The Daegu Class FFG is an improved variant of the Inchoen Class FFG.
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id Category Name Requestor Recorder Status 7 Aircraft A-4M Skyhawk Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 13 Aircraft Aero L-59 Super Albatros (used by Egypt and Tunisia) Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 8 Aircraft Export version of the Mirage F-1 Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 32 Aircraft F-16V (Taiwan) eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 50 Aircraft F-35A,B,C rainman rainman Unreviewed 29 Aircraft F/A-18 Super Hornet Block III eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 42 Aircraft KAI KF-21 Boramae eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 34 Aircraft Mig-31K JSF eeustice Unreviewed 43 Aircraft RQ-180 eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 31 Aircraft Shenyang FC-31 eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 9 Aircraft Soko IAR-93 Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 53 Aircraft Tempest eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 35 Aircraft Tu-22M3M JSF eeustice Unreviewed 30 Aircraft USAF F-15EX Eagle II eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 41 Installations Snake Island JSF eeustice Unreviewed 38 Sensors SONAR 2087 eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 16 Ships Arleigh Burke Flight III DDG eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 18 Ships British Type 31 frigate eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 4 Ships Chinese Type 002 (Shandong) CV eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 1 Ships Chinese Type 055 destroyer cdcool TonyE Unreviewed 2 Ships Chinese Type 075 LHD cdcool TonyE Unreviewed 10 Ships Ethiopia's Petya IIs (F 1616 and F 1617) and Turyas (HTB 112 and HTB 113) Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 23 Ships India’s Aircraft Carrier Vikrant eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 28 Ships JMSDF Mogami Class FFg eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 15 Ships Kenya's Nyayo and Brooke Marine class missile boats Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 47 Ships Maya Class DDG eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 48 Ships Mogami Class Multi-Mission Stealth Frigate eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 27 Ships Republic of Korea Daegu Class frigate eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 3 Ships Royal New Zealand Navy ANZAC cdcool TonyE Unreviewed 26 Ships San Antonio Flight II eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 14 Ships Sri Lanka's OPVs and PGs Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 24 Ships Type 054B Type 057 FFG eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 25 Ships Type 056 Corvette eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 36 Ships Type 26 FFG Global Combat Ship eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 39 Ships Type 31 FFG Inspiration class eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 19 Ships US Constellation Class FFG eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 20 Submarines Columbia Class SSBN eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 49 Submarines Dosan Ahn Changho Class Submarines eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 11 Submarines Libya's Foxtrot submarines Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 12 Submarines Romania's export Kilo Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 5 Submarines SSN 23 Jimmy Carter Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 46 Submarines Taigei Class Attack Submarine eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 21 Submarines USS Virginia Block IV eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 22 Submarines USS Virginia Block V eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 6 Submarines Variant Israeli Dolphin submarine. Mgellis eeustice Unreviewed 54 Weapons AGM-88G Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile Extended Range (AARGM-ER) eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 40 Weapons ASRAAM (AIM-132) eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 56 Weapons Arrow 3 eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 17 Weapons DF26 PRC IRBMs Byron eeustice Unreviewed 52 Weapons Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 51 Weapons Hwasong-12 eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 55 Weapons MK 54 Lightweight Torpedo eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 44 Weapons PL-15 Air to Air eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 45 Weapons PL-21 Air to Air Missile eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 33 Weapons R-360 Neptune SSM eeustice eeustice Unreviewed 37 Weapons Sea Ceptor (CAMM) eeustice eeustice Unreviewed -
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