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Everything posted by eeustice

  1. The ASRAAM (Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile), also known in US as the AIM-132, is a highly maneuverable heat-seeking short-range air-to-air missile produced by the United Kingdom’s MBDA corporation. It was developed in order to replace the aging AIM-9 Sidewinder. The ASRAAM entered service in 1998 and has since been deployed in at least one conflict. The ASRAAM’s effective 10 kg high-explosive fragmentation warhead can be triggered by either a proximity fuse or impact. It has a longer range and more powerful warhead than the US Sidewinder missile. It can be used on the F/A-18, Eurofighter, Typhoon, F-35. The ASRAAM can be used on any aircraft that can also operate the AIM-9. http://www.military-today.com/missiles/asraam.htm
  2. Type 31 FFG Inspiration class general purpose frigate. The Type 31 frigate will replace some of the general-purpose Type 23 frigates in service. The Type 31 frigates are also being built for the Polish (3) and Indonesian (2) navies. A total of 10 are planned. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_31_frigate View full record
  3. Type 31 FFG Inspiration class general purpose frigate. The Type 31 frigate will replace some of the general-purpose Type 23 frigates in service. The Type 31 frigates are also being built for the Polish (3) and Indonesian (2) navies. A total of 10 are planned. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_31_frigate
  4. Sonar 2087 is a tactical, variable-depth, active and passive anti-submarine warfare (ASW) system to be fitted to Type 23 Frigates. It will replace the passive towed array Sonar 2031 and be integrated with the bow-mounted, active Sonar 2050 http://www.armedforces.co.uk/projects/raq3f8d4e1b8587c#.YrCgRuzMIuU View full record
  5. eeustice

    SONAR 2087

    Sonar 2087 is a tactical, variable-depth, active and passive anti-submarine warfare (ASW) system to be fitted to Type 23 Frigates. It will replace the passive towed array Sonar 2031 and be integrated with the bow-mounted, active Sonar 2050 http://www.armedforces.co.uk/projects/raq3f8d4e1b8587c#.YrCgRuzMIuU
  6. Sea Ceptor, CAMM is replacing the Sea Wolf missile on all ships that have the Sea Wolf missiles. It will have a 2 way data link and a Active RF seeker. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAMM_(missile_family) View full record
  7. Sea Ceptor, CAMM is replacing the Sea Wolf missile on all ships that have the Sea Wolf missiles. It will have a 2 way data link and a Active RF seeker. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAMM_(missile_family)
  8. New Addition 6/20/22 12. Add CODAG and CODLOG to the Propulsion Annex
  9. Type 26 City, Built for the United Kingdom's Royal Navy. Known as the Global Combat Ship to partially replace the navy's 13 Type 23 frigates, and for export (Canada, Austrialia). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_26_frigate#cite_note-BAE-10 View full record
  10. Type 26 City, Built for the United Kingdom's Royal Navy. Known as the Global Combat Ship to partially replace the navy's 13 Type 23 frigates, and for export (Canada, Austrialia). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_26_frigate#cite_note-BAE-10
  11. While playing my scenario receive message that all Victory Conditions met at same time. Looking at the Victory Conditions in the SE it appears none of them have been met. I have included 2 saved games to make sure I got the right one. Unit ID Test 1-79.0009.hpq Unit ID Test 1-79.0010.hpq
  12. I have seen this too in the past. Once you close the Battle Set Builder with the task manager you can open it up again the message doesn't appear.
  13. Update to original post! From TonyE: It appears that bombs are using the sane allocation quantity rules as missiles
  14. After capturing bases some of the text on base is jumbled up and unreadable. It looks like the text is on top of each other in the Unit Window. In my game I have turned over4 bases. The text on 2 of them is OK. The other 2 are jumbled up. I am not sure if the GE is causing the issue or Turncoat. I will try a smaller scenario and see if the same thing happens. You will need to use my fictional db. The Ugly The Good Unit ID Test 1-71.zip
  15. When attacking a ship with guns the number of rounds the GE selects to destroy a target is much larger than what is really required to sink target. Attached is a test scenario based on my fictional db. Issue verified by TonyE TonyE Note: AttackDoctrineWithRisk uses the AllocateRounds logic which is meant for missiles (which can be shot down), not for guns. Guns Test.scq
  16. After getting the exact directions form TonyD I was able to duplicate the issue. I normally don't use bearing only attacks, so it took me a while to understand what was happening.
  17. TonyD. Below is a copy of my GE File. ge.log
  18. TonyD I have had a hard time getting a consistent attack. Sometimes no weapons available and then guns only When target is detected I was able to launch launch weapons at it, but I don't know what weapons were launch.
  19. I tried running the test scenario this morning and could not duplicate the issue. One thing I saw in my test was that as soon as the Growler took off the base was detected. Second test I was able to launch missiles at the base before it was detected. Neither time did the GE crash. Second try was only with the Growler. Ran the scenario a 3rd time with just the F-18 and got a message no land attack weapons available. Base was detected right at launch again. The only thing I can think of that might cause a problem is if you try and launch a weapon that is not made for the type of contact before contact is detected. Ran the scenario again with just the F-18 and did not detect the base at launch and got the same no land attack weapon message again. Tried the scenario again and the F-18's wanted to attack the base with guns. No missiles were launched.
  20. I plan to attend!
  21. eeustice


    As important as updated avionics are in the age of modern warfare, the centerpiece of the Tu-22M3M upgrade package is the inclusion of up to three new Kh-32 missiles. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/meet-russias-new-tu-22m3m-bomber-nasty-surprise-us-navy-61252
  22. As important as updated avionics are in the age of modern warfare, the centerpiece of the Tu-22M3M upgrade package is the inclusion of up to three new Kh-32 missiles. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/meet-russias-new-tu-22m3m-bomber-nasty-surprise-us-navy-61252 View full record
  23. eeustice


    Modified MiG-31BM variant able to carry the hypersonic Kh-47M2 Kinzhal ALBM. Ten aircraft were modified by May 2018.[84] With this modification and with removed APU for air-to-air missiles, the aircraft gained a sole role of an attack aircraft. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan_MiG-31
  24. Modified MiG-31BM variant able to carry the hypersonic Kh-47M2 Kinzhal ALBM. Ten aircraft were modified by May 2018.[84] With this modification and with removed APU for air-to-air missiles, the aircraft gained a sole role of an attack aircraft. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan_MiG-31 View full record
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