(wooohoooo 800 Jarheads with nothing to do but stand in line for chow !@#!@##!$$!!@!#@#) anyhoo i believe this is now SOP for CVBG so this will reduce hanger volume but remeber most AC are on the flight deck anyway.....there are pad eyes on the flight deck for foul weather..... just my 1 1/2 cents cheers Joe
  4. Am re-doin my MOB scen and have another 2 goin on in my skull...one forced passage at Gibrltar by US CVBG and another EU vs US after crazy man takes over the white house..... E.T.A......maybe this month(barring any week long benders like the last one!!!) will try to make them more challanging for blue but in my warped mind bigger is better so both will be monsters....aaarrrrghhhh! anyhoo will try to increase my productivity and make more scens... cheers, Joe aka Gdtrfb aka vanilla thunder aka monster scen builder P.S also would like to say if my dunce self can make a working scen then ANYBODY can do it!!! P.P.S The help and support that Brad and Tony gave me was awesome!!!!
  5. Outstanding!!......Bravo Zulu...... wish i had some artistic talent (sigh) cheers Joe
  6. Well i'm interested but am still learning the ropes......but i think that after a couple more attempts i may have a scenario worth something..... anyhoo i'm in like flynn Joe
  7. Thanx for your breakdown.....in hindsight i probably shoulda gave blue only 2 CVN's and 2 less Aegis ships but wat the hay... learned some things for the next time...!i would welcome your input on a scen involving a US transit of Gib with the EU/SOVs opposing circa 2008 after this georgia situation erupts into global war....unrealistic but thats what games are for.....was thinking maybe a staged chem attack to get the world against the US...i dunno rambling here...anyhoo if ya have any thoughts for this next one lemme know as you were invaluable in helping with the first one cheers Herman Joe
  8. Well Herman thanx for your help on this scen if you had played as Blue i think it would have been a little bit harder . It does say in the briefing Blue only and there is a Herman tribute in the blue orders but thanx for checkin it out anyway
  9. File Name: MOB File Submitter: Gdtrfb File Submitted: 7 Aug 2008 File Category: WestPac DB Used: westpac Authors: Gdtrfb Battleset-WPac: .scq - WPac - WestPac Blue only......monster stuff my first time so be gentle with the heckling P.s dont use the CALCM loadout for the -52's please give me some feedback as this was my first scenario wondering if i should make a second Click here to download this file
  10. Gdtrfb



    Blue only......monster stuff my first time so be gentle with the heckling P.s dont use the CALCM loadout for the -52's
  11. I'm almost done now...i think!!!...i can guarantee that it wont be a cakewalk this time..blue has its work cut out.... anyhoo pm me if you feel like being lab rat again...lol Joe
  12. Well i'm going to dust off the scenario from hell i was working on and see what happens.....sound cool? be prepared for some <bleep> questions! Joe
  13. Ok kinda rambled there......what i guess i'm tryin to say is on a ship space is finite so the point values must take into acount that while a AIM-54 and a 2000lb Jdam cost vastly diff amounts of money they take up the same volume about.So just because you have spent more points in unguided doesn't meen you would have that many more weapons or vice-versa.so to be accurate we must come up with an estimate of the internal magazine volume of the ships in question. Also a significant portion of the AOE weps will be dedicated to the SM-1/2/3 and Tlam/Harpoon of the escorts.anyhoo if anyone wants to talk/heckle me my e-mail is there or message me Joe
  14. Ok been gone awhile but back now.....The thing with the point system is that there must be a certain pecentage that is guided vs unguided ....e.g no CVN or AOE carries all guided weps or all unguided weps.What im saying is i think that there should be a seperation of guided vs unguided probably 60% guided in a modern combat enviroment.I was stationed on a CVN and an AS(sub tender) on the carrier my buddy was assigned to the sparrow mount and told me we had 3 reloads for each cell(this was in 90-92) also when on the tender we only carried 36 slbm(posiedon) and 60-70 mk 48s and 12 harpoons and NO Tlam I was ESWS qualed but No one is allowed in the magazines....so i can only hazard a guess but on the CVN you might have like 120 AIM-54 those suckers are big! also 2000lb bombs are also quite big so i think that the points should reflect the size of the weapon as well as the technical aspects. When we were droppin stuff on Iraq we would unrep/vertrep every day......CVN-71 dropped the most tonnage on Iraq so this may be an extreme example they weps were brought on pallets like the parts were e'g engines and tail secions or what ever....but i was an MR(machinest) and we had 7 people in the shop so we had a fairly decent ability to make or fix whatever had broken........anyway once more i stress if we use a point sytem that the guided/unguided must be dealt with differently. hope this helps in some way! any questions feel free to message me p.s we carried 1.2 million gallons of JP-5/4 also 100,000 gallons of fuel oil for the escorts in case something happened to the supply ships. Joe
  15. Gdtrfb

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