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  1. View File Three Carriers and Three Cruisers: Battle for the Eastern Med. February 2022. Three Carriers and Three Cruisers: Battle for the Eastern Med. February 2022. Historical Alternate Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russian and allies side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 8, the ITS Cavour Strike Group and the Charles de Gaulle Carrier Strike Group transit the Mediterranean Sea in formation, Feb. 6, 2022. The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Sixth Fleet area of operations in support of naval operations to maintain maritime stability and security, and defend U.S., allied and partner interests in Europe and Africa. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Bela Chambers, a serviceperson on duty and in consequence on public domain). Enough is enough. From the eventful year of 2014 (Mainly from the Russian invasion of Crimea) the world was beginning clearly the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire including previous Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of "his" Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. After the massive Russian build-up of forces from late 2021 in Russia and Belarus near the Ukrainian border, NATO forces were forced to an increased and constant deployment near Ukraine and the Eastern Mediterranean, to deterrent Putin's ambition. The probably plan was to avoid an intervention by NATO ground forces but preventing the Russian main forces to enter Ukrainian territory, and to get this target to establish an air and sea exclusion zone around and over Ukraine. Aside air elements deployed to near NATO countries (and four B-52H based in RAF Fairford (ASa), capable of both land and ship strike), and a constant monitoring of the Russian movements, three aircraft carriers (Truman, De Gaulle and Cavour, this last one mostly symbolic as was yet equipped with AV-8B+) were deployed on the Eastern Mediterranean, to keep at bay the Russian forces in Syria and the Mediterranean, and later to reinforce the exclusion zone and to execute offensive actions against the Russian forces in the Black Sea and Ukraine. Included in these forces was the USS Georgia, SSGN-729 and STANDING NATO MARITIME GROUP TWO (SNMG2), flagship Italian FREMM frigate Carlo Margottini F592. For the Russian side a great number of elements of the Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets were deployed in the Mediterranean, including amphibious ships sailing to the Black Sea, dangerously depleting the reserves of all the Russian fleets. Also, Tu-22M3 Backfire-C with Kh-32 anti-ship missiles and MIG-31K Foxhound with Kh-47M2 Kinzhal/AS-24 Killjoy were deployed in the infamous Russian base of Khmeimim in Syria. And of course the surviving forces of the Assad regime after the 2011 civil war are in the Russian side, defending its country. On the paper the Russian forces are weaker, but employing old Cold War era tactics could settle a surprise and propaganda blow to the Western forces. Also, probably the doubtful Turkey and other countries could not joint the NATO ranks because Russian nuclear blackmail and other types of asymmetrical pressure. And the things are going worse every day... Enrique Mas, February 20, 2022. Submitter broncepulido Submitted 02/20/2022 Category MEDC  
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Three Carriers and Three Cruisers: Battle for the Eastern Med. February 2022. Historical Alternate Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russian and allies side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 8, the ITS Cavour Strike Group and the Charles de Gaulle Carrier Strike Group transit the Mediterranean Sea in formation, Feb. 6, 2022. The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Sixth Fleet area of operations in support of naval operations to maintain maritime stability and security, and defend U.S., allied and partner interests in Europe and Africa. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Bela Chambers, a serviceperson on duty and in consequence on public domain). Enough is enough. From the eventful year of 2014 (Mainly from the Russian invasion of Crimea) the world was beginning clearly the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire including previous Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of "his" Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. After the massive Russian build-up of forces from late 2021 in Russia and Belarus near the Ukrainian border, NATO forces were forced to an increased and constant deployment near Ukraine and the Eastern Mediterranean, to deterrent Putin's ambition. The probably plan was to avoid an intervention by NATO ground forces but preventing the Russian main forces to enter Ukrainian territory, and to get this target to establish an air and sea exclusion zone around and over Ukraine. Aside air elements deployed to near NATO countries (and four B-52H based in RAF Fairford (ASa), capable of both land and ship strike), and a constant monitoring of the Russian movements, three aircraft carriers (Truman, De Gaulle and Cavour, this last one mostly symbolic as was yet equipped with AV-8B+) were deployed on the Eastern Mediterranean, to keep at bay the Russian forces in Syria and the Mediterranean, and later to reinforce the exclusion zone and to execute offensive actions against the Russian forces in the Black Sea and Ukraine. Included in these forces was the USS Georgia, SSGN-729 and STANDING NATO MARITIME GROUP TWO (SNMG2), flagship Italian FREMM frigate Carlo Margottini F592. For the Russian side a great number of elements of the Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets were deployed in the Mediterranean, including amphibious ships sailing to the Black Sea, dangerously depleting the reserves of all the Russian fleets. Also, Tu-22M3 Backfire-C with Kh-32 anti-ship missiles and MIG-31K Foxhound with Kh-47M2 Kinzhal/AS-24 Killjoy were deployed in the infamous Russian base of Khmeimim in Syria. And of course the surviving forces of the Assad regime after the 2011 civil war are in the Russian side, defending its country. On the paper the Russian forces are weaker, but employing old Cold War era tactics could settle a surprise and propaganda blow to the Western forces. Also, probably the doubtful Turkey and other countries could not joint the NATO ranks because Russian nuclear blackmail and other types of asymmetrical pressure. And the things are going worse every day... Enrique Mas, February 20, 2022.
  3. View File Exercise Dynamic Manta 2022 (DYMA 22), February 21-March 4, 2022. Historical Training Scenario. Exercise Dynamic Manta 2022 (DYMA 22), February 21-March 4, 2022. Historical Training Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170308 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/NATO side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 ships, other allied ships and submarines sail in formation in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Sicily, Feb. 21, 2022, during Exercise Dynamic Manta 22 (DYMA 22) (U.S. Navy photo courtesy of the French navy by OR-8 Stephane Dzioba, and in consequence on public domain) 220221-O-NO101-1122 From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. At last the Russian campaign for the invasion of Ukraine started on February 24, 2022. But was only the apex and last outcome of a succession of military actions. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and the SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, and later on January 30, an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen. (And neither counting in great landlocked actions, as the counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. The first iteration of this scenario was designed five years ago, based in the big anti-submarine exercise Dynamic Manta 2017 begun in 13 March 2017, and was not interpreted by many journalists as an answer to the latest Russian actions and menacing postures as in the case of Dynamic Mongoose 2015, as it was actually a yearly exercise. But in the current world situation was legit to think otherwise. Four years later the reality was probably those and other continuous exercises, the NATO Baltic Air Policing, and the deployment of token NATO ground forces in the Baltic States and rest of Eastern Europe, are showing to Putin's Russia the resolution to defend Europe and allies as a whole, and preventing the development of a hot war. But from 2017 to 2022 the international situation was going worse. Increased tensions and open conflicts in Eastern Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, the recent, fast, innovative and decisive war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the increased foreign operations of Iran, Qatar and the UAE, including proxy attacks against Saudi Arabia and the crescendo of the Turkish military power cutting ties with the Western alliances. Not an easy near future for the new President Biden and the traditional European partners. As novelty in Dynamic Manta 2022 the scarce presence of US warships, probably escorting the Truman carrier strike group in Eastern Mediterranean, and the presence of no less than three Spanish frigates (Including one in Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, composed this time by the flagship Italian Navy FREMM ASW-variant frigate Carlo Margottini F-592, Turkish Perry-modified frigate Goksu F-497, and Spanish Aegis ship Blas de Lezo F-103). Of course this is a training exercise and actual shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... Enrique Mas, February 25, 2022. Submitter broncepulido Submitted 02/25/2022 Category MEDC  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Exercise Dynamic Manta 2022 (DYMA 22), February 21-March 4, 2022. Historical Training Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170308 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/NATO side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 ships, other allied ships and submarines sail in formation in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Sicily, Feb. 21, 2022, during Exercise Dynamic Manta 22 (DYMA 22) (U.S. Navy photo courtesy of the French navy by OR-8 Stephane Dzioba, and in consequence on public domain) 220221-O-NO101-1122 From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. At last the Russian campaign for the invasion of Ukraine started on February 24, 2022. But was only the apex and last outcome of a succession of military actions. