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TonyE last won the day on December 3 2024

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About TonyE

  • Birthday 01/19/1978

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    Minneapolis, MN USA
  • Interests
    Harpoon, Hockey, Running

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  1. I can't remember ever noticing that lack of LR attack/patrol/ferry time. This is a great item to start off your Wish Lists - HarpGamer. Create your own thread in that forum and keep piling on your wishlist items to that single thread. Some people keep editing the original post in their wishlist thread with a comprehensive list. I do add my new wishes to the first post in my wishlist by editing that post but I also create a new post with the new wish (in that same thread though).
  2. It doesn't do anything except demonstrate a different application reading the information from the pfData file then also a concept for producing the data for a new loadouts structure and linking that to an aircraft. It was there for Eric to grab when we were sitting at his place creating the program that will hopefully become the way to escape the 4095 loadout limit. I'll be deleting it momentarily since it was really just for Saturday's fun.
  3. That's the way it looks
  4. The connecting thread may be Interactive Magic (HC97) and Bill Stealey (Microprose and later Interactive Magic) and Microprose. iEntertainment Network - Wikipedia That's just me Googling, no special access or knowledge here.
  5. It is likely expected but unintended behavior. The code that decides valid weapons for a given situation does not have the flexibility to consider every situation so sometimes it answers incorrectly. More than a decade ago I wrote comprehensive code but it was too slow so I scrapped it. That said, if you manage to catch a saved game, especially in a small or purpose-built test scenario, please post up the scenario and save for me to analyze.
  6. Thank you for pointing that out. The first conspiracy that comes to mind is perhaps Microprose bought the Alliance Interactive rights and will re-publish HC97 as a thirst trap for the new MicroProse Sea Power? But I agree of course, would be much better to publish our updated HC to Steam. I admit I've never pushed Matrix Games to do that nor even gauged their interest for whatever minor influence I might have.
  7. You will probably get much quicker and more comprehensive support at https://www.matrixgames.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=10201 for Command. You are of course welcome to ask here, just setting expectations.
  8. Thank you sir, for some reason I'm surprised there have been that many THAAD produced. At least we are somewhat ramping up SM-6 acquisition, manufacturing 300/yr is a start. SM-3 BlkIIB numbers are a little less anemic than BlkIIA but even 43/yr isn't much when you get into a more intense war.
  9. 30% as per the Harpoon 3 paper rules if (tUnit->kts > 1300L) ProbHit -=30; / *fast mod */
  10. There is Computer Harpoon (wait for the holiday sale that starts just after Thanksgiving) Larry Bond's Harpoon - Ultimate Edition - Game - Matrix Games. You can grab a demo version at HC Demo Available - General - HarpGamer though only one scenario in the demo is NATO vs. China. With the full game you can run user scenarios, many of the WestPac scenarios are USA vs. China WestPac - HarpGamer Another option is Command Command: Modern Operations - Game - Matrix Games Modern Warfare is still 'coming soon' Modern Naval Warfare - Game - Matrix Games Sea Power https://www.triassicgames.com/games/ doesn't seem to start with USA vs. China but I bet it will get there quickly.
  11. What are your versions of: 1. Windows 2. MS Access or MS Access Runtime 3. HUCE If you are on the newest release version of the game or newest beta, things should work fine.
  12. Looks good, are you in the early release pool?
  13. Thank you for writing this up. It is a long-standing issue which long ago lead to the scenario design tenet of having a submarines in single unit groups. I can't make any grand promises of a near-term fix for this shortcoming but as you know, every now and again we get a lucky light-bulb moment.
  14. Please do create a new issue report. My opinion is that we addressed the issue on this report successfully. I think this issue of multiple units in the target group has been reported previously but since it is probably lost in the depths, a new one will help, especially since you have such a solid example. Thank you!
  15. Up to you. The educational intent doesn't require it to be an even fight so the primary deliverable will be a Nimitz vs. Kuznetsov scenario. I did slip in the additional ask of adding some submarines. My first thought on submarines is to add a couple of Los Angeles on the Blue side, each in their own group of course but in support of the CVBG then add a Kilo variant of some sort as well as bring the Victor out of the Kuznetsov group and into its own group.
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