During landing of Air Group, AC get locked up and all planes will not land.
Group FiA landing at captured base Fuzhou, China (CHa) only will land 4 planes. ! plane will never land in game.
The same thing has happened on Carrier Group AEC. Air Groups F1A, IvA, G0A, HXA, AaA, and EtA.
This situation occurs if you exceed the # of runways the base or carrier is rated for.
I attempted to create the same issue in a small test scenario and wasn't able to duplicate the issue.
TonyD and I have both sen this issue. He brought it to my attention.
Attached is a saved game 1 second before the air group lands.
If any additional saved games are needed, please let me know.
Air group EzAis also stuck in the same state landing at base FiA.
Attached are saved game 1 second before air group lands. GE and SE log files. Copy of the db used for this game.
AC Locking Up During Landing.zip