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and the SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, and later on January 30, an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen. (And neither counting in great landlocked actions, as the counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. The first iteration of this scenario was designed five years ago, based in the big anti-submarine exercise Dynamic Manta 2017 begun in 13 March 2017, and was not interpreted by many journalists as an answer to the latest Russian actions and menacing postures as in the case of Dynamic Mongoose 2015, as it was actually a yearly exercise. But in the current world situation was legit to think otherwise. Four years later the reality was probably those and other continuous exercises, the NATO Baltic Air Policing, and the deployment of token NATO ground forces in the Baltic States and rest of Eastern Europe, are showing to Putin's Russia the resolution to defend Europe and allies as a whole, and preventing the development of a hot war. But from 2017 to 2022 the international situation was going worse. Increased tensions and open conflicts in Eastern Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, the recent, fast, innovative and decisive war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the increased foreign operations of Iran, Qatar and the UAE, including proxy attacks against Saudi Arabia and the crescendo of the Turkish military power cutting ties with the Western alliances. Not an easy near future for the new President Biden and the traditional European partners. As novelty in Dynamic Manta 2022 the scarce presence of US warships, probably escorting the Truman carrier strike group in Eastern Mediterranean, and the presence of no less than three Spanish frigates (Including one in Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, composed this time by the flagship Italian Navy FREMM ASW-variant frigate Carlo Margottini F-592, Turkish Perry-modified frigate Goksu F-497, and Spanish Aegis ship Blas de Lezo F-103). Of course this is a training exercise and actual shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... Enrique Mas, February 25, 2022.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Exercise Dynamic Manta 2021 (DYMA 21), February 22-March 5, 2021. Historical Training Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170308 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/NATO side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: December 10, 2010, USS Halsey (DDG-97) assigned to Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, sails in a formation in the Arabian Sea with the French aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle (R-91) during a photo exercise. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Spencer Mickler/Released, a serviceperson on duty and in consequence in public domain. Took from Wikipedia Commons). From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and the SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, and later on January 30, an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen. (And neither counting in great landlocked actions, as the counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. When the big anti-submarine exercise Dynamic Manta 2017 did begin in 13 March 2017 was not interpreted by many journalists as an answer to the latest Russian actions and menacing postures as in the case of Dynamic Mongoose 2015, as it was actually a yearly exercise. But in the current world situation was legit to think otherwise. Four years later the reality was probably those and other continuous exercises, the NATO Baltic Air Policing, and the deployment of token NATO ground forces in the Baltic States and rest of Eastern Europe, are showing to Putin's Russia the resolution to defend Europe and allies as a whole, and preventing the development of a hot war. But from 2017 to 2021 the international situation was going worse. Increased tensions and open conflicts in Eastern Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, the recent, fast, innovative and decisive war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the increased foreign operations of Iran, Qatar and the UAE, and the crescendo of the Turkish military power cutting ties with the Western alliances. Not an easy near future for the new President Biden and the traditional European partners. As novelty in Dynamic Manta 2021 it's not only an ASW group composed by Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (Flagship Spanish Navy Aegis ship Cristobal Colon F-105), as is also added as ASW force in transit the French CVN Charles de Gaulle (R-91) Strike Group, in Mission Clemenceau 21, and her international escort. Included in her escort are many modern French and Italian type FREMM frigates, and the ubiquitous USS Porter (DDG-78), modified and based from 2015 in Rota, Spain, for Ballistic Missile Defence tasks. Of course this is a training exercise and actual shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... Enrique Mas, March 6, 2021.
  6. Version 1.0.2


    HMS Queen Elizabeth CSG21 Phase I: The Med. Early July 2021. Historical Alternate Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russian side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R 08) and guided-missile destroyer USS Halsey (DDG 97) operate in formation in the Gulf of Aden, July 12, 2021, few days after this scenario depicted actions (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jason Tarleton, a serviceperson on duty and in consequence in public domain). At last UK returns to rule the waves. After a few years delay, Carrier Strike Group 21, centred in the HMS Queen Elizabeth, carrying both British and USMC F-35B fighter-bombers, and with a multinational NATO escort, sails the first stages of her Far East tour. Some of her escorts are returning from courtesy visits on friendly ports, or from the conflictive Black Sea, waiting to traverse the Suez Canal from Port Said. But from the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. If the things go wrong, its forward deployed forces in the Mediterranean and Syria should complicate the life on board CSG21. And the things are going wrong ... Enrique Mas, July 18, 2021.
  7. View File HMS Queen Elizabeth CSG21 Phase I: The Med. Early July 2021. Historical Alternate Scenario. HMS Queen Elizabeth CSG21 Phase I: The Med. Early July 2021. Historical Alternate Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russian side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R 08) and guided-missile destroyer USS Halsey (DDG 97) operate in formation in the Gulf of Aden, July 12, 2021, few days after this scenario depicted actions (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jason Tarleton, a serviceperson on duty and in consequence in public domain). At last UK returns to rule the waves. After a few years delay, Carrier Strike Group 21, centred in the HMS Queen Elizabeth, carrying both British and USMC F-35B fighter-bombers, and with a multinational NATO escort, sails the first stages of her Far East tour. Some of her escorts are returning from courtesy visits on friendly ports, or from the conflictive Black Sea, waiting to traverse the Suez Canal from Port Said. But from the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. If the things go wrong, its forward deployed forces in the Mediterranean and Syria should complicate the life on board CSG21. And the things are going wrong ... Enrique Mas, July 18, 2021. Submitter broncepulido Submitted 07/18/2021 Category MEDC
  8. View File The not so Lonely New Queen of the North. March 2021. Hypothetical Scenario. The not so Lonely New Queen of the North. March 2021. Hypothetical Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the GIUK Gap Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russian side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: Russian Guided Missile Cruiser Marshal Ustinov (Soviet Project 1164 Atlant, Slava-class for NATO) steaming through the English Channel on November 15, 2018. Aerial photograph took from a Royal Navy Merlin Mk2 Helicopter by LPHOT SEELEY/MOD, and licensed under the Open Government License. In all the three Slava-class cruiser completed, P-500 Bazalt anti-ship cruise missiles are replaced by P-1000 Vulkan anti-ship missiles. Chervona Ukraina/Varyag was from the start equipped with P-1000 Vulkan anti-ship missiles, and in Slava/Moskva and Marshal Ustinov P-500 Bazalt were replaced by P-1000 Vulkan (in service from 1987) in the late 1980s. From the start, casual observers were surprised by the steadfastness of the new Biden Administration face the aggressive and expansionist Russia and China postures. One of its first moves was the deployment of B-1B Lancer, with maritime strike capability (nominally equipped with AGM-158C LRASM-A from June 2018), in Norway 22 February-23 March 2021, including one B-1B deployed to Bodo inside the Arctic Circle from March 8. Less known to the world, that action was in response to continuous near violations of Norway's territorial waters by Russian naval vessels. Most executed sailing west of the Fishermen Peninsula by the Guided Missile Cruiser Marshal Ustinov, temporally the biggest Northern Fleet surface warship after the Pyotr Velikiy CGN, in a clear propaganda stunt but with a 35 years old vessel. Fjords and a big enemy warship playing hide-and-seek, for some a remembrance of 1944 and the ancient German battleship Tirpitz, the Lonely Queen of the North. In this hypothetical scenario many misunderstood drive to a hot situation and an open conflict, but to avoid an escalade limited to into theater forces and limited ground strikes against the opponent sovereign territories. Enrique Mas, 4 July 2021. Submitter broncepulido Submitted 07/04/2021 Category GIUK
  9. Version 1.0.0


    The not so Lonely New Queen of the North. March 2021. Hypothetical Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the GIUK Gap Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russian side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: Russian Guided Missile Cruiser Marshal Ustinov (Soviet Project 1164 Atlant, Slava-class for NATO) steaming through the English Channel on November 15, 2018. Aerial photograph took from a Royal Navy Merlin Mk2 Helicopter by LPHOT SEELEY/MOD, and licensed under the Open Government License. In all the three Slava-class cruiser completed, P-500 Bazalt anti-ship cruise missiles are replaced by P-1000 Vulkan anti-ship missiles. Chervona Ukraina/Varyag was from the start equipped with P-1000 Vulkan anti-ship missiles, and in Slava/Moskva and Marshal Ustinov P-500 Bazalt were replaced by P-1000 Vulkan (in service from 1987) in the late 1980s. From the start, casual observers were surprised by the steadfastness of the new Biden Administration face the aggressive and expansionist Russia and China postures. One of its first moves was the deployment of B-1B Lancer, with maritime strike capability (nominally equipped with AGM-158C LRASM-A from June 2018), in Norway 22 February-23 March 2021, including one B-1B deployed to Bodo inside the Arctic Circle from March 8. Less known to the world, that action was in response to continuous near violations of Norway's territorial waters by Russian naval vessels. Most executed sailing west of the Fishermen Peninsula by the Guided Missile Cruiser Marshal Ustinov, temporally the biggest Northern Fleet surface warship after the Pyotr Velikiy CGN, in a clear propaganda stunt but with a 35 years old vessel. Fjords and a big enemy warship playing hide-and-seek, for some a remembrance of 1944 and the ancient German battleship Tirpitz, the Lonely Queen of the North. In this hypothetical scenario many misunderstood drive to a hot situation and an open conflict, but to avoid an escalade limited to into theater forces and limited ground strikes against the opponent sovereign territories. Enrique Mas, 4 July 2021.
