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https://discord.gg/t7pekGk in case anyone wants to join a fully public Harpoon 5 Multiplayer discord server. I can help you get to know Simplot2 and how to use it for double-blind games using the Discord channel. We have successfully used this method for both play by post (similar to PBEM style, submit orders, then update Simplot2 then show images then submit next turn orders) and real-time games. Discord offers both voice and video comms too for the realtime games or occasional "team" chats for Red or Blue teams. 


Excellent!  We still get out the really old technology and meet on IRC now and again, channel #harpgamer.  https://web.libera.chat/ It helps to post on the forum here and say "I'll be on Sunday at 8pm Central US time".


Discord is similar to IRC, but has voice and video support as well as image pasting and url emedded linking as well. So, basically a modernized IRC. Its worked well for double blind Harpoon5 match as we have been able to also set permissions on both Red and Blue team rooms. We've even isolated sub commanders in their own rooms until they come up to breath and chat.

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