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About This File

1.1 Background: The coast of Norway is made up of fjords and islands with high, rocky coasts. This is a perfect place for small surface craft to operate because the rock walls make them hard to spot on radar, and the short detection ranges make their smaller SSMs more useful than in open ocean. Additionally, there are so many fjords and other places to hide such that no navy can afford enough large craft to do the job.


1.2 Blue Orders: You are the commander of two squadrons of Norwegian warships. Coastal spotters have reported some large Soviet missile craft moving into your sector. Spread out and move north from your present position, searching along the coastline. Maintain an average speed of 10 knots in order to cover your area in a timely manner.


1.3 Intelligence Brief: The Soviet forces are struggling to control the Norwegian Sea and the coastline. This means finding and destroying Norwegian and other NATO surface units. Once those forces have been diminished, amphibious landings will be made on the coast. These shorten the distances for Soviet ships and aircraft attacking NATO targets in the Atlantic and allow attacks on NATO units that try to reach Soviet targets.


1.4 Minimum Victory Conditions: Disable or destroy at least two Soviet ships.


1.2 Red Orders: You are the commander of a squadron of light Soviet missile frigates. You have left your home port and are cruising south along the coast. Attack any and all enemy surface crafts encountered.


1.3 Intelligence Brief: The Norwegian Navy, backed by NATO forces, is struggling to retain control of the Norwegian sea. If Soviet forces can gain sea control they can seize vital bases along the coast. These shorten the distances for Soviet ships and aircraft attacking NATO targets in the Atlantic, and allow attacks on NATO units that try to reach Soviet targets.


1.4 Minimum Victory Conditions: Destroy at least one NATO vessel, frigate or larger, and severely damage two other NATO vessels.

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