  10. View File Exercise Dynamic Manta 2021 (DYMA 21). Exercise Dynamic Manta 2021 (DYMA 21), February 22-March 5, 2021. Historical Training Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170308 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/NATO side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: December 10, 2010, USS Halsey (DDG-97) assigned to Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, sails in a formation in the Arabian Sea with the French aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle (R-91) during a photo exercise. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Spencer Mickler/Released, a serviceperson on duty and in consequence in public domain. Took from Wikipedia Commons). From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and the SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, and later on January 30, an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen. (And neither counting in great landlocked actions, as the counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. When the big anti-submarine exercise Dynamic Manta 2017 did begin in 13 March 2017 was not interpreted by many journalists as an answer to the latest Russian actions and menacing postures as in the case of Dynamic Mongoose 2015, as it was actually a yearly exercise. But in the current world situation was legit to think otherwise. Four years later the reality was probably those and other continuous exercises, the NATO Baltic Air Policing, and the deployment of token NATO ground forces in the Baltic States and rest of Eastern Europe, are showing to Putin's Russia the resolution to defend Europe and allies as a whole, and preventing the development of a hot war. But from 2017 to 2021 the international situation was going worse. Increased tensions and open conflicts in Eastern Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, the recent, fast, innovative and decisive war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the increased foreign operations of Iran, Qatar and the UAE, and the crescendo of the Turkish military power cutting ties with the Western alliances. Not an easy near future for the new President Biden and the traditional European partners. As novelty in Dynamic Manta 2021 it's not only an ASW group composed by Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (Flagship Spanish Navy Aegis ship Cristobal Colon F-105), as is also added as ASW force in transit the French CVN Charles de Gaulle (R-91) Strike Group, in Mission Clemenceau 21, and her international escort. Included in her escort are many modern French and Italian type FREMM frigates, and the ubiquitous USS Porter (DDG-78), modified and based from 2015 in Rota, Spain, for Ballistic Missile Defence tasks. Of course this is a training exercise and actual shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... Enrique Mas, March 6, 2021. Submitter broncepulido Submitted 03/06/2021 Category MEDC  
  11. View File B-52 Maritime Strike 2020, Historical training scenario. B-52 Maritime Strike 2020, Historical training scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/US-Morocco side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: A B-52H Stratofortress assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, parks on the flightline at RAF Fairford, England, Sept. 4, 2020, three days before the simulated attacks against USS Roosevelt (DDG-80), South West of Spain. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jesse Jenny, took by a US serviceperson on duty, and in consequence in public domain). B-52 bombers were deployed many years with anti-surface ship capability, in prevention of an all-out war with the Soviet Block. So, thirty B-52G based some with the 42nd Bombardment Wing in Loring AFB, ME, and some others with the 43rd Bombardment Wing in Andersen AFB, Guam, were equipped with the capability of load each one eight AGM-84 Harpoon from 1983 to the end of B-52G operations in 1994. After Loring AFB closed and the retirement of the last B-52G at Castle AFB, CA, the Harpoon mission was moved to the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB, LA. Four B-52H models were rapidly modified (as an interim measure) from September 1994 to accept Harpoon launch control equipment pending B-52H fleet modification. By 1997, all B-52H airframes were to load and launch from eight to twelve AGM-84D Harpoon 1C, providing both the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot AFB, ND, and the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB, LA, full squadron strength capability. But that capability was deleted from B-52H in 2004 (perhaps coincidental with a covert early introduction in service of JASSM). After the coming of Second Cold War from the continuous Russian Presidency of Vladimir Putin from 2012, and the great and fast expansion of the Chinese surface fleet, surges again the necessity of anti-surface warships elements. In the B-52H inventory is at least from 2009 the stealthy AGM-154A JASSM with some interim anti-ship capability (first only with 12xJASSM in the underwing pylons, with other four more in the rotary bomb bay from June 2017, and with the full capacity of eight JASSM in the rotary launcher from June 2019). In 2020 B-52H is yet waiting for inventory introduction of the longer ranged and ship-attack specialized AGM-154C LRASM-A, from late 2018 in B-1B Lancer, and from November 2019 in F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. Yet without LRASM, from mid-2018 B-52H executed multiple simulated maritime strike missions from Guam near the Chinese theatre of operations and the China vindicated artificial islands, flying from Andersen AFB, Guam. At last, on 7 September 2020, two B-52H of a detachment of six of the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot AFB, ND, based a RAF Fairford, with support of four Royal Moroccan Air Force F-16C, attacked in exercise USS Roosevelt (DDG-80), one of the four US destroyers based for BDM (Ballistic Missile Defence) tasks in Rota, Spain, upgraded with a SeaRAM mount, 5"/62 gun, and other improved elements. That's the simulation object of this simulation, with other few elements added, trying to capture the B-52 maritime strike essence. Of course this is a training exercise and actual shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... Enrique Mas, 10 October 2020. Submitter broncepulido Submitted 10/10/2020 Category MEDC
  12. Version 1.0.0


    B-52 Maritime Strike 2020. Historical training scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/US-Morocco side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: A B-52H Stratofortress assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, parks on the flightline at RAF Fairford, England, Sept. 4, 2020, three days before the simulated attacks against USS Roosevelt (DDG-80), South West of Spain. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jesse Jenny, took by a US serviceperson on duty, and in consequence in public domain). B-52 bombers were deployed many years with anti-surface ship capability, in prevention of an all-out war with the Soviet Block. So, thirty B-52G based some with the 42nd Bombardment Wing in Loring AFB, ME, and some others with the 43rd Bombardment Wing in Andersen AFB, Guam, were equipped with the capability of load each one eight AGM-84 Harpoon from 1983 to the end of B-52G operations in 1994. After Loring AFB closed and the retirement of the last B-52G at Castle AFB, CA, the Harpoon mission was moved to the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB, LA. Four B-52H models were rapidly modified (as an interim measure) from September 1994 to accept Harpoon launch control equipment pending B-52H fleet modification. By 1997, all B-52H airframes were to load and launch from eight to twelve AGM-84D Harpoon 1C, providing both the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot AFB, ND, and the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB, LA, full squadron strength capability. But that capability was deleted from B-52H in 2004 (perhaps coincidental with a covert early introduction in service of JASSM). After the