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Found 20 results

  1. If you wish to start a new Battleset inbuilt scenario and go to the appropriate menu then the description of the scenario should include only the scenario background but it also includes the Blue Orders. The screen shots are from BS giuk 2003, but it seems other BS are the same. Not a critical error effecting play so low priority.
  2. recently while works was done with future data base It was notice on the base selection popup almost all bases only highlighted Blue for Named bases and Red for almost all ZZdonotuse base. It did not matter which color was selected for base creation. The create a base popup determined the color of the base created regardless of the country base popup's color. In short if you selected create red base in pop up screen and chose the only available blue base listed that you wanted it would still be a red base upon selection. This happened with ZZdonotuse red labeled bases if create blue base was selected. The base would be a blue base. It seems only to happen to DB 17909. Attach is the images during the process used. The first image is creat a base which red is red. The second image show a blue base Bejing selected but a red base Bejing is created. The reverse happens if create a blue base is selected and a red ZZdonotuse base is select it will become a blue base. SE version 2022.008 by me and Eric had same result while Ralf using 2022.005 was the first to notice the issue. ZZ
  3. Hey Tony While helping Eric on a issue I became aware of an issue. We find out that a 0kts problem Eric was having occur in version 2021.014 but was not occurring with his test scenario with my computer which was only at 2021.012. He down his version and it fixed the problem for him. I decided to update to 2021.014 but got the attach popups. I tried to do this with the latest 2022 version with same effect. I then tried to go back to 2018 version to start reloading up to the latest version but the same popups occurred. It seems to indicate my winharp.exe is now out dated. I changed nothing an use the process of updates to the latest version of 2021.012 with no problem but when tried bumping up to 2021.014 the popups showed up. TonyD
  4. I might have wrongly read TonyE comments on the GE changes but assumed that if no total victory conditions are set in the scenario total victory will be granted if all enemy are destroyed but this doesn't happen if there are remaining neutrals.
  5. While I'm waiting for Ultimate edition to go on sale, I am desperately trying to get the last mileage out of my HCE. However now I have encountered a strange problem. I can play the battleset scenarios fine, but when I try to tweak them in the scenario editor, the game crashes with an Annex error. Even small changes like moving a carrier will produce a crash. This install is using an outdated database (2009.050) However the battlesets are playable, its just a mystery why I cant edit. I've tried to install the HC2018 Beta database, but it just destroys the install and says it has expired. Any help deeply appreciated to help me get my Harpoon fix until the eventual holiday sale.
  6. I have tried using this for small changes to a scenario, large changes and twice to create new scenarios but each time I try to save the scenario I get the following error and the editor closes without saving. I have downloaded and installed all updates but error persists... Help!
  7. I get a couple of different errors when trying to load user scenarios in HCE. GetMemAnnexA Error: !!S_Disk. The message has been logged. The Program will now terminate. or The requested scenario file requires a newer version of the game. This scenario is version 5. This games supports through version 3. Exiting. (game says no updates are available) Any help getting these scenarios to load would be appreciated.
