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Don's (new) wishlist


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It's hard to believe I've made no wishes since the last wish list condense in 2011. But here we go...

1\ In PE the exported database file having a name other than the std database name, or better the ability to name the database file or place it in a selected folder.

just to make it easier (?) import and export from the same folder as the executed PFBuild file.

2/ In scenario Editor an indication of the lat and long of a selected unit or lat and long of a mouse click position in the group or unit window.

3/ Be able to instruct an ASW aircraft with asw sensors but no weapons to attack a sub contact (F1) so that it will attempt to get a fix on a soft contact.

4/ (new) Have some way associating an air group to a IFR tanker similar to the home base association so that the air unit is happy to fly around while in range of the tanker without requesting to RTB.

5/ If a surface group (or sub group) detect an incoming torpedo and decide to activate sonar all group units activate sonar but often only one unit is in short range of the incoming torpedo and the enemy then have a higher chance of detecting all units.

I would like only the unit at risk by the incoming torpedo activate sonar. This is mostly for benefit of AI side.

6/ When an aircraft has expended its loadout and refuels in air it's range will be it's naked (so to speak) range not the range normally associated with its loadout.

7/ When getting staff message regards the range of an ac group that has been assigned to conduct an intercept, I'd wish the 'select' option selected your assigned intercept group instead of the target enemy group. (see below comment with screen shot)

8/ in PE, when looking at a weapon be able to get a list of mounts (and loadouts?) that use the weapon, and in mounts get a list of classes that use the mount etc.

You can do this long handed via the CSV files in the commondb subdirectory, but it is rather clumsy.

9/ An aircraft 'size' (maybe) that is in line with the size of modern small drones so that an eg ship with aircraft capacity of one can carry 2 or 3 or what ever drones instead of one helo.

10/ Ability to instigate air intercept (F1 Attack) an enemy unit selected in the unit window. It can be the standard F1 attack (of the group) but currently you need to guess the group of an approx fix unit.

11/ A fine movement of the unit and group window focus, eg a shift arrow that moves the window focus a fraction of the movement of an arrow key.

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added to top post of topic:

4/ A penalty for damage to neutrals, especially biologicals.

5/ If a surface group (or sub group) detect an incoming torpedo and decide to activate sonar all group units activate sonar but often only one unit is in short range of the incoming torpedo and the enemy then have a higher chance of detecting all units.


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