coming of Second Cold War from the continuous Russian Presidency of Vladimir Putin from 2012, and the great and fast expansion of the Chinese surface fleet, surges again the necessity of anti-surface warships elements. In the B-52H inventory is at least from 2009 the stealthy AGM-154A JASSM with some interim anti-ship capability (first only with 12xJASSM in the underwing pylons, with other four more in the rotary bomb bay from June 2017, and with the full capacity of eight JASSM in the rotary launcher from June 2019). In 2020 B-52H is yet waiting for inventory introduction of the longer ranged and ship-attack specialized AGM-154C LRASM-A, from late 2018 in B-1B Lancer, and from November 2019 in F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. Yet without LRASM, from mid-2018 B-52H executed multiple simulated maritime strike missions from Guam near the Chinese theatre of operations and the China vindicated artificial islands, flying from Andersen AFB, Guam. At last, on 7 September 2020, two B-52H of a detachment of six of the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot AFB, ND, based a RAF Fairford, with support of four Royal Moroccan Air Force F-16C (based at Ben Guerir, an old Transatlantic Abort Landing site for the space shuttle), attacked in exercise USS Roosevelt (DDG-80), one of the four US destroyers based for BDM (Ballistic Missile Defence) tasks in Rota, Spain, upgraded with a SeaRAM mount, 5"/62 gun, and other improved elements. That's the simulation object of this simulation, with other few elements added, trying to capture the B-52 maritime strike essence. Of course this is a training exercise and actual shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... Enrique Mas, 10 October 2020.
  13. View File FONOPS off Venezuela 2020. Historical/Alternate History Scenario. FONOPS off Venezuela 2020. Historical/Alternate History Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Caribbean Basin Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/US-Allied side or from the Red/Venezuela side. You should play a few times first the Blue/US-Allied side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Venezuela side. Image: The littoral combat ship USS Detroit (LCS-7) travels in formation with the guided missile destroyers USS Lassen (DDG-82), USS Preble (DDG-88) and USS Farragut (DDG-99), as well as a Navy P-8A aircraft while conducting maritime security operations in the Caribbean Sea, May 11, 2020. Photo By: Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Anderson W. Branch, VIRIN: 200511-N-KK394-1564Y.JPG, took by a serviceperson on duty, and in consequence in public domain. Freedom of Navigation is a principle of consuetudinary international law, relative to freedom movement of vessels of sovereign states without the interference of other states, with the exceptions provided by international law. Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS) are operations of naval ships transits to enforce and guarantee Freedom of Navigation in dubious or contested maritime zones, and codified as in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The U.S. Navy executes freedom of navigation operations with regularity. Though the U.S. is not a signatory to UNCLOS, it broadly supports UNCLOS framework for freedom of navigation, and the Navy routinely carries out transits and other operations to demonstrate the recognized limits of claimed territorial seas, most highlighted in the South China Sea. The United States was the signatory of the 1958 version on UNCLOS which had many of the same provisions as the current treaty. When the required number of nation-states has ratified it, UNCLOS goes into effect and becomes part of international law for the entire world, including the US. UNCLOS was recognized and adhered to by the US since 1983 as part of the Reagan administration's ocean policy. US Navy FONOPS is based on UNCLOS. Venezuela has from some time ago required prior notification for military operations between its 12 nautical miles territorial seas boundary and its EEZ boundary extended to 200 nautical miles, and it has challenged U.S. government vessels in this zone. Also, the U.S. does not recognize the administration of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, favoring political opposition leader Juan Guaido instead. In 2020, and in the aftermath of the March 31-April 1 night, when the Venezuelan patrol ship Naiguata (GC-23) was sunk by ramming of the reinforced arctic hull of RNMS Resolute cruise ship with Portuguese flag, under accusations of attempt to throwing the Maduro regimen, USN persists on its FONOPS operations. Venezuela is determined in the control and identification on ships sailing its EEZ, and after the RNMS Resolute incident, the clash is almost inevitable. This scenario is qualified as "historical" because the present forces are the same historically available at August 2020. Enrique Mas, August 29, 2020. Submitter broncepulido Submitted 08/29/2020 Category Caribbean Basin
  14. Version 1.0.0


    FONOPS off Venezuela 2020. Historical/Alternate History Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Caribbean Basin Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/US-Allied side or from the Red/Venezuela side. You should play a few times first the Blue/US-Allied side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Venezuela side. Image: The littoral combat ship USS Detroit (LCS-7) travels in formation with the guided missile destroyers USS Lassen (DDG-82), USS Preble (DDG-88) and USS Farragut (DDG-99), as well as a Navy P-8A aircraft while conducting maritime security operations in the Caribbean Sea, May 11, 2020. Photo By: Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Anderson W. Branch, VIRIN: 200511-N-KK394-1564Y.JPG, took by a serviceperson on duty, and in consequence in public domain. Freedom of Navigation is a principle of consuetudinary international law, relative to freedom movement of vessels of sovereign states without the interference of other states, with the exceptions provided by international law. Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS) are operations of naval ships transits to enforce and guarantee Freedom of Navigation in dubious or contested maritime zones, and codified as in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The U.S. Navy executes freedom of navigation operations with regularity. Though the U.S. is not a signatory to UNCLOS, it broadly supports UNCLOS framework for freedom of navigation, and the Navy routinely carries out transits and other operations to demonstrate the recognized limits of claimed territorial seas, most highlighted in the South China Sea. The United States was the signatory of the 1958 version on UNCLOS which had many of the same provisions as the current treaty. When the required number of nation-states has ratified it, UNCLOS goes into effect and becomes part of international law for the entire world, including the US. UNCLOS was recognized and adhered to by the US since 1983 as part of the Reagan administration's ocean policy. US Navy FONOPS is based on UNCLOS. Venezuela has from some time ago required prior notification for military operations between its 12 nautical miles territorial seas boundary and its EEZ boundary extended to 200 nautical miles, and it has challenged U.S. government vessels in this zone. Also, the U.S. does not recognize the administration of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, favoring political opposition leader Juan Guaido instead. In 2020, and in the aftermath of the March 31-April 1 night, when the Venezuelan patrol ship Naiguata (GC-23) was sunk by ramming of the reinforced arctic hull of RNMS Resolute cruise ship with Portuguese flag, under accusations of attempt to throwing the Maduro regimen, USN persists on its FONOPS operations. Venezuela is determined in the control and identification on ships sailing its EEZ, and after the RNMS Resolute incident, the clash is almost inevitable. This scenario is qualified as "historical" because the present forces are the same historically available at August 2020. Enrique Mas, August 29, 2020.
