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Everything posted by donaldseadog

  1. While looking at another issue it has become apparent that in a situation where a group has more than one unit that is capable of catering for aircraft, aircraft units launching from the group might have their home base changed for no apparent benefit during group split and join operations resulting in the unit RTB to a different base unit from where it tool off. Is this good/bad indifferent?
  2. Haha Enrique, I bet you do
  3. THis scenario escaped my eye (I was on extended shore leave )
  4. incredibly significant so strange it hasn't been already noticed
  5. Low Priority: In the SE when moving the position of a group to a west longitude it lists the longitude as east.
  6. Next I tried a small edit to the magazine, I did this twice, both to the 6th platform, once to the last mag item once to the first mag item. (I didn't look in the game to see the result). Both times the change showed up in the export csv but when I imported again it was back to the original mag item. The screen shot shows (left to right) the last export, the first export, the last import (done after the last export), the first import. The selected lines are the item that was edited in PE. Late now but I'll write up a test scenario for this DB and see what is in commondb.res. (EDIT) OK, I wrote a test scenario to look at the magazine in toolbox unit report, there was no change to the magazine (Explaining the import 'resetting' the data).
  7. Along those lines, I imported a new (simple) database, then exported without change. It appears that the annex_mags.csv file is what is imported, and annex_magsEx.csv is what is exported, so I compared the two after the first export (and saved the annex_mags.csv as annex_mags_0.csv. Comparing the two I can see the mixed up entries, I looked thru the PE and the mix ups seem to all be within a single platform, ie each platform still has the same items but in a different order. I then did a second import/ export cycle and the two files seemed as they had been after the first export.
  8. View File Taiwan Blockade Scenario Background: In August 2023 it was announced that RAAF Tindal would be upgraded to host USAF B-52 bombers. The AUKUS agreement from 2021 is to result in RAN obtaining US SSN attack submarines and announced 2023 upgraded maritime patrol aircraft capability will bring upgraded P-8A Poseidon and MQ-4C Triton. Much of the reason for these expenditures are the tension caused by the Peoples Republic of China's policy of reunification with Taiwan (Republic of China) and a desire for an Australian reach into the general South China Sea and Taiwan region. It's june 2024, Australia and Taiwan join to seek out and neutralise suspected Chinese forces intent on a Taiwanese landing. Use database HCDB2-170909 or newer, and custom Battleset either my SouthPacificIslands or SouthPac-Seas Named test BS Any comments or suggestions are always appreciated, I hope you have some fun. Submitter donaldseadog Submitted 11/05/2023 Category Custom  
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  9. Version 1.0.0


    Scenario Background: In August 2023 it was announced that RAAF Tindal would be upgraded to host USAF B-52 bombers. The AUKUS agreement from 2021 is to result in RAN obtaining US SSN attack submarines and announced 2023 upgraded maritime patrol aircraft capability will bring upgraded P-8A Poseidon and MQ-4C Triton. Much of the reason for these expenditures are the tension caused by the Peoples Republic of China's policy of reunification with Taiwan (Republic of China) and a desire for an Australian reach into the general South China Sea and Taiwan region. It's june 2024, Australia and Taiwan join to seek out and neutralise suspected Chinese forces intent on a Taiwanese landing. Use database HCDB2-170909 or newer, and custom Battleset either my SouthPacificIslands or SouthPac-Seas Named test BS Any comments or suggestions are always appreciated, I hope you have some fun.
  10. (In car with crew control in operation) Here's a very interesting one, "Unknown Weapon" means (I think, I'd need to check the dll code to be sure) a weapon ID number not in the loaded database?
  11. If anyone else wants to check my guess that the magic number is 20, you need to install my latest toolbox or lazgui-extn to look at unit magazines, you need a simple test scenario with maybe a few different ship class units, strip out all magazine items, add one item to each magazine and give it 'silly' quantity and\or reload values. Export db. Run game with no db specified (so it uses the exported one) and look at magazine content. In pe use search feature to find weapon id for the mag items and then look in the csv file (see TEs early post for name but look at the magEx.csv file) to see if it appears 20 items before the item with the silly values. Does that all make sense? HINT use a small db, the early CW I used exports from pe in about 3-5 secs, the latest HCDB2 for me takes it seems like a couple of minutes.
  12. And infact looking at my screen shots, where I used ship class down the list both error items were same as 20 magazine items before, and in the case of all the jfk as it is at top if list it kept looking at first listed mag item. So there might be the pattern, a shift of 20 (but 20 is a funny number?) I'm off to sydney today and my wife drives the first half so I might play with this on my laptop (which can be used in tablet mode, very cool).
  13. It's been a great opportunity for me to get back to using the pe, I've mostly ignored it for 10 years or so. And I've seen some wish list items too 😁 I did have a thought while cleaning my teeth last night about lack of obvious pattern and might have another spin tonight if TE doesn't solve the riddle before hand. I'm thinking maybe that by using mostly the first ship class (to make the process of testing easy) I disturbed the pattern and I have to try ship classes further down the class id list.
  14. Import seems to import in to PE the incorrect mag items that are seen in GE, so I guess it is working but a bit funny as I wonder if there are 'extra' items: checking against the last about 10 classes with magazine content the csv list seems to progress to the last class (Scrarab A) at item #551, the final ~ 30 items seem misplaced or redundant? Is it worth going thru the entire 0 - 581 items checking agains the classes in order to see if they fit some where?
  15. One more random, cleared magazine of scarab A TEL and added 12.9mm mg, in GE get the old 127mm but slightly dofferent, looking in csv the nearest occurrence is about 16 slots away.
  16. I went back to Katlin k/1, cleared mag and added 25mm cannon. Good in csv (item 303) but in GE get RGB-10, wep id 22543, which doesn't seem to appear in a ship class anywhere near Katlin k1. So no 'rule'. Hanging up the towel for a while.
  17. I've just noticed that the 127 mm shell getting added all the time inthe GE is the first (of many) item in the mag of the next ship class that has a magazine. Also it is the top of the original magazine item list.
  18. Now in the PE I deleted all items and added 25mm mg, good in csv but in GE it is retaining the 127mm shell.
  19. I've now deleted the first mag entry in PE, the 12.7 mg (original entry). csv file looks totally correct even same order, GE has correct number of items but still wrong item.
  20. I've now added an AS-5 Kelt, and note a few things. Its seems to be added correctly to the csv file but the order of items has changed, The new item is after the previous two but the previous two are swapped around now in reverse order to how they are in the PE. In the GE three items but still the 127mm shells.
  21. Next I add seacat to the magazine, the csv file shows the addition correctly in the following line to the 12.7 mg. In the GE the mag shows there are two items but both are identical (and still the incorrect shell).
  22. Trying for some basic info, I've started with HCCW110114, first ship (makes it easier) is '69 JFK CVA. It has no magazine to start and I add in PE 12.7mm AG MG. That comes thru in the first item of the csv file exactly as I entered it (assuming the wep ID is correct). In GE it's like some typo and I get 127/54 shells? Checking the wep ID for the 127mm/54 is 14348, close but not very close to 14357 (what it should be).
  23. Is this significant? It seems to be the annex_magsEx.csv file (not annex_mags.csv) that is changing after pe export. annex_mags.csv maybe is written at import to PE, annex_magsEx.csv written at export, but all other csv files get overwritten at export?
  24. Time for bed, I'm getting a feeling the csv file is OK (it took a while to work out for each class the order of mag items in the csv is reverse to the PE). The move to the commondb file is getting the number of items right but messing up if the first is deleted or overwritten. I'll look tomorrow at what happens when simply adding items
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