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Found 19 results

  1. Issue Information Issue ID #000006 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 20 – Fix Postponed Version 0000.000 Fixed in Scenario Editor Victory Conditions math problemPosted by broncepulido on 06 January 2013 - 01:56 AM When I put as victory condition in the Scenario Editor (I use the last version of it) 300 planes shot-down, I see after reflected as victory condition in the window only 44 planes shot-down. After a short testing,I think I shaw the same problem as with the missiles and decoys some weeks ago: if I put 255 or less planes shot-down as victory condition everything is OK, if I put 256 the victory condition showed is 1 plane shot-down (i.e., apparently the final values Y are the result of X-256=Y if X>255). Issue-006-Scenario-Editor-Victory-Conditions-math-problem.pdf
  2. Issue Information Issue ID #000005 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 0000.000 Fixed in 2013/01/01Posted by cullen52 on 21 December 2012 - 12:28 PM Will there be an extension of the 2013/01/01 --- 2009.66 upgrade or has it been replaced. If so, where might I download it. Thank you for any information. Issue-005-2013-01-01.pdf
  3. Issue Information Issue ID #000048 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 0000.000 Fixed in Playing user scenariosPosted by PongoDeMer on 17 September 2013 - 11:55 PM Simple question: I have returned to HUCE and I have unzipped a number of user scenarios into the HUCE folder. I then booted up the game and searched all the battlesets and they are not there. I have also searched every file revealed by the 'load user scenario' tab in the file menu of the game... again nothing there! What am I doing wrong? PongoDeMer Issue-048-Playing-user-scenarios.pdf
  4. Issue Information Issue ID #000004 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 23 – Fix Accepted By Reporter Version 0000.000 Fixed in "I like it" limitationsPosted by broncepulido on 07 December 2012 - 04:42 AM By the same reason as the downloading scenario issue I post here this issue about the new web site. Each time I want to mark some comment, post or link as "I like it" in the Facebook symbol (errr ... I see now apparently it's not a "I like it" for Facebook), I dont realize it, and I get the message "You've reached your quota of possitive votes for today". This issue is present from the start of the new website. Issue-004-_I-like-it_-limitations.pdf
  5. Issue Information Issue ID #000075 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 23 – Fix Accepted By Reporter Version 0000.000 Fixed in 2014.020 Scenario Editor: problem placing bases on scenariosPosted by broncepulido on 01 July 2014 - 01:33 PM I think I saw this effect from a time ago, but only report it now because many changes or not changes on the Scenario Editor file, and/or usally I pick generic bases and rename/replace them for the scenarios. But now I'm clearly trying to build a conventional scenario and ... In both sides Blue and Red (and Green too), in the attached file, the first base placed is automatically and erroneously renamed to "Bagram", and the sucesive bases renamed also erroneously to a sucesive name of base in the DB. I think it's easier to see it on the attached file: - Cam Ranh Bay is changed to Bagram (the first Red side base placed). - Da Nang is changed to Cam Ranh Bay. - Clark AFB is changed to Bagram (the first Blue side base placed). - Subic Bay is changed to Clark AFB. Issue-075-Scenario-Editor_ problem-placing-bases-on-scenarios.pdf 7FT1.zip
  6. Issue Information Issue ID #000109 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 13 – Awaiting Feedback Version 0000.000 Fixed in Point Defence DEBUG?Posted by broncepulido on 02 May 2015 - 10:49 PM When playing the Mareks Tigris Incident scenario, testing the Phalanx facing (facing and related ammo expediture works fine), I get attached message, but I don't see any effect in the game (but I suspect Point Defence perhaps is doing any hit), the bizarre expression is "DEBUG Farragut PointDefence Got'em all". Issue-109-Point-Defence-DEBUG_.pdf Point Defence DEBUG.zip
  7. Issue Information Issue ID #000110 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 13 – Awaiting Feedback Version 0000.000 Fixed in Victory Condition ErrourPosted by broncepulido on 02 May 2015 - 11:03 PM When playing The Maersk Tigris Incident scenario I was glad to see the Iranian missiles hitting by errour one and other time a passing neutral merchant but ... In the scenario is determined Minor Iranian Victory if a Blue ship is damaged 50%. The passing Green neutral merchant is damaged 54% (not any damage in Blue ships), and the GE determines Minor Iranian Victory! I did't save the game because only later I find the explanation, but I think perhaps is easy to locate the errour in the GE ... Issue-110-Victory-Condition-Errour.pdf