  15. Version 1.0.1


    Exercise Dynamic Mongoose 2020. June 29-July 20 2020. Historical Training Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for GIUK Gap Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.012 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russian side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: The US surface element in Dynamic Mongoose 2002 was the Arleigh Burke-class Flight IIA (With 5"/62 calibers Mk45 Mod 4 gun replacing the previous 5"/54) guided-missile BMD destroyer USS Roosevelt (DDG 80) conducting here a photo exercise with the Santa Maria-class frigate SPS Santa Maria (F 81) Southwest Spain, as Roosevelt transited from its homeport in Rota, to Iceland for NATO Exercise Dynamic Mongoose 2020, June 25, 2020. Roosevelt replaces USS Carney (DDG 64) after five years as part of Forward Deployed Naval Force-Europe (FDNF-E), and as the four previous ships based at Rota, has replaced her aft 20mm Phalanx mount by a SeaRAM missile mount (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Austin G. Collins/Released. Photo took by a service person on duty, and in consequence in public domain). From the last years constant NATO and partners military exercises are a guarantee to prevent any Russia temptation to resolve with an open war its internal issues, with another military offensive action after the Georgia, Crimea and East Ukraine actions. From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and its SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, the later January 30 incident, when an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen, and the constant and intense naval drills as Sea Shield, Dynamic Manta and Dynamic Mongoose 2017. (And without counting in great landlocked actions, as the complex counter-Daesh operations in Middle East, nor the Chinese naval issues and challenges). For many observers the continuous and large NATO and partners military exercises show to Russia the Western will to resist his threats, keeping a tense peace. The Russian were also executing continuous exercises and operations, surprising the World again with intervention in Libya airlifting across the Mediterranean Sea via the Russian Khmeimim base in Syria (but previously with Russian military contractors in Libya from 2018, of the Wagner company of Yevgeny Prigozhin). Even more confuse with the unexpected support of Turkey to the opposing side, including first line naval vessels, and airlifted elements of the Assadist Syrian National Army, dating from officially 2 January 2020 (Approbation of the intervention by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey). To clarify (or not) sides, Russia's Putin is supporting the 2014 elected House of Representatives relocated to hotels in Tobruk, and Erdogan's Turkey is supporting the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord, with the UN Security Council endorsement, and as added complication Al-Sisi's Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, as Russia, supports the Tobruk's House of Representatives government and opposes the Turkish intervention because the East Mediterranean balance of power. And Egyptian Army heavy elements wait to cross the Egypt-Libya border from 14 July 2020, when Tobruk's House of Representatives approved a motion authorising Egypt to directly intervene military in Libyan ground if needed. Dynamic Mongoose 2017 was developed near Iceland first time as is usually executed near Norway, with participation of Icelandic elements, now in the way to be converted in true armed forces. From this 2020 edition, second time in Iceland, it has been decided that the exercises will be held alternately in Iceland and Norway. Iceland will provide facilities in the security area of Keflavik Airport and the Icelandic Coast Guard will participate in the exercises. Probably part of the exercise, as showed in this scenario, was to control the passage of Russian submarines between Greenland and Iceland, but this is only an informed guess. For sake of comparison and of the evolving forces, you can play also the previous Dynamic Mongoose 2015 and 2017 scenarios, and see the meagre elements deployed this year of Covid-19. Of course this is a training exercise and actually shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... Enrique Mas, 21 July 2020.
  16. View File Exercise Dynamic Mongoose 2020. Exercise Dynamic Mongoose 2020. June 29-July 20 2020. Historical Training Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for GIUK Gap Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.012 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russian side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. Image: The US surface element in Dynamic Mongoose 2002 was the Arleigh Burke-class Flight IIA (With 5"/62 calibers Mk45 Mod 4 gun replacing the previous 5"/54) guided-missile BMD destroyer USS Roosevelt (DDG 80) conducting here a photo exercise with the Santa Maria-class frigate SPS Santa Maria (F 81) Southwest Spain, as Roosevelt transited from its homeport in Rota, to Iceland for NATO Exercise Dynamic Mongoose 2020, June 25, 2020. Roosevelt replaces USS Carney (DDG 64) after five years as part of Forward Deployed Naval Force-Europe (FDNF-E), and as the four previous ships based at Rota, has replaced her aft 20mm Phalanx mount by a SeaRAM missile mount (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Austin G. Collins/Released. Photo took by a service person on duty, and in consequence in public domain). From the last years constant NATO and partners military exercises are a guarantee to prevent any Russia temptation to resolve with an open war its internal issues, with another military offensive action after the Georgia, Crimea and East Ukraine actions. From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and its SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, the later January 30 incident, when an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen, and the constant and intense naval drills as Sea Shield, Dynamic Manta and Dynamic Mongoose 2017. (And without counting in great landlocked actions, as the complex counter-Daesh operations in Middle East, nor the Chinese naval issues and challenges). For many observers the continuous and large NATO and partners military exercises show to Russia the Western will to resist his threats, keeping a tense peace. The Russian were also executing continuous exercises and operations, surprising the World again with intervention in Libya airlifting across the Mediterranean Sea via the Russian Khmeimim base in Syria (but previously with Russian military contractors in Libya from 2018, of the Wagner company of Yevgeny Prigozhin). Even more confuse with the unexpected support of Turkey to the opposing side, including first line naval vessels, and airlifted elements of the Assadist Syrian National Army, dating from officially 2 January 2020 (Approbation of the intervention by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey). To clarify (or not) sides, Russia's Putin is supporting the 2014 elected House of Representatives relocated to hotels in Tobruk, and Erdogan's Turkey is supporting the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord, with the UN Security Council endorsement, and as added complication Al-Sisi's Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, as Russia, supports the Tobruk's House of Representatives government and opposes the Turkish intervention because the East Mediterranean balance of power. And Egyptian Army heavy elements wait to cross the Egypt-Libya border from 14 July 2020, when Tobruk's House of Representatives approved a motion authorising Egypt to directly intervene military in Libyan ground if needed. Dynamic Mongoose 2017 was developed near Iceland first time as is usually executed near Norway, with participation of Icelandic elements, now in the way to be converted in true armed forces. From this 2020 edition, second time in Iceland, it has been decided that the exercises will be held alternately in Iceland and Norway. Iceland will provide facilities in the security area of Keflavik Airport and the Icelandic Coast Guard will participate in the exercises. Probably part of the exercise, as showed in this scenario, was to control the passage of Russian submarines between Greenland and Iceland, but this is only an informed guess. For sake of comparison and of the evolving forces, you can play also the previous Dynamic Mongoose 2015 and 2017 scenarios, and see the meagre elements deployed this year of Covid-19. Of course this is a training exercise and actually shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... Enrique Mas, 21 July 2020. Submitter broncepulido Submitted 07/20/2020 Category GIUK
