About This File
This Battleset covers the islands of SouthWest Pacific extending to the east to Hawaii (Pearl Harbour),to the west to much of South China Sea and to the south to the northern end of New Zealand.
The built in scenarios use database HCCW-140314 (available in Harpgamer downloads) but you can write scenarios using any database, this zip pack includes a template style scenario for HCDB 150929 as a suggested easy starting point The idea of this scenario is to allow easy writing of new scenarios by moving groups to where you want them, or deleting unwanted ones, setting up victory conditions and orders. The databases do not include many of the islands by name so I've put them in the template scenarios.
To use the battleset exract the HDSU.rsr and HDSU res files into your main harpoon directory/folder probably HUCE in a std installation. To play the built in scenarios you need to copy the HCCW-140314 database into the main folder or use TonyE's HC Launncher (from the Harpgamer downloads) and select that database before opening the game.