TonyE Posted December 18, 2008 Report Posted December 18, 2008 Welcome to the Harpoon Classic demo. This demo revisits a storied part of Harpoon's history via the USNI BattleSet. Pooners Brad, Tony, and Ralf, with the help of the beta testing team, have re-made the five original USNI scenarios. The scenarios take advantage of game capabilities added since the original USNI version of the game was released more than 20 years ago! Not only that, but the weapons of war more closely match the real-world weapons thanks to post Cold-War release of information and the hard work of Brad in the DB editing department. These are no longer easy, nor introductory, scenarios, be prepared! In addition to the ten USNI scenarios (there are two versions of each scenario, one for play as the Soviet side, one for the NATO side) you will find twelve scenarios in the WestPac battleset. There you will also find an introductory scenario, "1.0 Beginner Walk-Thru Scenario" that will help you grasp the game controls and some of the new features in HCE such as more variable radar RCS, submarine signatures, and land warfare between tanks and other vehicles. Find a keyboard command cheat-sheet at Keyboard Commands by Location. Also note the excellent "Tactics 101" articles available at HarpGamer that provide both theoretical and game background/guidance. (or do a search for Tactics 101). As you investigate the game and have questions feel free to come ask those questions at, specifically in the Demo Discussion Thread. The game is being actively developed, supported, and expanded by the Harpoon community, and Matrix Games. When you are ready to buy, please visit Just a few of the many benefits of buying the full Harpoon - Ultimate Edition game: Over 200 more scenarios built in to the game including the classic GIUK, NAVC, MEDC, and IOPG battle grounds. The ability to load user created scenarios and databases. HarpGamer alone hosts 250+ user-made scenarios. These user creations are where the game really shines! Scenario Editor for crafting your own battles, testing your ideas, and sharing your efforts with the community. Database Editor that allows you to modify the platforms used in the game and again model different what-if situations. Battleset Builder for taking your battle to an area of the planet (real or imagined) that isn’t covered by the existing battlesets. System Requirements & Technical Information: The demo runs on Windows 10, 11. Installer size is about 50MB. The installation takes about 150MB of disk space. Installing the demo will not affect your full installs of prior HC versions nor will it affect a full HC install. The demo executes a rudimentary check to see if your system clock has been set back in time to defeat the demo expiration mechanism. Some computers that haven't had clocks set back will not pass this test. The full HC game does not have this check so even if you can't run the demo, you will be able to run the full HC game. Using the uninstaller will remove all files, registry settings, and shortcuts created by the installer. It will also remove all saved games in the HCDemo directory. Downloads: Demo Download: See the attached zip file
TonyE Posted December 24, 2008 Author Report Posted December 24, 2008 Just a note that the demo files have been uploaded to version 2008.066. If you already have the demo, you can install this right over the top if you desire. I wouldn't consider this in any way a mandatory update. The changes are as follows: HCE - 2008.066 ============== - Chg:B050 GE Hotkey C does not centre Unit window. Now when c is pressed in the group window with a group selected, the Unit window will center around that group on the Unit window as it did in previousl releases (thanks Herman) - Chg:B052 GE Arrows keys now work to scroll the Unit window again. (thanks Herman) - Chg:B049 GE Unit window display corruption with Textured Map turned off when loading saved games. This has been fixed. (thanks Herman) - Chg:0000 GE Fixed the flawed active ECM. It was errantly doing extreme amounts of jamming in many instances. (thanks Ralf) - Chg:B046 GE Hornets with Decoy loadouts will now prompt the player to close range in order to attack instead of ignoring the attack order. (thanks Herman) - Chg:B051 DB Gave AS-6 the Land Attack flag. (thanks Herman)
TonyE Posted January 13, 2009 Author Report Posted January 13, 2009 The demo expiration has been extended to February 15, 2009 if you download anew. Change Log: HCE - 2008.068 ============== - Chg:0000 GE The aircraft speed/altitude dialog works as designed again. It will show the proper speed for the altitude and speed selected. If you manually enter a speed outside of the range of the band or aircraft capability, the aircraft will go to an altitude band and speed less than or equal to the manually entered speed. (thanks Herman) - Chg:0000 GE Added hotkey O to show any On Station rectangles for the player's side. Press O to show them, O again to hide them. In debug builds, Alt-F5 will show on station rectangles once for all sides (the ones for Blue will be blue color, Red will be red, etc.) - Chg:0000 GE New escort jamming model. The player won't see as many phantom shoot-downs anymore. The old model was flawed. - Chg:0000 GE Logging will really work in Release builds this time around, no kidding, unlike the previous however many times! HCE - 2008.067 ============== - Chg:B047 GE Limited how the AI will execute BOL air to surface and Surface to Surface missile launches. If the axis of the uncertainty zone as seen by the firing unit to the target is greater than 50nm (uncertainty zone width when drawing a line from attacker to target), the AI will not fire. The AI will also not fire if the weapon range/5 is less than the uncertainty zone width. If the uncertainty zone is range ASMs). (thanks Herman) - Chg:B054 GE No longer show the correct count of land units and damaged land units at a base if those units are not currently detected. (thanks Herman) - Chg:B048 GE Don't prompt the player to use air-to-air cannon fire against subs. Do prompt player to close range to launch depth charges. (thanks Herman)