  17. File Name: Porter, Black Sea and Sea Shield 2017, February 2017. Historical/Alternate History Scenario. File Submitter: broncepulido File Submitted: 12 Mar 2017 File Category: MEDC Porter, Black Sea and Sea Shield 2017, February 2017. Historical/Alternate History Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170326 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. Image: Number 6305, A Romanian MiG-21MF-75 Lancer C firing S-5 air-to-ground rockets during a training exercise in June 18, 2010. Photo by Miha Zamfirescu, took from Wikipedia Commons. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russian side. To avoid a few spoilers you should play a few times first the Blue side, and only later play the Red side. With the world on the brink of an open war after four years of impending Second Cold War, just after the take of possession and first days of mandate of Donald Trump from January 20, 2017, another repeated point of naval and military operations popped-up again, diverting in the headlines the situation in Eastern Ukraine. After a new intensification of the Russian operations supporting with GRAD rockets bombardment the separatist actions from January 31, 2017 in the Avdiivka sector, from February 1 to 11, 2017, NATO executed exercise Sea Shield 2017. The exercise was probably combined with isolated Freedom of Navigation (FON) operations by USS Porter (DDG-78), first of the only four SeaRAM equipped Burke-class destroyers of CTF-64, tasked with Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) and forward based in Naval Station Rota, Spain, from April 2015. As usual in FON operations, USS Porter was buzzed those days by probably Russian Naval Aviation Su-24M, and the exercise finished without notable incidents, in spite of the international and regional situation in Crimea and Ukraine. This scenario explores the possibilities of something going wrong as consequence of the buzzing by Russian aircrafts, perhaps an autonomous response of SeaRAM at incoming Russian warplanes, and of a limited military conflict with the present forces: components of Sea Shield 2017 exercise, a few other Turkish elements because the internal problems and international posture of Turkey (Perhaps about change sides, after the fake failed 15 July 2016 anti-Erdogan coup, and the subsequent rarefied relations with NATO, US and Russia), Russian naval and aeronaval forces in the Black Sea, units defending the Russian-Occupied Crimea, and a few Russian Air Force elements. Worth of remembering is, after the full of naval, military and security incidents year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War. Mostly as result of President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) actions, provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and the SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the de ployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, and later on January 30, an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen. (and neither counting in great landlocked actions, as the counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. In this scenario the opposed forces are limited, and in a short time must achieve an overwhelming victory against the other side, to prevent extension of the conflict showing their superior capabilities, or failing it. The depicted Russia and NATO regional orders of battle are the most historical accurate possible at February 2017. Enrique Mas, 12 March 2017. Click here to download this file
  18. File Name: Second Cold War ASW Warfare in the Sea of Japan, late November 2017. File Submitter: broncepulido File Submitted: 29 Oct 2017 File Category: WestPac Second Cold War ASW Warfare in the Sea of Japan, late November 2017. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Western Pacific Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is very probably more funny, fast and furious than the precedent and similar "ASW Forms, Harpoon 3 Battles of the Third World War", settled some twenty-five years before, on late August 1991 Image: The Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force anti-submarine warfare helicopter destroyer Hyuga (DDH-181) during Annual Exercise ANNUALEX 21G. On deck two SH-60J (two first ones) and two SH-60K behind, with ESM sensors relocated up in the nose middle. November 17, 2009, photo by John M. Hageman, U.S. Navy, a serviceperson on duty and in consequence in public domain, took from Wikipedia Commons. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/Allied side or from the Red/Russian-? side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. An anti-submarine warfare derivative scenario from the precedent "ASW Forms, Harpoon 3 Battles of the Third World War, late August 1991", with updated and contemporary Orders of Battle and better and more realistic warships and submarines availability and deployment. . The scenario is settled at the start of a contemporary Second Cold War going hot because many causes, the opening movements and contacts, and the first days of true combat. At November 2017, few weeks after the WWIII start in Europe after the Putin's Russia invasion of the Baltic States after the Zapad-17 drills and the subsequent NATO response, in the Far East Japan was keep neutral to avoid a second front for the NATO and other allied Western forces. In the Sea of Japan trading lanes and fishing zones were maintained open and accessible, but with the months pass the tension was increasing. At last, Russia decided to attack the Japanese maritime traffic to create a Far East second front and alleviate the pressure in the main European/North Atlantic theatre of operations. Note: the scenario is qualified as "Historical" because the forces present in the scenario were the historically deployed or very near to the zone of operations in November 2017, including the US Navy ships forward deployed to United States Fleet Activities Yokosuka (and not damaged in recent collisions!), the most modern Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force submarines and warships, basically those from Sasebo District Fleet and Sasebo Naval Base, the Russian Pacific Fleet, and the Chinese North Sea Fleet. Enrique Mas, October 29, 2017. Click here to download this file
  19. 148 downloads

    Second Cold War ASW Warfare in the Sea of Japan, late November 2017. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Western Pacific Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.013 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is very probably more funny, fast and furious than the precedent and similar "ASW Forms, Harpoon 3 Battles of the Third World War", settled some twenty-five years before, on late August 1991 Image: The Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force anti-submarine warfare helicopter destroyer Hyuga (DDH-181) during Annual Exercise ANNUALEX 21G. On deck two SH-60J (two first ones) and two SH-60K behind, with ESM sensors relocated up in the nose middle. November 17, 2009, photo by John M. Hageman, U.S. Navy, a serviceperson on duty and in consequence in public domain, took from Wikipedia Commons. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/Allied side or from the Red/Russian-? side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side. An anti-submarine warfare derivative scenario from the precedent "ASW Forms, Harpoon 3 Battles of the Third World War, late August 1991", with updated and contemporary Orders of Battle and better and more realistic warships and submarines availability and deployment. . The scenario is settled at the start of a contemporary Second Cold War going hot because many causes, the opening movements and contacts, and the first days of true combat. At November 2017, few weeks after the WWIII start in Europe after the Putin's Russia invasion of the Baltic States after the Zapad-17 drills and the subsequent NATO response, in the Far East Japan was keep neutral to avoid a second front for the NATO and other allied Western forces. In the Sea of Japan trading lanes and fishing zones were maintained open and accessible, but with the months pass the tension was increasing. At last, Russia decided to attack the Japanese maritime traffic to create a Far East second front and alleviate the pressure in the main European/North Atlantic theatre of operations. Note: the scenario is qualified as "Historical" because the forces present in the scenario were the historically deployed or very near to the zone of operations in November 2017, including the US Navy ships forward deployed to United States Fleet Activities Yokosuka (and not damaged in recent collisions!), the most modern Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force submarines and warships, basically those from Sasebo District Fleet and Sasebo Naval Base, the Russian Pacific Fleet, and the Chinese North Sea Fleet. Enrique Mas, October 29, 2017.