  8. Issue Information Issue ID #000026 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in Chaotic SAM rate of firePosted by broncepulido on 30 June 2013 - 09:04 AM I think a long time ago we wrote something about it, but I don't remember it very well. I was messing with the Cold War DB, thinking in the relation of posible SAM fired from a Beam Rider system (hypothesis, 1xilluminating fire control radar and telecommand system), a SARH system (hypothesis, 2xFCR), a NTU system (hypothesis, 3xFCR) and some AEGIS/PAAMS systems (perhaps 4xFCR, but PAAMS doubles as FCR with less performances). How I've not clear what was the relation SAM rate of fire/bursts per turn, I did a little test, and I get only almost chaotic results !!! Employed as test platform the 2223 entry and her simply 59422 SM-1MR single-arm mount, as in the attached scenario. I don't write the preliminary tests, but these are the main outcomes: First outcome: the number of missiles fired it's not number of rail dependant (I tested the modified launcher with 1, 2 and 4 rails). Second outcome: the number of missiles fired it's not number of possible targets dependant (I tested the modified launcher with 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 possible targets, perhaps late it can affect the number of planes shoot-down when the missile group reaches the plane group, but I've not tested it). Third outcome: mount type, rail or cell, is indifferent to the number of missiles fired. Fourth outcome: only the modification of ROF number in the mount affects the number of missiles fired, OK, that do the issue simpler. Fifth outcome: apparently the game engine solution is to fire a SAM burst each 30 seconds, and the number of missile fired ROF number dependant only (but sometimes launches one only SAM 10 seconds after the main burst). For me is a good and simple solution, but actually his behaviour is very chaotic .... Issue-26-Chaotic-SAM-rate-of-fire.pdf MSLROFTS.zip
  9. Issue Information Issue ID #000053 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in Maximum missile range in plattform editor=6553 nmPosted by broncepulido on 25 September 2013 - 06:32 AM I know the situation is clear, but perousing the new big Soviet ICBMs added by Brad in the last Cold War Database iteration, I see the platform editor (and perhaps also the Game Engine) limits a missile range to 6553 nautical miles. I see it as a very minor issue, but perhaps it's of easy solving. Issue-53-Maximum-missile-range-in-plattform-editor=6553-nm.pdf
  10. Issue Information Issue ID #000054 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in Assertion Failed message errorPosted by broncepulido on 28 September 2013 - 11:12 PM Playing "The Last Convoy" scenario with the WWII DB to verify the game speed I get the adjunt error message many times, I think related with some animation, probably torpedo hitting subs. Pressing the virtual button "omitir" the game keeps running fine, but only the first ten times or so, after the game crashes. Some idea about it? Issue-54-Assertion-Failed-message-error.pdf Assertion Failed.doc
  11. Issue Information Issue ID #000099 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in Firing arc not implemented on Submarine torpedo tubesPosted by broncepulido on 21 November 2014 - 07:56 AM If you play the attached test scenario (HCDB standard 1980-2015, EC 2003 Battleset GIUK Gap), sailing with the Type 205 U-1 SS on the marked course, detecting the cargo ship, pointing with the stern to the cargo ship (U-1 has only frontal arc firing torpedo tubes), firing torpoedoes at target and verifying as torpedoes are fired in direction to target, from the U-1 stern, when U-1 has not stern fire cabables torpedo tubes. Issue-99-Firing-arc-not-implemented-on-Submarine-torpedo-tubes.pdf SUBFIREARCTEST.zip
  12. Issue Information Issue ID #000100 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in Firing Arc not implement on surface ships torpedo tubesPosted by broncepulido on 21 November 2014 - 08:14 AM If you play the attached test scenario (HCDB standard 1980-2015, EC 2003 Battleset GIUK Gap, Blue Side), sailing with the Halland DD on the marked course, detecting the cargo ship, pointing she with the bow to the cargo ship (Halland has only both lateral arcs firing torpedo tubes), firing torpoedoes at target and verifying as torpedoes are fired in direction to target, from the Halland bow, when Halland has not bow arc fire capable torpedo tubes. Issue-100-Firing-Arc-not-implement-on-surface-ships-torpedo-tubes.pdf SHIPSURFACEFIRINGARCTEST.zip
  13. Issue Information Issue ID #000102 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in Another time gun ammo amount errorPosted by broncepulido on 23 November 2014 - 12:46 PM I think we get a similar error a pair of years ago. In this example, playing the G-20 Brisbame Summit 2014 scenario, I found Russian AO Boris Chilikin-class, after firing guns for a while, has 65241 gun ammo in one of her mounts!!! (Attached files are saved game and screen capture).
