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File Name: Oubliette

File Submitter: CV32

File Submitted: 13 Mar 2008

File Category: WestPac


Authors: Brad Leyte

Battleset-WPac: .scq - WPac - WestPac




A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Westpac Battleset.


This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side.


The war in Central Europe is bogging down, and although NATO has suffered horrendous losses, the Soviet armored thrust has lost its momentum. There are rumours of growing dissension and unrest among the upper echelons of military command in Moscow. The risk of the Soviets resorting to the use of nuclear weapons in desperation has climbed considerably in the past few days.


US Navy ballistic missile submarines, already deployed and at sea, have been directed to their patrol stations in case things go south. Several of these boomers, including the USS Tennessee, have been ordered to take up positions where they could potentially exploit depressed trajectory launches of their missile load, reducing warning time substantially.


Click here to download this file


I ran this one and think that I've run into a problem.


I was granted victory as soon as my SSN and SSBN crossed the Kuriles and into the Sea of Okhotsk.


I checked in the ScenEditor and the Polygon is definitely centred on the area specified in the orders and not around the Kurile Islands.


Ok, thanks, Herman. I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else has problems with the VC's triggering early or strangely, especially if you're running the patched GE.

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