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File - Naval units graphic sheets

Steve Caruthers

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File Name: Naval units graphic sheets

File Submitter: Steve Caruthers

File Submitted: 11 Mar 2015

File Category: Tools/Docs


When I run a strategy game, I always need to have in front of my eyes, the situation, the development, the progress of the results, the forces available, the weapons range and, at the end, a full report with statistics of the weapons fired, hits, miss etc.
This is why I always help with prepared paper documents, that are of immediate consultation and do not require laborious navigation through the menus of the games to find the information you seek.
As for Harpoon, whenever I decide to play a scenario, I first analyze the order of battle of the player's side, in order to be familiar with the unit I have, their characteristics and their armament to take maximum advantage.
I thought, therefore to provide a sheet, which show graphically all the units, with the parameters of each (speed, damage points, range sensors, weapons, etc.), so as to appreciate graphically the availability of various weapons and their scope.
For this purpose, I attach a sheet of the scenario I'm going to test "The Grand Game" (Harpoon 3 - Standard Database - Regional conflict 1), which is the order of battle of the United Kingdom, against China.
The pdf file is to give an idea of ​​the result, but the original file is in excel (*:xls) and lends itself to quickly copy and move all the icons, saving time in the preparation of the paper, in relation to other scenarios.
If anyone is interested, I can send the file to excel, where I have already compiled several sheets with NATO units, USSR, INDIA, FRANCE, ITALY, SPAIN, USA ect.



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Very nice, I like the pictorial layout. It gives me a much better feel for weapons ranges than say a Harpoon 4.1 data sheet. That makes me want to ask for other clues on hit %, damage imparted etc. But don't worry, I won't, for now :)

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