About This File
H2/3 RES Text file editor.
Also capable of extracting images and any other contents of res files.
2008/07/04 v.
Bring back direct text editing.
2008/05/16 v.
Add filter for more image res files (INTRO.RES). In that res file the palette
is included with the image so it was wrong to put the default palette onto the
2007/04/30 v.
Add filter for a couple more text res files (TUTORIAL.RES, HELP.RES, CREDITS.RES)
Prevent writing of output file if the file is zero or negative sized (wacky res files)
2007/04/30 v.
For FX.RES and MUSIC.RES adds wav header and saves the output files as ####.wav
11kHz, 8-bit Mono wav files.
2006/09/03 v.
Initial Release
What's New in Version 07/05/2008 02:19 AM See changelog
No changelog available for this version.