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After adjusting ASROC drop distances of torps to target we looked at the distance actually dropped and the torps position immediately after drop. We observed the torpedo was always dropped directly on the sub or 0nm away and also the torps were instantly at the depth of the sub. This was regardless of level of detection or lock on the sub. This gave the sub no warning of a drop on them by ASROC and no time to react or any sensor check might be too long for a detection. I was thinking perhaps a adjustment on flight time might increase the drop distance to the sub a bit and If needed adjustment to torpedoes acquiring depth instantly on drop. Helicopter drops have to start at shallow and make their way down. I have a scenario with a player-controlled sub moving towards a ASROC armed ship at cruise speed and deep. The sub also is active to enhance detection by the ship. The sub will close to 12 nm when ASROC fires at sub. Helicopters are launched by AI on sub too but do not close in time to attack sub prior to ASROC attack. I have attached a test scenario with two saved games one second prior to ASROC launch and two save games prior to torpedo drop. I have also included both message log and GE log collected for the save games. Logs label 2 or for the torpedo drop while the other is for the ASROC