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A new version of the Harpoon Classic Database (HCDB-050220) is available.

The download is available from the HarpGamer website (www.harpgamer.com).

PLEASE NOTE that we are now just including the commondb.res file to reduce the size of the download and simplify things. Just rename your current commondb.res file (such as commondb_original.res, for example) and copy the new one into the HCG root directory. Keeping the old file will permit you to easily switch back and forth between databases. You do not need to import to play the sim using the new HCDB. You will need to import if you want to use it in the Platform Editor. More details can be found in the FAQ at our website.

New additions to the HCDB include:

Bunker (Surface)
Bunker (Underground)
Dupuy de Lome AGI - France
Type 41 (Leopard) FF - Bangladesh
F-35B JSF (RN)
Fokker F27 Friendship
Mirage IVA
Mirage IVP
Juliett (Project 651) SSG

I have started work on fixing names that had been previously truncated due to name length limitations, as well as work on expanding the loadouts (now that we can have 8 weapons per loadout instead of four).

Also, I am happy to announce that we will be able to get a few new installations (thanks to some clean-up being done in that annex), and so, please let me know what you would like to see in the way of new installations. Lets focus on what the priority entries should be (in other words, what we will really use ?).

Thanks to everyone for their recent words of support, and obviously, I've taken your encouragement to heart. I am hoping that here at HarpGamer we can really focus on why we all love this sim. Enjoy. :D

Brad Leyte


Good Job Dear CV32.

Can u specify what are exactly "some clean-up being done in that annex" plesae?

Good idea to just share the .res fille, smaller and easier.


About installations types, a generic civilian nuclear facilty, a basic power facility, a generic railroad station maybe.




Can u specify what are exactly "some clean-up being done in that annex" plesae?


Hi Jan,


Welcome to HarpGamer. :D


Regarding the "clean-up" in the Installations Annex, you may recall that we exceeded the maximum allowable number of entries in that annex (approx 2,000) some time ago. The entries over and above that limit, which did not appear in the GE/SE in any event, have now been deleted. This should correct a problem with export hang-ups that some were experiencing. Also, there are a number of "DONOTUSE" entries, mostly SAM/AAA installations, which will be deleted in due course and replaced. These had been added when the code team was still experimenting with the introduction of mobile platforms.


About installations types, a generic civilian nuclear facilty, a basic power facility, a generic railroad station maybe.


I think the nuclear facility and power station already exist in one form or another (though they may need re-naming), and I will look at these. A generic railway station or railyard is a good idea, and I will take that one under advisement.


Thanks again for your continuing input. :)

An easy addition would be the Type 206 subs U-13 to U-30. They are nearly the same as the U-206As but with AN-104A4 sonar (3 nm range) and DM-1 torpedoes. Also the Dutch Potvis could go there.

Hi, JMS. Welcome to HarpGamer. :D


Fortunately, there is still plenty of room for new submarines in the HCDB.


I will look at your suggestions. Thanks for the source too; that's always appreciated. :)


About these famous "DoNotUse", here is what TonyE said:


Some of the DoNotUse entries are indeed an artifact of the land units.

We began with land units of all four types (AD Fixed, AD Mobile,

Armoured, and Convoy) in both the Ship and Installation Annexes.  After

tweaking, testing, and discussion we decided that only AD Fixed should

remain in the Installations Annex, the rest of the new types existing

only in the ship annex (the mobile types).


Due to limitations in how the database is handled we cannot ship ID

numbers so until the units are replaced in the DB there must be dummy or

placeholder records, hence the DoNotUse.  The time between setting them

DoNotUse and release of the beta was only a few hours so the database

guys understandably didn't have time to re-use the slots.  In some other

spots in the database we cannot re-use items marked DoNotUse because

existing scenarios depend on them (see the JDAM weapons, changed from

bombs to missiles).  In order to avoid GetAnnex errors we have to leave

the old entries in place for when older scenarios try to use that item.



  Tony Eischens

  Assistant Programmer

  HC2002 Gold Development Team


Are the scen that Tony talked about no more a problem?



One other method that can give some space is to only have generic military units rather than designated ones, like all those "X/Y Bn USMC" rather than only have one "USMC Bn" (Coy, etc.).


What about those "Not Used" entries (id.:














51447), can't we use them?



Are the scen that Tony talked about no more a problem?
I'm referring in particular to the 'DONOTUSE' SAM/AAA entries in the Installations annex that were inserted during the period we were experimenting with mobiles. AFAIK, no scenarios ever used these. The 'DONOTUSE' JDAMs will remain.


One other method that can give some space is to only have generic military units rather than designated ones, like all those "X/Y Bn USMC" rather than only have one "USMC Bn" (Coy, etc.).


