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Posts posted by TonyE

  1. HCE - 2025.001 - 2025-01-30
    - Chg:00000 GE Fixed up red color in GR_ICONS.BMP
    - Chg:00000 GE Don't check DPI on Windows < 10 Anniv since the system call is not
    - Chg:00000 GE Enabled delayed loading of USER32.DLL to allow the GE to run on 
                    Windows Vista again (get DPI call failure)
    - Chg:00000 SE Don't check DPI on Windows < 10 Anniv since the system call is not
    - Chg:00000 SE Enabled delayed loading of USER32.DLL to allow the GE to run on 
                    Windows Vista again (get DPI call failure)
    - Chg:00000 IN Adjusted installer script (InnoSetup 6) to have Vista SP2 as
                    the minimum OS version.  This allows the installer to run on
                    Vista but does defeat some DLL injection protections that
                    would otherwise be enabled.

    • Like 1
  2. There is not a more recent database update available.  Even when I managed to double the entries per annex from 2047 to 4095, that still leaves the aircraft Loadouts annex woefully short of space.  Since I have not blown away that 4095 limit, any official updates to the DB should not be expected.  There may or may not be tools at some point to patch in edits (if you played Harpoon 2 & 3 you might remember TPF files and similar concepts).


    A bit more positive message is that game addons/ExportDLLs can already manipulate the database as loaded by the GE so a lot is possible even without modifying the core game, it just requires the time and effort of the community at large.

    • Like 1
  3. The scenario editor (SE) unit window zoom is "as designed".  The Group and Unit windows are not meant to be the same scale.  Obviously the game engine (GE) is different in that 1x zoom should cover the same scale in both the Group and Unit windows.

    • Like 1
  4. I can't remember ever noticing that lack of LR attack/patrol/ferry time.  This is a great item to start off your Wish Lists - HarpGamer.  Create your own thread in that forum and keep piling on your wishlist items to that single thread.  Some people keep editing the original post in their wishlist thread with a comprehensive list.  I do add my new wishes to the first post in my wishlist by editing that post but I also create a new post with the new wish (in that same thread though).

  5. On 12/1/2024 at 5:14 PM, broncepulido said:

    What does it, and how to execute it?

    It doesn't do anything except demonstrate a different application reading the information from the pfData file then also a concept for producing the data for a new loadouts structure and linking that to an aircraft.  It was there for Eric to grab when we were sitting at his place creating the program that will hopefully become the way to escape the 4095 loadout limit.  I'll be deleting it momentarily since it was really just for Saturday's fun.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, aviator said:

    Sorry to partially veer off the subject, but I just recalled a similar issue where air ASW assets would attack an force a submarine to surface, making it impossible to sink it, as it is now apparently a "surface" ship. Is this intended behaviour?

    It is likely expected but unintended behavior.  The code that decides valid weapons for a given situation does not have the flexibility to consider every situation so sometimes it answers incorrectly.  More than a decade ago I wrote comprehensive code but it was too slow so I scrapped it.  

    That said, if you manage to catch a saved game, especially in a small or purpose-built test scenario, please post up the scenario and save for me to analyze.

  7. Thank you for pointing that out.  The first conspiracy that comes to mind is perhaps Microprose bought the Alliance Interactive rights and will re-publish HC97 as a thirst trap for the new MicroProse Sea Power?  

    But I agree of course, would be much better to publish our updated HC to Steam.  I admit I've never pushed Matrix Games to do that nor even gauged their interest for whatever minor influence I might have.

  8. Thank you sir, for some reason I'm surprised there have been that many THAAD produced.  At least we are somewhat ramping up SM-6 acquisition, manufacturing 300/yr is a start.  SM-3 BlkIIB numbers are a little less anemic than BlkIIA but even 43/yr isn't much when you get into a more intense war.

    • Like 1
  9. There is Computer Harpoon (wait for the holiday sale that starts just after Thanksgiving) Larry Bond's Harpoon - Ultimate Edition - Game - Matrix Games.  You can grab a demo version at HC Demo Available - General - HarpGamer though only one scenario in the demo is NATO vs. China.  With the full game you can run user scenarios, many of the WestPac scenarios are USA vs. China WestPac - HarpGamer

    Another option is Command Command: Modern Operations - Game - Matrix Games

    Modern Warfare is still 'coming soon' Modern Naval Warfare - Game - Matrix Games

    Sea Power https://www.triassicgames.com/games/ doesn't seem to start with USA vs. China but I bet it will get there quickly.


    • Like 1
  10. 36 minutes ago, rainman said:

    Want me to make one of those?

    Up to you.  The educational intent doesn't require it to be an even fight so the primary deliverable will be a Nimitz vs. Kuznetsov scenario.  I did slip in the additional ask of adding some submarines.  My first thought on submarines is to add a couple of Los Angeles on the Blue side, each in their own group of course but in support of the CVBG then add a Kilo variant of some sort as well as bring the Victor out of the Kuznetsov group and into its own group.

    • Like 1
  11. The BattleSet itself is late 80s, very early 90s.  Looking at scenario orders of the scenarios in the BattleSet, they seem to follow a chronological order.  Scenario 11.0 talks about 1990s USA military budget cuts and the appearance of the CVN Charles de Gaulle.  de Gaulle was launched in 1994 while she wasn't commissioned until 2001, in the world of the game I would guestimate a 1997 commissioning.  CVN Carl Vinson was 2 years from launch until commissioning in the 1980s for reference.

    So should we look at a date of your choice in the range of June 1997 to Dec 1999?  I'd prefer a date where the US CVN has some Tomcats but I haven't cross-referenced those dates.

    • Like 1
  12. Would anyone like to volunteer to recreate the [Original IOPG] scenario "12.0 ...and then there were two"?

    This would need to be tested and ready to go by mid-December 2024 at the latest.


    1. Similar groups, units, victory conditions to the original scenario.

    2. Use EC2003 IOPG or Custom BattleSet.

    2. Use HCDB or HCDB2 (HCDB2 would need a custom BattleSet from the BS Builder to make distribution reasonable).

    3. Adjust design for increased realism (would Kuzenetsov really carry that many planes in that timeframe, similar for Nimitz, ...)

    4. Add two submarines per side

    • Like 1
  13. HCE - 2024.006 - 2024-09-04
    - Chg:33611 GE Let AI submarine groups fire missiles against player ships again.
                    AI should be able to fire missiles at 3/4 max range now instead
                     instead of a range similar to their torpedo range. 
                      (thanks Enrique)

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