TonyE Posted March 10, 2009 Author Report Posted March 10, 2009 The demo expiration has been extended to March 15, 2009 if you download anew. HCE - 2009.009 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Planes already within AAM range will not re-prompt to close to fire. The prompt was errant since they were already in range. HCE - 2009.008 ============== - Chg:2429 GE Fixed the 10x too large BOL range ring. (thanks Herman) - Chg:0000 GE Only show BOL range ring as large as BOL capable weapons instead of as large as the longest range ASM/SSM. - Chg:0000 GE Made the BOL range ring yellow like it was meant to be. - Chg:0000 GE Added a Staff Assistant information message when the group has no BOL capable weapons and a BOL attack is attempted. - Chg:0000 GE Don't let weapons launch their own BOL attacks. (thanks Herman) - Chg:0000 GE Fixed inability to retarget air groups already on a mission. HCE - 2009.007 ============== - Chg:0000 GE This build is the code reverted to the original 2008.068 plus a number of tweaks. That means a number of issues are now unfixed. This was done since the fixes presented more challenges than the original issues. This returns the game to a stable state from which we can move forward.
TonyE Posted March 13, 2009 Author Report Posted March 13, 2009 HCE - 2009.020 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Upon scenario load, the raw event side is no longer checked for MESSAGE_EVENT events which was resulting in staff message events being ignored. In sum, this should now allow the Red side to see staff messages from the scenario file. - Chg:0000 GE Here is a bit more explanation on the behavior of the Staff Messages as entered by the scenario designer. * Message length should not exceed 63 characters * If you have a group selected when you enter the Staff Message, that group will be referenced by the message when viewed in the GE. What that means is you could enter a message for the Blue side with a Red submarine selected. When the Blue player receives that message in the game, the Show or Select buttons of the dialog will show the position of the Red sub, even if it hasn't been detected. That could be useful but is also a caution to be cognizant that the message stores the selected group, if any. HCE - 2009.019 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Extended demo timeout until March 15, 2010. - Chg:0000 GE Added marketing glitz and links to the Demo. - Chg:0000 GE Delayed dllexInitDLLs until after DoIntroScreen so that if a DLL establishes a window, it won't cancel the intro screen drawing. - Chg:0000 GE Changed the window handle passed to DLLs from hwndFullScreen to hwndMDIClient to allow more proper parentage. HCE - 2009.018 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Made a new critical hit distribution table for mobile land units. In other words, you should no longer see land units with flooding. - Chg:B084 GE ASW helicopters want to (errantly)close after firing last torpedo. The fix isn't ideal but it does address the issue. Now after that last torpedo is fired there is no prompt. If the player cancels the attack, the prompt will appear since the game thinks the target is actually North another 8nm. (thanks ReoTeo) - Chg:B100 GE Planes missing from Divide Group command. The CombatFlags value should have been reset when the landing command was given but it was not being reset. In 2009.018 it is being reset so the group doesn't get confused. (thanks Herman);showbug=100 - Chg:0000 SE Enabled time editing dialog for staff notes so that they can be shown to the player after the specified elapsed time. Also added the side chooser dialog when in the SE to dictate which side will see the message. HCE - 2009.017 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Fixed the Speed/Altitude event processor to do what I mean in 2009.016, not what I coded (Tony). Planes in the group should now all end up at the proper altitudes and speeds after take-off and at waypoints. - Chg:0000 GE Remember that force 1:1 time hotkey addition in 2009.016? Well, it is now the L key, not \. - Chg:0000 GE Subs that surface due to damage will now split off into a new group so that they can be told what to do. In debug builds a message like the following will be shown for enemy and neutral subs when the damage is applied... "Unit %s(%s) is surfacing due to damage." Friendly subs in all builds have a line in the Message Log... "Friendly Unit %s(%s) is surfacing due to damage." - Chg:B070 GE Guns on planes in formation will no longer cause the GE to crash with a GetAnnex error when attempting to fire at targets. (thanks