  8. Tony, In the update you just released when you add a base to a scenario and then close the box the SE closes. I was adding a base to Taiwan. I reinstalled hc2020.004GESE and the SE didn't close when I closed the Add Base Menu. Attached are the Scenario and the latest addition of my Fictional db \ave a great day, Eric SE Closes After Adding Base.zip
  9. I'm playing on the legacy GIUK battleset running the latest beta files on Windows 7, and using HCDB-150928. I've noticed that the Formation Editor is missing the usual buttons to set sizes and assign units to zones! I've attached a save game, simple scenario, and screenshot in the zip. Pressing F4 on any group in both scenario and save should show the problem. This does not happen on GE 2018.002, BTW. formation editor issue files.zip
  10. Issue Information Issue ID #000005 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 0000.000 Fixed in 2013/01/01Posted by cullen52 on 21 December 2012 - 12:28 PM Will there be an extension of the 2013/01/01 --- 2009.66 upgrade or has it been replaced. If so, where might I download it. Thank you for any information. Issue-005-2013-01-01.pdf
  11. Issue Information Issue ID #000048 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 0000.000 Fixed in Playing user scenariosPosted by PongoDeMer on 17 September 2013 - 11:55 PM Simple question: I have returned to HUCE and I have unzipped a number of user scenarios into the HUCE folder. I then booted up the game and searched all the battlesets and they are not there. I have also searched every file revealed by the 'load user scenario' tab in the file menu of the game... again nothing there! What am I doing wrong? PongoDeMer Issue-048-Playing-user-scenarios.pdf
  12. Issue Information Issue ID #000079 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 2014.010 Fixed in 2014.010 Formation air patrols "created" by the Game EnginePosted by broncepulido on 19 July 2014 - 11:17 PM Testing my own finished Manila Galleon 1988 scenario, I saw an issue almost detected in other scenarios not designed by me, when I asked myself how someone can design strange and many AEW patrols with helicopters devoid of radar. As this was designed by me, I did some research on it and clearly: - In the Peleliu and Trípoli groups, the formation editor creates, show and operates a lot of AEW patrols with 1xAssault helicopters each, never created with the formation editor when designing the scenario. - The concrete patrols are of 1xCH-53E or 1xCH-46E with Assault loadouts, or 1xUH-1N with Patrol loadout. - Playing the Red side and using the cheat mode, I observe the same AEW patrols in the Blue side played by the AI. You can see with the Scenario Editor as the patrols are not created on the scenario, but they are created and formed just at the scenario start. - The patrols are not formed if CH-53E is changed to Ferry loadout and CH-46E and UH-1N are changed to Cargo loadout. Issue-079-Formation-air-patrols-created-by-the-Game-Engine.pdf 7FT2.zip
  13. Issue Information Issue ID #000096 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 2014.020 Fixed in 2014.020 Helo blip enhancer too effective?Posted by CV32 on 30 October 2014 - 05:11 AM Launched an ASuW strike of more than a dozen antiship missiles at an enemy surface group. A pair of enemy helicopters (Helix, iirc) along the missile flight path decoyed ALL of the missiles. I will try and get a useful savegame, but this might be a tweaking issue rather than a bug as such. Issue-096-Helo-blip-enhancer-too-effective.pdf
  14. Issue Information Issue ID #000093 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 2014.020 Fixed in Land Attack Missiles Have Incorrect Names in Unit WindowPosted by eeustice on 25 October 2014 - 10:47 AM Kind of a strange on here. The Land Attack missiles have odd names. In missile group BJM Target is ZJ003 8X RIM-162D. ZJ003 is a SA-6b missile battery. Missile launched was either a TACOM IV or TLAM-C or D. Kind of confused here on how to right this up. Checked db in both the SE and GE and it appears that I have all the correct missiles in my launchers. If this is a db issue I could not find it. Trying to launch an ASM attack it appears that when I go to launch a TASM all the weapons appear to have been turned into TASM's on the ship I am launching them from. Which means ESSM's became TASM's. I looked in the Platform Display in the GE Reports menu and looked at the Nimitz and it showed the correct weapons in the correct launchers however when I look at them in Carrier Group AVC attacking Surface Group WPS my Unit Weapons Loaded shows all TASM III. Attached is my saved game scenario, latest db and a couple screen shots. If you need any additional info please let me know. Eric Issue-093-Land-Attack-Missiles-Have-Incorrect-Names-in-Unit-Window.pdf Land Attack Missiles.zip WP Backyard 936-1.0001.zip