These are largely legacy platforms from the EC2003 campaign of scenarios, which rely on these entries for flavour. They won't be changed.


What about those "Not Used" entries (id.:

ID: 51208 ...  51447), can't we use them?


We can certainly utilize any unused ID's that are within the proper limits.

  • 2 weeks later...

A new version of the Harpoon Classic Gold Database (HCDB-050305) is available.


The download is available from the DB Share section of the HarpGamer website (www.harpgamer.com).


New additions to the HCDB include:


Canterbury (Leander) FF – New Zealand

Emer OPV – Ireland

Guangzhou Type 052B DDG – China

Lanzhou Type 052C DDG – China

Maanshan Type 054 FFG – China

SS-26 Iskander-E TEL – Russia

SS-26 Iskander-M TEL – Russia

CV-22A Osprey – USA

J-10 - China

Super Lynx 300 – INTL

Daphne (Spain) SS – Spain

Galerna (Agosta) SS – Spain

Klasse 206 SS – FRG

Mistral (Agosta) SS – Spain


PLEASE NOTE that we are now just including the commondb.res file to reduce the size of the download and simplify things. Just rename your current commondb.res file (such as commondb_original.res, for example) and copy the new one into the HCG root directory. Keeping the old file will permit you to easily switch back and forth between databases. You do not need to import to play the sim using the new HCDB. You will need to import if you want to use it in the Platform Editor. More details can be found in the FAQ at our website.


You will need this latest version to play my new scenario "Resolve". Enjoy. :D



A new version of the Harpoon Classic Gold Database (HCDB-050305) is available......

If you downloaded the new release of the HCDB within the last 8 hours, you probably have the 050220 version.


I forgot to change the link at the HarpGamer.com DBShare page, and have since corrected it. It's properly linked now, so please re-download if need be.


I apologize for the inconvenience and would like to thank Jan Masterson for picking up on this error and calling it to our attention today in our #HarpGamer IRC Chat channel.


If you haven't downloaded the new DB yet, please get it here: HCDB-050305.zip

  • 2 weeks later...

Brad has just completed a new revision for the HCDB, HCDB-050314


Find it at the usual location on HarpGamer.com via the "DB Share" navigation button. A more complete announcement will soon be made, summarizing the changes in this new rev, but for now we wanted to let you know that it's up on the site and available for download. Enjoy! :D


New additions and changes to the HCDB-050314 include:


F-4E Phantom II (Iran) - Iran

F-14A (Iran) - revamped

Tiger HAP/UHT/ARH - revamped

Ka-50 Hokum - revamped


AIM-54A Phoenix

AIM-54C Phoenix - revamped



Absalon - Denmark

Type 88 TEL - Japan


Enjoy. B)

  • 2 weeks later...

A new version of the Harpoon Classic Gold Database (HCDB-050327) is available.


Get it at HarpGamer.com via the DB Share button.


New additions include:


PTM Houdong - Iran

TEL HY-1A SSM Battery - INTL

TEL HY-2G SSM Battery - INTL

TEL HY-4 SSM Battery - INTL

PTM Kaman (early) - Iran

PTM Kaman (late) - Iran

Lafayette (mod) - France


CH-53E Super Stallion - USA

P-3B Orion - INTL


Enjoy. B)

  • 1 month later...

A new version of the Harpoon Classic Gold Database (HCDB-050507) is available.


Get it at HarpGamer via the DB Share button.


New additions include:


MCM Sandown - UK

SSBN Borey (Project 955) - Russia

SSN Type 093 - PRC

Arrow II ATBM Battery - Israel

Shahab-3 Site – Iran


Enjoy. :D


A new version of the Harpoon Classic Gold Database (HCDB-050510) is available.


Get it at HarpGamer via the DB Share button.


New additions include:


Lynx Mk 80 - Denmark

Lynx SH-14D - Netherlands


FF Descubierta (Morocco) - Morocco

LCU Lt Malghagh (EDIC) - Morocco

LSM Daoud Ben Aicha - Morocco

LST S.M. Ben Abdallah - Morocco

PG El Lahiq (Osprey 55) - Morocco

PG El Yadekh (Kebir) I - Algeria

PG El Yadekh (Kebir) II - Algeria

PG Okba (PR-72) - Morocco




Enjoy. B)

  • 2 months later...

A new version of the Harpoon Classic Gold Database (HCDB-050810) is available.


Get it at HarpGamer via the DB Share button.


New additions include:


EF-18A/B+ Hornet - Spain

JF-17 Thunder - Pakistan



CV Queen Elizabeth (CVF) - UK


Plus new installations in Yemen where (strangely) none existed before.


Enjoy. B)

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