  14. Issue Information Issue ID #000135 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in Scenario EditorPosted by gkm on 11 December 2015 - 08:39 PM I just downloaded the latest greatest GE SE PE. GE and PE are working, SE dll will not launch. Is the latest SE supposed to be ready for a 64 bit environment? Issue-135-Scenario-Editor.pdf
  15. Issue Information Issue ID #000180 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in From 61% to 0% Bingo Fuel in 1 SecondPosted by eeustice on 25 February 2017 - 08:57 PM Launched tanker group with 30 KC-46A tankers and merged with air group FMA. At the start of refueling there us 61 % furl with air group FMA. As soon as time starter air group went to 0% fuel. Attached are a couple of screen shots, the GE game log., 2 saved games. One game second after Alt+R has been pressed. As soon as game starts Air group goes to 0% Bingo fuel. Second saved game is after FMA goes to 0% to Bingo. Also included is a copy of my Fictional db. I am going to try and recreate this in a much smaller scenario and post the files if I can get it to happen. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Eric Issue-180-From-61%-to-0%-Bingo-Fuel-in-1-Second.pdf From 61% to 0% Bingo Fuel in 1 second.zip
  16. Issue Information Issue ID #000189 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixes in Impossible sonobuoy use tracking in Platform EditorPosted by broncepulido on 26 August 2017 - 12:43 AM A long time bug in Platform Editor (It's also possible I don't know clearly as use it). Is very difficult to track in what loadouts is carried a concrete type of sonobuoy, as the Platform Editor pops-up a blank subwindow without any results when interrogued about any sonobuoy type use. You only can track sonobuoy types use by loadout by memory or making a paper list or similar. Issue-189-Impossible-sonobuoy-use-tracking-in-Platform-Editor.pdf
  17. Issue Information Issue ID #000190 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in Impossible sonobuoy use tracking in Platform EditorPosted by broncepulido on 26 August 2017 - 12:43 AM A long time bug in Platform Editor (It's also possible I don't know clearly as use it). Is very difficult to track in what loadouts is carried a concrete type of sonobuoy, as the Platform Editor pops-up a blank subwindow without any results when interrogued about any sonobuoy type use. You only can track sonobuoy types use by loadout by memory or making a paper list or similar. Issue-190-Impossible-sonobuoy-use-tracking-in-Platform-Editor.pdf
  18. Issue Information Issue ID #000198 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status UNFILED Version 0000.000 Fixed in Main Body Convergence ProblemPosted by Nightshade111 on 18 October 2017 - 09:26 AM I'm having a problem with moving ships within the main body ring. If my ships are sailing on a course and I try to move 1 or more ships within the main body then those particular ships whose position I'm shifting (within the main body) all converge together at one point within the main body ring. The only solution I've found to make adjustments within that ring is to cancel the formation's course until the particular ships I'm moving take up their new positions, the obvious drawback being that afterwards I have to set my course all over again which as you can imagine is annoying. I'm using the latest updates, HC2017.011GESEDBDUBSBB and HC2017.013GESE on top of the fully updated Matrix version which is 2015.027. Issue-198-Main-Body-Convergence-Problem.pdf
  19. Issue Information Issue ID #000003 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 - None Assigned Status 10 - Confirmed Version 0000.000 Fixed in Error downloading scenarios?Posted by broncepulido on 06 December 2012 - 03:44 PM Trying to downloading some old scenarios, as the Battle of El Arish, I see it's not feasible, or I'm very dumb today: http://harpgamer.com...le-of-el-arish/ Issue-3-Error-downloading-scenarios_.pdf
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