  20. File Name: Sea Breeze 2017 going wrong. Historical/Alternate History Scenario. File Submitter: broncepulido File Submitted: 13 Oct 2017 File Category: MEDC Sea Breeze 2017 going wrong. Historical/Alternate History Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.012 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO-Ukraine side or from the Red/Russia side. You should play a few times first the Blue/NATO-Ukraine side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Russian side. Image: Cmdr. Peter Halvorsen, commanding officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Carney (DDG 64), participates in a press conference in Odessa, Ukraine, during exercise Sea Breeze 2017 July 12. Observe the shielded 12.7mm M2 machine-gun added in the extreme bow (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Weston Jones/Released, took by a service person on duty, and in consequence in public domain). From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and its SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, the later January 30 incident, when an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen, and the constant and intense naval drills as Sea Shield, Dynamic Manta, Dynamic Mongoose and the new anti-ballistic missile exercise Formidable Shield 2017. (And without counting in great landlocked actions, as the complex counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. For many observers the continuous and large NATO and partners military exercises shows to Russia the Western will to resist his threats, keeping a tense peace. The Russian were also executing continuous exercises and operations, and showing them without many explanations in propaganda news reports, from Zapad-17, projected for 14-20 September 2017 to continuous ASW exercises. Between all those events, from 10 to 22 July 2017 exercise Sea Breeze 2017 was developed in the Black Sea, with many phases and targets, and with limited NATO and Ukrainian forces. Sea Breeze 2017 counted with 31 participant warships and 29 aircrafts of 17 nations with some 3000 personnel. Mainly was in part an ASW exercise, in part a surface warfare exercise, in part an amphibious exercise, culminated with light forces landing in the uninhabited Tendra Spit sandbar, near Kherson, Ukraine (City named by the same placement classical antiquity region of Chersonesus). The main ASW exercise was executed between Odessa, Ukraine, and the disputed Sevastopol, in the 2014 Russian-occupied Crimea peninsula. Was also developed a little propaganda in Russian-controlled media about the lack of ASW capability of the Western. But many world parts were in high tension because other causes. Not only the Chinese vindications on "terraformed" territories in South China Sea and the USN answer with Freedom of Navigation (FON) patrol are forcing the camel back and contributing to the world turmoil, but also the incredible direct menaces of North Korean President Kim and his constant and provocative launching of ballistic missiles, overflying Japan and other habited zones. As consequence of that instability, anything can happen in any time in any place, and probably Sea Breeze 2017 will be not an exception. Of course this is a training exercise and actually shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... or perhaps yes. This scenario is qualified as "historical" because the present forces are the same historically available. Enrique Mas, October 12, 2017. Click here to download this file
  21. 102 downloads

    Sea Breeze 2017 going wrong. Historical/Alternate History Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor Build 2017.012 and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO-Ukraine side or from the Red/Russia side. You should play a few times first the Blue/NATO-Ukraine side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Russian side. Image: Cmdr. Peter Halvorsen, commanding officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Carney (DDG 64), participates in a press conference in Odessa, Ukraine, during exercise Sea Breeze 2017 July 12. Observe the shielded 12.7mm M2 machine-gun added in the extreme bow (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Weston Jones/Released, took by a service person on duty, and in consequence in public domain). From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and its SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, the later January 30 incident, when an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen, and the constant and intense naval drills as Sea Shield, Dynamic Manta, Dynamic Mongoose and the new anti-ballistic missile exercise Formidable Shield 2017. (And without counting in great landlocked actions, as the complex counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. For many observers the continuous and large NATO and partners military exercises shows to Russia the Western will to resist his threats, keeping a tense peace. The Russian were also executing continuous exercises and operations, and showing them without many explanations in propaganda news reports, from Zapad-17, projected for 14-20 September 2017 to continuous ASW exercises. Between all those events, from 10 to 22 July 2017 exercise Sea Breeze 2017 was developed in the Black Sea, with many phases and targets, and with limited NATO and Ukrainian forces. Sea Breeze 2017 counted with 31 participant warships and 29 aircrafts of 17 nations with some 3000 personnel. Mainly was in part an ASW exercise, in part a surface warfare exercise, in part an amphibious exercise, culminated with light forces landing in the uninhabited Tendra Spit sandbar, near Kherson, Ukraine (City named by the same placement classical antiquity region of Chersonesus). The main ASW exercise was executed between Odessa, Ukraine, and the disputed Sevastopol, in the 2014 Russian-occupied Crimea peninsula. Was also developed a little propaganda in Russian-controlled media about the lack of ASW capability of the Western. But many world parts were in high tension because other causes. Not only the Chinese vindications on "terraformed" territories in South China Sea and the USN answer with Freedom of Navigation (FON) patrol are forcing the camel back and contributing to the world turmoil, but also the incredible direct menaces of North Korean President Kim and his constant and provocative launching of ballistic missiles, overflying Japan and other habited zones. As consequence of that instability, anything can happen in any time in any place, and probably Sea Breeze 2017 will be not an exception. Of course this is a training exercise and actually shots, torpedoes and missiles aren't fired and nobody is hurt ... or perhaps yes. This scenario is qualified as "historical" because the present forces are the same historically available. Enrique Mas, October 12, 2017.
  22. File Name: God Save the Queen! July 2017, Historical/Hypothetical Scenario. File Submitter: broncepulido File Submitted: 16 Jul 2017 File Category: GIUK God Save the Queen! July 2017, Historical/Hypothetical Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the GIUK Gap Battleset and the HCDB2-170611 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/UK/NATO side or from the Red/Russia side. You should play a few times first the Blue/UK/NATO side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Russian side. Image: HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) is floated out of her dock for the first time in Rosyth, Scotland in 17 July 2014. MOD photo in Open Government License v1.0, and took from Wikipedia Commons. From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and its SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, the later January 30 incident, when an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen, and the constant and intense naval drills as Sea Shield, Dynamic Manta and Dynamic Mongoose 2017. (And without counting in great landlocked actions, as the complex counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. For many observers the continuous and large NATO and partners military exercises show to Russia the Western will to resist his threats, keeping a tense peace. The Russian were also executing continuous exercises and operations, and showing them without many explanations in propaganda news reports, from the Zapad-17, projected for 14th-20th September 2017, to as in this case an apparently limited ASW exercise between an old and a new submarine (Incidentally, Russia is planning to transfer its 1st Guards Tank Army for exercises to western Belarus in September 2017). Between all those events, on 26 June 2017 the new British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth steamed from Rosyth for six weeks for her first operational sea training cruise. First, UK Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon, writing in "The Telegraph" on 27 June 2017, stated about the "dilapidated" Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, and how "the Russians will look at this ship with a little bit of envy". Two days later, in response, Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov mocked the UK's new ship, saying "The British aircraft carrier is nothing more than just a huge easy naval target". At last, to support his official claims, President Putin decided to clarify the question, ordering the Northern Fleet submarine forces to provoke an "accidental" and "confuse" targeting incident with real torpedoes, simulating a training error, to get the result of see HMS Queen Elizabeth in the North Sea bottom. Enrique Mas, 16 July 2017. Click here to download this file
  23. File Name: Big Lizzie and Big George, August 2017, Historical/Alternate History Scenario. File Submitter: broncepulido File Submitted: 19 Aug 2017 File Category: GIUK Big Lizzie and Big George, August 2017, Historical/Alternate History Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the GIUK Gap Battleset and the HCDB2-170714 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russia side. You should play a few times first the Blue/NATO side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Russian side. Image: The Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) transits alongside the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) during exercise Saxon Warrior 2017, Aug. 8. