CV32 Posted December 4, 2007 Report Posted December 4, 2007 Understanding Harpoon Classic and Harpoon Commander's Edition File NamesSCENARIO FILE NAMESEach Harpoon Classic (HC) or Harpoon Commander's Edition (HCE) scenario has its own distinctive 8 letter file name followed by a 3 letter extension.The format for all HC/HCE scenario file names is: ????????.sc?The .sc? extension tells you which BattleSet to open for a given scenario.Original BattleSets:GIUK: *.sc1NACV: *.sc2MEDC: *.sc3IOPG: *.sc4Harpooner Designer Series 1 (HDS 1):GIUK: *.sc6NACV: *.sc7MEDC: *.sc8IOPG: *.sc9Harpooner Designer Series 2 (HDS 2):GIUK: *.scaNACV: *.scbMEDC: *.sccIOPG: *.scdHarpooner Designer Series 3 (HDS 3):GIUK: *.sceNACV: *.scfMEDC: *.scgIOPG: *.schEC2000:GIUK: *.sciNACV: *.scjMEDC: *.sckIOPG: *.sclEC2003:GIUK: *.scmNACV: *.scnMEDC: *.scoIOPG: *.scpWestpac: *.scqCarribean Basin: *.scsSouth Atlantic: *.sctSouth Africa: *.scuMiddle East: *.scvUser Made BattleSet: *.sczUSNI:USNI Scenarios use the Original GIUK Platforms and are therefore *.sc1 USNI Re-made (i.e. pretty map) *.sc0SAVED FILE NAMESSaved File names follow a similar convention to Scenario File names.Instead of the .sc? extension, saved files use a .hp? extension.Thus, the format for all Saved Files names is: ????????.hp?The .hp? extension tells you to which BattleSet a given Save File belongs.Original BattleSet:GIUK: *.hp1NACV: *.hp2MEDC: *.hp3IOPG: *.hp4Harpooner Designer Series 1 (HDS 1):GIUK: *.hp6NACV: *.hp7MEDC: *.hp8IOPG: *.hp9Harpooner Designer Series 2 (HDS 2):GIUK: *.hpaNACV: *.hpbMEDC: *.hpcIOPG: *.hpdHarpooner Designer Series 3 (HDS 3):GIUK: *.hpeNACV: *.hpfMEDC: *.hpgIOPG: *.hphEC2000:GIUK: *.hpiNACV: *.hpjMEDC: *.hpkIOPG: *.hplEC2003:GIUK: *.hpmNACV: *.hpnMEDC: *.hpoIOPG: *.hppWestpac: *.hpqCarribean Basin: *.hpsSouth Atlantic: *.hptSouth Africa: *.hpuMiddle East: *.hpvUser Made BattleSet: *.hpzUSNI:USNI Saved Files all share the Original GIUK designation of *.hp1 USNI Re-made (i.e. pretty map) *.hp0
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