11 files
Harpoon 3 Platform Workbooks
By TonyE
Excel spreadsheets used to help in platform editing tasks in combination with H4 Paper Rules Annex data.
Sonar Calculator Platform Workbook Fuel Calculator Sensor Performance These workbooks use macros. They were last maintained by VCDH/Dale Hillier.
The workbooks are offered up in an as-is status since they were under community maintained through November 2010. Use at your own risk.
Naval units graphic sheets
When I run a strategy game, I always need to have in front of my eyes, the situation, the development, the progress of the results, the forces available, the weapons range and, at the end, a full report with statistics of the weapons fired, hits, miss etc.
This is why I always help with prepared paper documents, that are of immediate consultation and do not require laborious navigation through the menus of the games to find the information you seek.
As for Harpoon, whenever I decide to play a scenario, I first analyze the order of battle of the player's side, in order to be familiar with the unit I have, their characteristics and their armament to take maximum advantage.
I thought, therefore to provide a sheet, which show graphically all the units, with the parameters of each (speed, damage points, range sensors, weapons, etc.), so as to appreciate graphically the availability of various weapons and their scope.
For this purpose, I attach a sheet of the scenario I'm going to test "The Grand Game" (Harpoon 3 - Standard Database - Regional conflict 1), which is the order of battle of the United Kingdom, against China.
The pdf file is to give an idea of the result, but the original file is in excel (*:xls) and lends itself to quickly copy and move all the icons, saving time in the preparation of the paper, in relation to other scenarios.
If anyone is interested, I can send the file to excel, where I have already compiled several sheets with NATO units, USSR, INDIA, FRANCE, ITALY, SPAIN, USA ect.
Deep Blue Sea 3.pal
By Mgellis
I revised the Deep Blue Sea .pal file again, changing colors for reference points; I think they are more visible this way and easier to use when writing scenarios, etc.
Deep Blue Sea 2.pal
By Mgellis
A revised version of Deep Blue Sea. I think it looks a bit nicer than the first version. I've posted a screenshot on the Old Pooners Group on Facebook. I hope people like it.
Deep Blue Sea.pal
By Mgellis
An alternate pallate. It eliminates the depth markers for the water, making a clearer contrast between land and sea, and changes the background to a dark blue.
(Revised 9/11/12)
Blank Aircraft loadout sheet for Excel
By Pappystein
This file allows a person to submit to the database editor a complete loadout by loadout walk-through for a specific aircraft. There is a section at the bottom for weapons quantity per store position. All locations except CL are duplicated (EG Fus1 would have 2x the number of weapons listed on this sheet because there are TWO fus1 pylons.)
It is suggested that the creator of the file fill out as much data as possible. It is also suggested that the creator of the file know how to insert/copy and paste rows in Excel before filling this sheet out.
For sub-variants of the same aircraft (EG F-15A, F-15B, F-15C, F-15D, F-15E) that you use a separate tab for each variant to make things simple.
Gunny's list of platforms in HUD-4
By Gunny
Here is a group of files listing platforms alphabetically as they appear in HUD-4. Files will be updated as new platform appear.
This file contains the Harpoon 2/Harpoon 3 ANW BattlesetCreator.exe program, used to create new Battlesets for use in the game. There is also a usage rights statement and short "how to use" description of instructions included in the file.
By Herman
The H3DSDEditor is a fantastic tool. It is rock solid, reliable, and functional. This list is only for enhancements not currently available.
Feature requests for H3dsdEditv1 in order of desire:
Addressed v. [Moderate] Scenario files are listed in an order different from what the user would like to see. This can be managed somewhat manually by arranging the order in which scenarios are dropped into the folder, but not in all cases when using the recursive search function. Filtering by file path, name, scenario name, or size might be helpful. At this time, it only affects one DSD file, but there is no work-around solution that is 100% functional.
[Low] Cannot Import current DSD file for editing.
[Low] An editable Preview function/window for the dsd file would be very handy before the file is saved.
Addressed v. [Minor] Battleset Description window does not wrap and there are no scroll functions available. Not too big a problem as arrow keys work just fine.
Addressed v. [Minor] Check box for removing scenarios from DSD file doesn't work. Currently removing them manually before creating file.
Addressed v. [Minor] "Save As .dsd" function does not add .dsd suffix to file as the default, but this can be done manually.
Addressed v. [Minor] Search function uses only lowercase letters even though both cases are used in actual file name/path. Hex editor works just fine.
RES File Editor HGH3ResText
By TonyE
H2/3 RES Text file editor.
Also capable of extracting images and any other contents of res files.
2008/07/04 v.
Bring back direct text editing.
2008/05/16 v.
Add filter for more image res files (INTRO.RES). In that res file the palette
is included with the image so it was wrong to put the default palette onto the
2007/04/30 v.
Add filter for a couple more text res files (TUTORIAL.RES, HELP.RES, CREDITS.RES)
Prevent writing of output file if the file is zero or negative sized (wacky res files)
2007/04/30 v.
For FX.RES and MUSIC.RES adds wav header and saves the output files as ####.wav
11kHz, 8-bit Mono wav files.
2006/09/03 v.
Initial Release
Database Comparison Utility dbComp
By TonyE
MS Access based tool to compare two H3ANW databases. Older versions (i.e. 2006.02) should be used for H2 and pre- databases).
Current version (2011.02) has only been tested on H3ANW 3.10.1 with H3RE_3_10.mdb
Maintained by Tony Eischens