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Updating database and Harpoon program

Steve Caruthers

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My version of Harpoon 3 ANW is 3.7.00.
I downloaded and installed the collection of scenarios "complete_ANW_library.zip".
When I start the program gets an error message, "annex version later than program version".
So the first question I ask is: what is the version of Harpoon 3 ANW that this database (or library) wants?
Not knowing the answer I tried to download the latest patch available I have found, the 3.11.1 (the file is called exactly "Harpoon3ANW-UpdateRelease-v3111.zip").
I did not find any indication of how to install this patch. So I tried to install it directly on my version 3.7.0, but does not work.
So my second question is: what are the steps (step-by-step) to upgrade to the latest version my 3.7.0 Harpoon, or at least until the version with which I can use the "complete_ANW_library.zip"?

Thank, Steve.

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When I run the exe file, it extracts files and then appear a Notice-window telling:

Setup could not find an installation of Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Warfare to upgrade. Continuing to upgrade may lead a corrupted installation. Continue ?

The strange is that, contrary to what normally happens, the installation program does not ask me for the folder where Harpoon is installed (in my case is not the main hard disk C:), so I would not that it does not find the right path to install the patch.

Besides I cannot think that a patch wants to be installed automatically where it wants, without let the user to browse for finding the exact path...


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Hi Steve, I made some time to replicate part of your situation. I installed ANW to a clean Windows XP installation. By clean I mean it did not have any previous Harpoon installations to muck up the test.


From there I installed Harpoon3ANW-UpdateRelease-v3111.zip from Matrix Games. It prompted me for an installation location per the attachment. If this is installer that said it could not find a previous version you may want to start again from and provide more detail on your system if it still goes wrong.



As for the PDB, you can read our stance on that at http://harpgamer.com/harpforum/index.php?/topic/13583-forum-guidelines/&do=findComment&comment=28865




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Okay, we can help more with more information should you want to try again.



1. What operating system are you using?

2. What bitness of operating system (32-bit or 64-bit). If you have a C:\Program Files (x86) directory then you have 64-bit, if you only have C:\Program Files then it is 32-bit.

3. When you wrote "I ran the exe file", which exe file was that and where did you get it from?

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