  15. Issue Information Issue ID #000112 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 2015.007 Fixed in 2015.007 Refueling in HC Version 2015.007Posted by eeustice on 07 June 2015 - 12:08 PM Refueling Air Group FSA consisted of 5 groups of 5 Fighters and 1 group of 10 Tankers. Only 2 of the 5 fighter groups refueled. Other 3 were left high and dry Attached is the latest version of my db, a couple saved games, and the GE log file with refuel logging set in the HC Launcher. Before the changes were made with Refueling each group received an equal amount of fuel from the tankers. If you have any questions please let me know. I was trying to place this in the Refueling forum but was unable to figure out how to attach the files so I have place all the info here. Good luck guys! Eric Issue-112-Refueling-in-HC-Version-2015-007.pdf Refueling.zip
  16. Issue Information Issue ID #000141 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 2015.026 Fixed in 2015.026 GetDisk AnnexA ErrorPosted by eeustice on 22 December 2015 - 08:53 PM Just after the start of my Spratly 3 Test scenario receive a GetDisk AnnexA Error about 2 game seconds after starting saved game. Happened about 5 times in a row. Unable to continue playing scenario. Attached is the latest copy of my Fictional db, saved game and a word doc with a screen shot of the crash. Ran scenario again with out launching any Blue AC and crash occurred at the same time in the game at 25 second after start of scenario. Seems like there is some kind of issue with the Chinese J10B KLJ-3 Radar. ID 45057 in sensor annex. As soon as I select the sensor In the SE in the Platform Display in the Groups drop down menu I get the same annex error. If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks, Eric Issue-141-GetDisk-AnnexA-Error.pdf GetDisk AnnexA Error.zip
  17. Issue Information Issue ID #000158 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 2016.007 Fixed in Game Engine errour changing altitudePosted by broncepulido on 14 August 2016 - 07:25 AM Demo scenario to be played in the GIUK Battleset, 1980-2016 standard database. I did take-off with 2xF-35 from the Blue Base (launched with orders to attack Red Base). When trying to change height from Low to Very Low, errour messange and Game Engine stops (tested many times). When in other essay I did lauch 2xF-35 in patrol (with the idea of after they reach patrol point change height to very low and attack Red Base), almost immediantly launched same errour message (probably when changing height). Adjunt files are test scenario and errour message. Issue-158-Game-Engine-errour-changing-altitude.pdf CLIMB TEST 14 AUGUST 2016.zip
  18. Issue Information Issue ID #000181 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 2017.001 Fixed in HC Launcher UpdatePosted by eeustice on 27 February 2017 - 05:44 PM Just wanted to see what the new unit logging captures. When selecting the new Unit logging received the following message: Ignored Argument Unrecognized -I option unit ignored GHE still opens and everything works like it should. If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks, Eric Issue-181-HC-Launcher-Update.pdf
  19. Issue Information Issue ID #000183 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 2017.007 Fixed in 2017.007 Very slow game engine?Posted by broncepulido on 07 May 2017 - 03:40 PM I'm not sure, but think something strange on the Game Engine, playing the latest Patrick scenario, apparently not a big scenario, the game is going very slow, see attached file (Same with my Bubiyan scenario some days ago, also a small scenario). Middle East map. Issue-183-Very-slow-game-engine.pdf autosave1.zip
  20. Issue Information Issue ID #000206 Issue Type Issue Severity 0 – None Assigned Status 90 – Not an Issue Version 2017.016 Fixed in 2017.016 2017.016 crash at startPosted by broncepulido on 08 December 2017 - 01:59 AM Regrettably, I see the same problems in 2017.016 after a while testing. Playing standard HCDB2 The Middle East. Error messages in attached file, crash at each scenario start, EXCEPT the very simple test scenario labeled yesterday as "GOOD", what is the only one working fine. A pity, but thanks Tony! Issue-206-2017-016-crash-at-start.pdf 1980-5 LEBANON.zip AL MADINAH ATTACK 2017-1.zip HARPOON TEST 2017-12-8.zip TEST RED SHIP NO CHANGE COURSE 2011-11-21 GOOD.zip TEST RED SHIP NO CHANGE COURSE 2011-11-21 SECOND ATTEMPT BAD.zip
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