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IA submarines don't launch Anti Ship Missiles

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Observed building the latest scenarios.

At start I did think the Red side don't launch antiship missiles from its submarines.

This afternoon developed this little test scenario (Mediterranean 2003 theatre) to very this, but the results are at least "strange".

1).- Playing Blue, near the Lebanese coast.

The Red AWACS detects our merchant ships, but only the two northernmost submarines, one Royal Navy and other USN lauch their anti-ship missiles (Harpoon, and the USN submarine some 90 minutes later the longer ranged old TASM), but all the others submarine groups (All Russian SSGN) sail by own AI initiative to use torpedoes againts the merchants (also doing this the US and UK submarines):

- Neither SS-N-7, SS-N-9 (Charlie I/II). have differente flags to Harpoon, but are not launched, same with the little different flagged SS-N-12, SS-N-19, SS-N-26 (Echo II and Oscar II/III).

- Changing Charlie I/II to country UK/US, same result.

- Changing Charlie I/II from SSGN to SSN, same result.

2).- Playing Red, near the Sicilian coast (I didn't observe this running the usual scenarios, but probably because usually play Blue side):

The Blue AWACS detects our merchant ships, but none of the submarines, including the same two northernmost submarines, one Royal Navy and other USN lauch their anti-ship missiles (Harpoon), same the Russian submarines don't lauch missiles, but ALL the submarine groups (NATO and Russian) sail to use torpedoes againts the merchants:

- Changing Charlie I/II to country UK/US, same result.

- Changing Charlie I/II from SSGN to SSN, same result.




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Playing Red, at -16:44  Echo II launch SS-N-12 at some 12 nm target distance (its range is some 200 nm, and its minimum range 12 nm).

Very probably those launch distances correspond with passive sonar maximum range of the submarine launching missiles, less in the case of US and UK submarines. In consequence, others submarines launch their anti-ship missiles at ridiculous short distances, apparently at least.

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I'm reading this on my tablet while having lunch. I'm wondering would the subs actions be different if part of a group including surface combatants with suitable range missile. 

I'll also have a play tonight, I wonder if the subs have a solid fix on the targets?

And thanks for reminder the aam missiles, I just realise I wasted I don't know how many $M last night firing sparrow and sidewinder at vhigh alt incoming missiles 🙊

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5 hours ago, donaldseadog said:

I'm reading this on my tablet while having lunch. I'm wondering would the subs actions be different if part of a group including surface combatants with suitable range missile. 

Not idea, I'll see.

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