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No further version of HUD4 will be posted on the forum until 3.11 is out. Editor's choice.


Okay, good to know. Thanks.


Should I go back to using b10 for scenarios I want to post here? Can people use the ones I write with b11?




Best thing to do is to design and post scens with latest files available. Further versions should only be broadcasted to small number, and to be honest, I'm now working on what will be the release version. Then will come the time of future versions.



Best thing to do is to design and post scens with latest files available. Further versions should only be broadcasted to small number, and to be honest, I'm now working on what will be the release version. Then will come the time of future versions.




Hooray! Will it include many, many new platforms? *Keeping fingers crossed* :)


By the way, has there been any announcement on when 3.11 will be released? Later this year? Early in 2013? Just curious if anyone knows anything.


Of course there will be new platforms (Pantsir S-1 SAM, Schiebel Camcopter S100,various ships), but also existing ones will be expanded (Tu-95, Su-7/17/20/22 families, Burke classes sub-units...), and countries file is also updated almost on a daily basis. As for 3.11 release date, I don't know. It will be when it will be.




HUD4 v1.1 final version is now in the hands of AGSI for inclusion in the 3.11 release. Work on HUD4 v1.11 to start from 5th of August. Planning to add several platforms. Stay tuned.




The correct database version is an very important issue, though.


We have an official HUD 4 V 1.0 release and several betas around. Beta versions of databases are no good, they tend to crash older scenarios and lead to confusion.


If I understand Gunny correctly, we have:


for now: HUD 4 V 1.1 b10 for now to use and which is public available. Thus I will upload it here in the db section.


upcoming: HUD 4 V 1.1 Release which will come with H3 ANW V 3.11 - whenever that is.


I strongly recommend NOT to release further interim betas after the new release is out. Guys are confused, scenarios crash. This should be avoided and we all should use release versions for writing and playing a scenario.

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