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About This File

This is an experiment in using SimPlot on Intel 64 bit MacOS.

* Please note: I do not have an Apple Developer ID anymore, and this may affect program execution (whether or not it opens).

* Also please note: There is a bug in this version that prevents custom maps from being displayed after you close the program (and restart later). This issue is addressed in the Windows version, but it was not addressed in the Mac version before my Apple Developer ID expired. Therefore, this problem cannot be fixed.

The dmg file will download but must be activated by clicking on it in the download pane of the browser or double-click on it using Finder (in the Downloads folder).

The dmg will open as an attached device (sorry--there is no installer yet for SimPlot). If a window pops up showing the SimPlot2.app file, please close it. Running SP2 from that window will only provide a temporary storage space for the application.

Using Finder, create a new sub-folder in your Applications folder (ex: SimPlot2). Drag and drop the SimPlot2.app file from the attached device to your new folder. Close the attached device (click the close button next to it in Finder).

You are now ready to use SimPlot by double-clicking the SimPlot2.app file. You may get a security warning, but allow it to continue opening the application.

What's New in Version Build 19   See changelog


  • Fixed a bug that prevented a MapMaker created file from displaying a background map.
  • The formation editor is complete. You may now create new formations using nmi,yards, or meters as distances.
  • Before hitting the Create Formation button, you must select the type of formation bearing (compass or heading).
  • There are still some formation bugs with respect to the Turn Replay feature.
  • The units in a formation do not have movement AI, so when a formation turns they may "teleport" to their new locations. If you need detailed formation movement, please use waypoints (units in a formation cannot use waypoints except the center unit--detailed formation movement cannot be via the formation editor).

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