Herman) - Chg:0000 GE Further efforts to keep subs surfaced due to damage or damage + flooding on the surface. Player should no longer be able to submerge such subs, even if joined to another undamaged sub group. HCE - 2009.016 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Added the ability to stop the game clock without the pause dialog and without minimizing the game. The new methods are the Ctrl-Alt-p hotkey (pause without dialog) and pressing the - key from 1 sec time compression. The pause is indicated by 0 sec listed in the time compression box. This does not mean a player should issue orders while paused since planes may not be marked as in use, weapons may not be marked as launched, etc. until the next game second elapses. - Chg:0000 GE Added additional hotkeys for 1:1 time compression. The existing hotkey is Return/Enter, the new hotkey is the \ | key. The new hotkey may need to change to accomodate non-US keyboard layouts. - Chg:0000 GE Stopped hogging the entire CPU core worth of processing power when the game is minimized. - Chg:0000 GE The Speed/Altitude event processor (internal to the game) now can apply the event to a single unit if the unit was fed in as part of the event. This should mean only the damaged sub in a multi-sub group will surface when damage is critical. HCE - 2009.015 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Answering yes to RTB ASW bird out of weapons message will now RTB, answering no will leave it on station. (thanks Wombat) - Chg:B073 SE When adding more than two variable start points, don't crash. Note the often incorrect highlighting of the selected start point still exists, fixing it is proving most challenging. (thanks Ralf, and many others) - Chg:0000 SE Improve the logic for enabling and disabling the Delete Unit button when editing a group. The designer should not be able to delete an installation, not the last ship/sub/land unit in the group. HCE - 2009.014 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Fixed game crash in certain circumstances when some planes out of a group are shot down, but not the whole group. (thanks Brad) HCE - 2009.013 ============== - Chg:B095 GE Don't ask player where to land enemy tankers who have just split from the refueled planes. (thanks Brad) HCE - 2009.012 ============== - Chg:B094 GE More work on the aircraft Speed/Altitude dialog. It is now driven by the typed in speed. If you type in a speed faster than Cruise with Cruise selected and click OK, the throttle setting will be kicked up to Military (or AB if appropriate) if the aircraft has such a speed available. If not, the speed is dropped down to the fastest available at that altitude. It will also bump up any speed less than loiter. (thanks Brad) also re-verified that the below is still fixed - Chg:0000 GE If the player types in a custom speed, it will be maintained when re-opening the dialog (for air groups, does not apply to surface groups. - Chg:B096 GE Once the player deletes a formation air patrol it will stay gone, even if the returning aircraft is shot down before it has a chance to land. (thanks Brad) HCE - 2009.011 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Started adding the code framework/templates to make maintaining backwards compability with saves games possible. Players can now load saves from 2007.000+ in the current GE. - Chg:0000 GE Make sure Nuclear Release event sound stops playing when dialog goes away. Also completed putting the nuclear release DLL code in the game (it wouldn't have worked in 2009.010 if the player was the Red side). (thanks Buddha) HCE - 2009.010 ============== - Chg:0000 GE Added a Nuclear Release event to the ExportDLL interface. See:;showfile=390
TonyE Posted September 23, 2009 Author Report Posted September 23, 2009 Demo version 2009.042 has been uploaded. See the ReleaseNotes.txt file or Release Notes Thread for details on the changes. Expiration extended to September 2, 2010.
TonyE Posted August 19, 2010 Author Report Posted August 19, 2010 Demo version 2009.050 has been uploaded. Expiration extended to January 1, 2012.
TonyE Posted December 16, 2011 Author Report Posted December 16, 2011 Demo version 2009.064 has been uploaded. Expiration extended to January 1, 2013.
TonyE Posted December 2, 2012 Author Report Posted December 2, 2012 Demo version 2009.069 has been uploaded. Expiration extended to January 1, 2014.
TonyE Posted September 27, 2013 Author Report Posted September 27, 2013 Demo version 2009.097 has been uploaded. Expiration extended to January 1, 2015.
TonyE Posted January 6, 2015 Author Report Posted January 6, 2015 Demo version 2014.020 has been uploaded. Expiration extended to January 1, 2017.
TonyE Posted April 5, 2015 Author Report Posted April 5, 2015 Demo version 2015.002 has been uploaded. It includes the VC2013 runtime from Microsoft for computers that don't already have it installed.
TonyE Posted April 7, 2015 Author Report Posted April 7, 2015 Small update to version 2015.004 that fixes the Formation Editor display. You can install this right over the top of previous demo versions if you want.
TonyE Posted October 19, 2015 Author Report Posted October 19, 2015 Demo version 2015.021 has been uploaded.
TonyE Posted October 30, 2015 Author Report Posted October 30, 2015 Demo version 2015.024 has been uploaded.
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