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About donaldseadog

  • Birthday 01/30/1956

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  1. I'm still playing this one on and off. I find the game play quite good from either Blue or Red side. It interests me how Red rely strongly on ship board SAM while Blue rely more on aircraft, and as such carefully playing Red lets you whittle down the Blue defenses and especially if you can get a sub into a good position you can do very well. I still have no muck being satisfied with victory conditions which are pretty well straight from the original scenario, fair enough I guess but I have the same problem with the original. You have to play for a very long time, even if you get good results, to get even minimum victory. To me one strong point of having minimum victory is to spur on enthusiasm, to get recognition for working well. The Min Vic Conditions are: RED MINIMUM VICTORY CONDITION (AND) 1: 1 carrier must be killed. RED MINIMUM VICTORY CONDITION (AND) 2: 2 ships must be killed. RED MINIMUM VICTORY CONDITION (AND) 3: 1 carrier must be on station for 47 hrs, 0 min, 0 sec. BLUE MINIMUM VICTORY CONDITION (AND) 1: 1 carrier must be on station for 47 hrs, 0 min, 0 sec. BLUE MINIMUM VICTORY CONDITION (AND) 2: 1 carrier must be killed. BLUE MINIMUM VICTORY CONDITION (AND) 3: 7 ships must be killed. game times out at 48 hrs. After a bit of fiddling I think it will play with more reward if the carriers on station vic conditions were Total, not Minimum conditions. I'm interested how other people feel about vic conditions and this particualr case.
  2. You should edit Wikipedia? 4 otto 76s would be nice in lots of situations, but I guess she'll always have escorts. PS, its interesting following the links in Wikipedia, ever growing list of indigenous gear being used by the Indian Navy.
  3. I'm still keeping an eye on this one but can't find the allusive point where it (probably) all starts to go pear shape. It does seem to be rather more frequent than occasional in my current testing of Enriques remake of Now there are Two. My work around is to go back in time (via iterative saves) and split and join the low in fuel aircraft (and any dodgies in the f4 formation editor) - they seem to miraculously get back to the pumps even when they have insufficient fuel?
  4. I don't know about this one (the original) but I do think sometimes the old vic conditions aren't as good as could be. These ones seem a bit complicated to me, the ships on station basically just extend game play to the last 30 mins of the 2 day game limit. Other side gets vic points for the sinking of ships so no need to have a on station covering the whole map I'd think. What do you think? I'm replaying again to try to work out why vic conditions didn't fire when I sank all blue other than a couple of sub (not seemingly in vic conditions) and had only lost a couple of ships (and subs) so I think had the number onstation - certainly the number for min conditions. I track vic conditions in my toolbox and AIWindow, they aren't showing up the On station conditions being met I think. (You can't look at them once you get to game time limit which cought me out as I was playing at full time acceleration ) Are you still on 'holidays' I guess you won't have time to look further and do more testsing till you get home.
  5. I fast played to game limit but no vic conditions were awarded although checking conditions in scen edit I can't see why not.
  6. action over at about 21 hours game time. Wondering if the required time on station is a bit long? But a very good challenge with quite different outcomes depending on luck.
  7. Red lost the sub in the end, but it inflicted definite damage and got to fire off all torpedo.
  8. Blue side is playing well, very easy progress. No glitches. Glad AC haave limitless ammo for reload
  9. Hi Enrique, A great job. So far for testing I've played thru once from Red side - all went normal, no glitches seen. I wonder would the Blue subs be better deployed individually rather than as part of the Surface group? They were very easily detected, at many stages group ABC was detected by only sub (I'd sunk one very early) and AC. I'll do a Blue side play then let you know how that went.
  10. Being topical, I played the original scenario last night from the Red side for a comfortable win, maybe I got over excited and decided to hit the red button and launch off a few nukes. The Tomcats are going to make this one much more challenging Thanks Enrique
  11. BS=Medc2003, DB=HCDB2-170909 & GE=2024.006 Situation: SG ABS (blue) comprises two units, AB00 I believe is not detected by the red enemy or at least they have no indication of location. AB01 they have exact location. They fire missile at both units. I believe that the missiles are targeting AB00 as if they had an exact location but they do not. Two saved games are zipped, AShM-SL005 is a couple of seconds before SLSSMatNotKnownTarget. Open game AShM-SL005, the red enemy has approx fix on AB01 and no fix on AB00, within a sec (or two) an exact fix is obtained on AB01 and missiles are fired at both units although red enemy still has no location of AB00. SLSSMatNotKnownTarget simply shows this situation at time of firing missiles. SLSSMatNotKnownTarget.zip
  12. AAR **SPOILER ALERT** Well this was quite a long campaign. I should have kept a log At the outset I figured the locals were pretty evenly matched so decided to let my allies take care of their neighbours with only a bit of anti radar strikes from my carrier to get them started, in the main I'd set up a long range CAP, AEW and EW shield of my carrier group to north and east, take out the enemy establishments ahead of me to the west and saturate the immediate areas ahead with asw patrols. This seemed to go well enough for some time while I picked of plenty of long range AC coming down from the enemies bases to the far north. But then I missed a key strike and had a saturation of missile coming in at VHigh alt where I had limited ability to defend and lost a screening escort and suffered minor carrier damage. Meanwhile my friends ashore where doing well taking out SAM with the CAS loaded Fitter then coming in with numerous assault attacks to slowly destroy all enemy bases along our departure path. My own small surface group supposedly securing the exit to open ocean didn't do so well. A later investigation showed that an insufficiently experienced officer-of-the-watch was in place at a critical time, and a sub got through their asw screen to take a ship before they could track and sink her. They at least tried harder after this setback and proved more than useful in sending an enemy SG to the bottom once it was soften up with anti-radar strikes from the carrier. That success started to show political favour with declarations of a partial win. Our final hurdle, which had remained undiscovered for quite some time, was a heavily defended missile base on a lonely little island. With no aircraft defense it was just a matter of maintaining a continous line of anti radar then bomber attacks and it was destroyed and the declaration of total success issued. Thanks for putting this together Enrique. Another nice scenario.
  13. @TonyE I think I have something concrete. (if my export.dll game data collection is correct). I have two saved games (a couple secs apart) with a player surface group of two units, one goes from approx fix by enemy to exact while the second remains undetected or at least no detected location. Two enemy subs fire missiles at both units (including the non localised unit) and all missile appear to have targets (non are BOL). I've attached here but do you want a new issue report? SLSSMatNotKnownTarget.zip
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