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What should this endeavour be named? To get specific there are two projects here.


1. The revamping of the Harpoon Classic (HC) game in all likelyhood starting from scratch and borrowing existing code and ideas where they are useful. This forms more of a platform or gaming system where you plug in game rules and models rather than a complete game itself (think Vassal but not so much).


2. The first ruleset for the above platform will be a rather close adaptation of the H3 Paper rules.


So far I've called #1 HC Next Gen and #2 the H3 Paper Conversion. The first can easily be abbreviated to HCNG but the second imho is just a miserable name in that it will be confused with the H3/ANW game and is difficult to abbreviate without multiplying that confusion.




#1 - Computer Harpoon or CH - We're esstentially for the first time creating a faithful converstion of Harpoon paper rules to computer....not just "inspired bye" or "featuring the data from" as the original and all the versions that have come since really were. Simple and describes exactly what we're doing.


#2 - Call this first module 3CH31...again simple and accurate (we're porting the 3.1 ruleset). Next Module CH41...H4.1 ruleset conversion.


I think if we keep the names simple and true to a literal conversion project we can hopefully keep everyone focused on the mission and not get embroiled in discussion of things that take the project outside of its scope...then we end up with HCE again or worse ANW!


1) Harpoon Reloaded.

2) I've never read (or even seen) the paper rules, so this isn't going to be a big selling point for me. Start with Module 1 and work from there.


The level of confusion that would be created by calling the program just Computer Harpoon is too great, especially since that term is used often in the back and forth between AGSI and Bond and such.


Harpoon Reloaded, the only thing I don't like is that the acronym tends to HR which around here means Human Resources.


3CH31 for the paper ruleset stuff sounds decent to me, it doesn't remind me of anything else.


Interestingly enough while I was tinkering with the old original Harpoon Signature Edition released by Three-Sixty yesterday I clicked on the "about" menu to check version and noticed the program is copyrighted as "Computer Harpoon ©1989". Since we are proposing a project that goes back to the Three-Sixty roots of the Harpoon franchise a fitting name to the project would be "Computer Harpoon II" or CH2 for short. "Computer Harpoon" apparently has already been used. I see what we are doing as truly picking up where they left off and even back-tracking to take a more literal translation from paper to PC.


The 3.1 ruleset could be called CH231 and the 4.1 ruleset CH241.


Ultimately the name is less important than the substance of adherance to a faithful translation from paper to PC, but I like simple and it doesn't get much simpler than Computer Harpoon II!


Since the discussion has stalled the following are the acronyms.


#1 HCNG - Harpoon Classic Next Generation


#2 CH31 - I don't care how it gets expanded as I'm after the acronym.


How about:


CHASE - Computer . Harpoon . Advanced . Strategic . Edition (Thanks Brains)


CHASW - Computer . Harpoon . Advanced . Strategic . Warfare


CHGNW - Computer . Harpoon . Global . Naval . Warfare


CHS31 - Computer . Harpoon . Strategic 3.1


CHGE - Computer . Harpoon . Generals . Edition


Just some ideas... (Must admit I missed this thread... sorry for late input...)


Guys, you must know that if you really want to sell a title, especially an acronym, it must have the word "Joint" in it.


Amateurs. :rolleyes::P


Harpoon 3 paper rules arrived yesterday complete, unpunched, even a copy of the first "pilot" Naval Sitrep. It is amazing the variances in prices on ebay, after being outbid when I stopped at $51 last week, I got my complete game for under $20 including the shipping.


Definitely looks like a somewhat simpler game to play/implement. I look forward to chiming in.

Harpoon 3 paper rules arrived yesterday complete, unpunched, even a copy of the first "pilot" Naval Sitrep. It is amazing the variances in prices on ebay, after being outbid when I stopped at $51 last week, I got my complete game for under $20 including the shipping. Definitely looks like a somewhat simpler game to play/implement. I look forward to chiming in.


Congrats. Looks like you got a deal. :)


I think we need an indication of the year/version we're owning/playing.

We're playing Harpoon for 20 years, and we'll playing Harpoon for the next 20 years, at least.

The last years, there're a lot of confussion about the versions in Harpoon Classic (I don't like and don't play Harpoon II/ANW variants, and they're another lot of confuse/incompatible variants), and I don't want that confussion the next 20 years !!

In my PC, I solve the problem with carpet files denominated "Harpoon CE" (for Commander's Edition), or "Harpoon Classic", for the old version.

We must keep it very simple, I think.


For me, is enough something like "HC 2009", and we can add something as paper rules 4.1, as in "HC 2009/PR 4.1".


Yes, Harpoon 3.1 is much simpler. Glad to see we're getting some folks serious about this literal conversion project to the point of going out an buying the 3.1 boxed game!

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