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Formation Editor Range ?


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Hi Folks,


Is there a way to change the range circles on the formation editor? Sometimes when I open it 's set for a few miles - others - for a couple hundred... I haven't been able to identify any rhyme or reason to it... Obviously - a couple mikes doesn't work when setting up a CAP flight...




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Glad to help. I played Classic for years before playing H3, and found the Formation Editor a little baffling as well. You may want to run the Tutorial on the subject. Beyond just setting up patrols and changing zone sizes, etc., it covers defining the different Axis settings for AAW, ASuw, and ASW, slaving them to a particular threat, setting patrol types, and a slew of other settings. There are a LOT of different things you can do, and the tutorial does a really good job of explaining them. A lot better than someone just trying to tell you about them, that's for sure.


Enjoy the game,



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