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About This File

Stalintc's Staff Assistant Mod

Version: 1.01


This Mod is intended to slightly improve the aesthetics of the staff assistant window.


I have replaced the backgrounds with new ones, which I think the staff assistants look much happier in :)


In order to install


1) backup your Graphics folder in C:\Matrix Games\HCE


2) then move the two jpg files from this zip file into the graphics folder, clicking yes to any overwrite request.


3) load up HCE and test to make sure it works


4) voila!! new staff assistant windows!


I am not responsible for any ill effects caused by using this mod, you use these graphics at your own risk.


While I am happy for my work to be shared and for it to be edited for personal preference, it is not to be reposted in its edited form without my prior consent.


I hope you enjoy using these graphics as much as I do and did creating them!


By Terry "Stalintc" Courtney


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