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File - GIUK - Harpoon 3 Battles of the Third World War, May 1991.

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File Name: Harpoon 3 Battles of the Third World War, May 1991.

File Submitter: broncepulido

File Submitted: 05 Dec 2014

File Category: GIUK



Harpoon 3 Battles of the Third World War, May 1991.


A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for GIUK Gap Battleset and the HCDB-140909 1980-2015 era Platform Database.


Image: Soviet CVH Baku circa 1988. US Navy photo, from Wikipedia Commons.


This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/Allied side or from the Red/Soviet side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side.


A North Atlantic-GIUK scenario inspired by some old scenario booklets of the Harpoon 3 series of the late 1980s edited by GDW, good for testing generic tactics and weapons. Actually is a mix-up of individual sea-operations centred scenarios as only the Computer Harpoon can provide. And reflecting all the knowledge acquired the last years in some matters, as about Soviet/Russian platforms, OOBs and Soviet/Russian carrier air wings composition.


The scenario is settled at the start of the conventional WWIII as was forecasted in the North Atlantic for about May 1991 in some of the GDW edited booklets, the opening movements and contacts, and the first days of open combat.


Enrique Mas, 5 December 2014.



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8 December 2014 modification:

- At last as intended Keflavik-based 57th FIS F-15C are represented by F-15A (to prevent ahistorical use of AIM-120 AMRAAM). Was my original idea, but I lost his trail somewhere and placed erroneously F-15A/C capable to use AIM-120 AMRAAM.


Very detailed data about 57th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron "The Black Knights of Keflavik" here:



- Replaced absurd MIG-29A SIOP loadouts and patrols with correct Intercept loadouts and patrols.


- Also added one almost irrelevant waypoint to Soviet surface group YNR to reduce risk to go aground.

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