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Daniel Gaither/Released, and in consequence in public domain, took from https://www.dvidshub.net/search/?q=Saxon+Warrior+2017&filter%5Btype%5D=image&view=list&sort=publishdate&page=6 From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and its SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, the later January 30 incident, when an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen, and the constant and intense naval drills as Sea Shield, Dynamic Manta and Dynamic Mongoose 2017. (And without counting in great landlocked actions, as the complex counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. For many observers the continuous and large NATO and partners military exercises show to Russia the Western will to resist his threats, keeping a tense peace. The Russian were also executing continuous exercises and operations, and showing them without many explanations in propaganda news reports, from the Zapad-17, projected for 14th-20th September 2017 (Incidentally, Russia is planning to transfer its 1st Guards Tank Army for exercises to western Belarus in September 2017), to continuous ASW exercises. Culminating in many simultaneous Naval parades as a great propaganda feast on Navy Day, July 30, in St Petersburg, Kronstadt (including some visiting Chinese warships), Kaliningrad, Novorossiysk, Sevastopol (in the illegally occupied Crimea), Vladivostok and Tartus (Syria). Between all those events, from 26 June to 16 August 2017 the new British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth steamed from Rosyth for six weeks for her first operational sea training cruise (Arriving after in Portsmouth with five Merlin ASW helicopters on desk, as forecasted in the previous HMS Queen Elizabeth scenario). First, UK Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon, writing in "The Telegraph" on 27 June 2017, stated about the "dilapidated" Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, and how "the Russians will look at this ship with a little bit of envy". Two days later, in response, Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov mocked the UK's new ship, saying "The British aircraft carrier is nothing more than just a huge easy naval target". At last, to support his official claims, President Putin decided to clarify the question, ordering the Northern Fleet submarine forces to provoke an "accidental" and "confuse" incident, simulating a training error, to get the result of see HMS Queen Elizabeth in the North Sea bottom. As in the same period the tense situation was depicted in a scenario showed in the harpgamer.com website, NATO decides to escort HMS Queen Elizabeth the rest of her cruise with the forces and with the excuse of the near exercise Saxon Warrior 2017 (July 1 - August 10), centred on the USS George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group (GHWBCSG). In opposite way, President Putin decides to maximize the probabilities of a submarine targeting training "accident" to sink HMS Queen Elizabeth, and send to compromise in this task almost all available Russian resources in the region, both Northern and Baltic Fleets, concentrated to sink the British carrier. But many world parts were in high tension because other causes. Not only the Chinese vindications on "created" territories in the South China Sea and the USN answer with Freedom of Navigation (FON) patrol are forcing the camel back, are contributing to the world turmoil, but also the incredible direct menaces of North Korean President Kim ("Grandson") to launch four ICBM to arrive some 30 Km of Andersen AFB in Guam, with a term finishing on August 15, 2017. As consequence of that instability, and to exploit that window of opportunity, with a probable back-channels Russian nuclear blackmail over Sweden, Poland, Germany and Denmark to neutralize its military forces, Putin decides to act. This scenario is qualified as "historical" because the present forces were the same historically available. Enrique Mas, August 18, 2017. Click here to download this file
  24. 1,426 downloads

    Big Lizzie and Big George, August 2017, Historical/Alternate History Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the GIUK Gap Battleset and the HCDB2-170714 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/Russia side. You should play a few times first the Blue/NATO side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Russian side. Image: The Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) transits alongside the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) during exercise Saxon Warrior 2017, Aug. 8. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Daniel Gaither/Released, and in consequence in public domain, took from https://www.dvidshub.net/search/?q=Saxon+Warrior+2017&filter%5Btype%5D=image&view=list&sort=publishdate&page=6 From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and its SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, the later January 30 incident, when an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen, and the constant and intense naval drills as Sea Shield, Dynamic Manta and Dynamic Mongoose 2017. (And without counting in great landlocked actions, as the complex counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. For many observers the continuous and large NATO and partners military exercises show to Russia the Western will to resist his threats, keeping a tense peace. The Russian were also executing continuous exercises and operations, and showing them without many explanations in propaganda news reports, from the Zapad-17, projected for 14th-20th September 2017 (Incidentally, Russia is planning to transfer its 1st Guards Tank Army for exercises to western Belarus in September 2017), to continuous ASW exercises. Culminating in many simultaneous Naval parades as a great propaganda feast on Navy Day, July 30, in St Petersburg, Kronstadt (including some visiting Chinese warships), Kaliningrad, Novorossiysk, Sevastopol (in the illegally occupied Crimea), Vladivostok and Tartus (Syria). Between all those events, from 26 June to 16 August 2017 the new British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth steamed from Rosyth for six weeks for her first operational sea training cruise (Arriving after in Portsmouth with five Merlin ASW helicopters on desk, as forecasted in the previous HMS Queen Elizabeth scenario). First, UK Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon, writing in "The Telegraph" on 27 June 2017, stated about the "dilapidated" Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, and how "the Russians will look at this ship with a little bit of envy". Two days later, in response, Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov mocked the UK's new ship, saying "The British aircraft carrier is nothing more than just a huge easy naval target". At last, to support his official claims, President Putin decided to clarify the question, ordering the Northern Fleet submarine forces to provoke an "accidental" and "confuse" incident, simulating a training error, to get the result of see HMS Queen Elizabeth in the North Sea bottom. As in the same period the tense situation was depicted in a scenario showed in the harpgamer.com website, NATO decides to escort HMS Queen Elizabeth the rest of her cruise with the forces and with the excuse of the near exercise Saxon Warrior 2017 (July 1 - August 10), centred on the USS George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group (GHWBCSG). In opposite way, President Putin decides to maximize the probabilities of a submarine targeting training "accident" to sink HMS Queen Elizabeth, and send to compromise in this task almost all available Russian resources in the region, both Northern and Baltic Fleets, concentrated to sink the British carrier. But many world parts were in high tension because other causes. Not only the Chinese vindications on "created" territories in the South China Sea and the USN answer with Freedom of Navigation (FON) patrol are forcing the camel back, are contributing to the world turmoil, but also the incredible direct menaces of North Korean President Kim ("Grandson") to launch four ICBM to arrive some 30 Km of Andersen AFB in Guam, with a term finishing on August 15, 2017. As consequence of that instability, and to exploit that window of opportunity, with a probable back-channels Russian nuclear blackmail over Sweden, Poland, Germany and Denmark to neutralize its military forces, Putin decides to act. This scenario is qualified as "historical" because the present forces were the same historically available. Enrique Mas, August 18, 2017.
  25. 1,524 downloads

    God Save the Queen! July 2017, Historical/Hypothetical Scenario. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the GIUK Gap Battleset and the HCDB2-170611 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later. This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/UK/NATO side or from the Red/Russia side. You should play a few times first the Blue/UK/NATO side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Russian side. Image: HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) is floated out of her dock for the first time in Rosyth, Scotland in 17 July 2014. MOD photo in Open Government License v1.0, and took from Wikipedia Commons. From the eventful year of 2014 the World was beginning the so-called Second Cold War, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) was showing clearly his plan to recover the Russian Empire and later Soviet territories for reinstitute the greatness of his Russia, and to guarantee his passage on the History as saviour of the Rodina. From May 2014 Putin was provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, shoot-down by Turkish F-16 fighters equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM on 24 November 2015 of a Russian Su-24M as consequence of the repeated unlawful overflights of Turkey by Russian warplanes based in Latakia, and after two months of repeated warning, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay and its SSBN base, the propaganda stunt of the deployment of the only one Russian aircraft carrier Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov steaming (a lot, literally) from Kola Bay towards Eastern Mediterranean from October 15, 2016, and with constant and multiple Russian overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial flights in Europe, so far as at the Portuguese shores. That without counting in other unrelated naval incidents aside the upcoming Second Cold War, just as the Iranian seizure of the merchant Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, the shore-based anti-ship missile attacks against the catamaran transport ex Swift (HSV-2) and US destroyers on the Red Sea in October 2016 and the ulterior retaliation, the first military operation of the Trump Administration on January 28, 2017, the MV-22B tiltrotor raid of SEAL Team 6 operating from USS Makin Island (LHD-8) against Houthi Yemen, the later January 30 incident, when an Al-Madinah-class Saudi frigate was attacked and damaged probably by a Houthi suicide or drone boat off Al Hudaydah, Houthi Yemen, and the constant and intense naval drills as Sea Shield, Dynamic Manta and Dynamic Mongoose 2017. (And without counting in great landlocked actions, as the complex counter-Daesh operations in Middle East). And meanwhile, more towards Far East a less perceived and growing problem was China, as reflected in the transfer of the 60% of the USN and USAF combat forces to the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 2012, move to be completed by 2020. For many observers the continuous and large NATO and partners military exercises show to Russia the Western will to resist his threats, keeping a tense peace. The Russian were also executing continuous exercises and operations, and showing them without many explanations in propaganda news reports, from the Zapad-17, projected for 14th-20th September 2017, to as in this case an apparently limited ASW exercise between an old and a new submarine (Incidentally, Russia is planning to transfer its 1st Guards Tank Army for exercises to western Belarus in September 2017). Between all those events, on 26 June 2017 the new British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth steamed from Rosyth for six weeks for her first operational sea training cruise. First, UK Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon, writing in "The Telegraph" on 27 June 2017, stated about the "dilapidated" Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, and how "the Russians will look at this ship with a little bit of envy". Two days later, in response, Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov mocked the UK's new ship, saying "The British aircraft carrier is nothing more than just a huge easy naval target". At last, to support his official claims, President Putin decided to clarify the question, ordering the Northern Fleet submarine forces to provoke an "accidental" and "confuse" targeting incident with real torpedoes, simulating a training error, to get the result of see HMS Queen Elizabeth in the North Sea bottom. Enrique Mas, 16 July 2017.
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