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File Name: HC_95to10_DB

File Submitter: divefreak

File Submitted: 30 Nov 2010

File Updated: 12 Jan 2011

File Category: Databases

Authors: René Haar

Game Version: HCE


This is the former EURO_DB. The DB is no longer focused on GIUK/Atlantique Ocean/Mediteranean only, it covers the whole World except the Westpac Area due to Space Limitations (County Names).


It is a worldwide DB for the period from around 1995-2010.


The main difference to the in Game db is the changed philosophy for base structure.

All long range weapons (SAM/SSM) are removed from

Harbours/Airbases. So a Scen-Writer has to add mobile Units to replace the SAMs with improved design posibilities.

Fixed SAM will only provided by AD-Fixed existing in Reality or have exist in the past.



This Version also supports all Changes that comes with the 1. Patch such as improved ECM and the new Gun Model




All scens written for the Euro DB will be transfered to the new dbs.


A little comment on the naming convention for all entries


an (x) beore the name marks hypothetical entries that never became operational.


the timetag after the name indicates the ioc date for a unit...


(1964) unit enterd service in 1964

(1970-80) unit /version for 1970 to 80

(-1970) unit retired in 1970


those dates are only a hint/help for scen designers not a fixed "law"





Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany


Most of it´s Artwork(Drawings) comes from www.shipbucket.com with permission of the Artist to use their work in my DB for non commercial purpose.


Click here to download this file







  • 3 weeks later...
Use this frist Version of the DB with some care! Units without a date might be altered in future versions!


it´s getting more and more stable, many thanks to Ralf for his patience.... :rolleyes:


Sorted out more faults and weak point


New Units: in this editon mainly new versions of the EF-2000/Typhoon


Added some new grafics and text


and some south korean units...


please use this db with the updated media file from the download section! Otherwise the game may crash while using the platform display!



  • 4 weeks later...

I was playing Suprise in the Pacific using the database 95 to 10. It is a challenging scenerio but partially through the scenerio I notice that the AAM 5 on the F 15J Plus was having very low kill rates and upon examining it loadout it show a kill percentage of only 7. I also notice the F15J had a intercept load of only short range heat seekers while it had a antisurface loadout had only sparrows and heat seekers. I cannot access the database with platform editor so I was wondering if an updated database had be released for 95 to 10.

I was playing Suprise in the Pacific using the database 95 to 10. It is a challenging scenerio but partially through the scenerio I notice that the AAM 5 on the F 15J Plus was having very low kill rates and upon examining it loadout it show a kill percentage of only 7. I also notice the F15J had a intercept load of only short range heat seekers while it had a antisurface loadout had only sparrows and heat seekers. I cannot access the database with platform editor so I was wondering if an updated database had be released for 95 to 10.


I´ll upload a fixed version today.....

I was playing Suprise in the Pacific using the database 95 to 10. It is a challenging scenerio but partially through the scenerio I notice that the AAM 5 on the F 15J Plus was having very low kill rates and upon examining it loadout it show a kill percentage of only 7. I also notice the F15J had a intercept load of only short range heat seekers while it had a antisurface loadout had only sparrows and heat seekers. I cannot access the database with platform editor so I was wondering if an updated database had be released for 95 to 10.


I´ll upload a fixed version today.....



Hey divefreak


I reloaded the updated version of the database and extracted directly into HCE, it replaced the command.res file. I opened up the game again and the rating for the AAM5 is still at 5. I also noticed the intercept for the F15J is still only AIM9-L and only has a range of 576. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, I have been downloading many zip files and have not experience this before.

I was playing Suprise in the Pacific using the database 95 to 10. It is a challenging scenerio but partially through the scenerio I notice that the AAM 5 on the F 15J Plus was having very low kill rates and upon examining it loadout it show a kill percentage of only 7. I also notice the F15J had a intercept load of only short range heat seekers while it had a antisurface loadout had only sparrows and heat seekers. I cannot access the database with platform editor so I was wondering if an updated database had be released for 95 to 10.


I´ll upload a fixed version today.....



done... HC-95to10-DB_110112 is up


Thanks for the report about the faulty weapon and loadout!

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