using database hccw 140314
battleset westpac
seen in GE 2022.027
scenario SlowTurn_CW_WestPac.scq starts with blue single ship group headed near north and detects a single ship red group just out of gun range approx due west.
save game SlowTurn.hpq Blue group has been ordered to attack red group, it has calculated course to close and attack, out of range reported as 3 mile. Group continues on original course for 30 mins but during this time it continues to recalculate the course to close.
save game SlowTurn+28.hpq is about 28 min after attack order, in about 2 mins the group will come around on heading for the latest course to close.
Research tells me a destroyer should turn on about a 1/4 mile radius (~450 yds), at 30 knots it should do a half mile per min so turn about 90 deg in 45 sec. ?