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Everything posted by kmart494

  1. Answered over at the Discord forum.
  2. I take it you are using the latest version. If so, then I must apologize since I have had problems with the MacOS version, and there will be no further updates for SimPlot2. If you have access to a Windows computer, then I recommend trying that version. It is much more stable. Development of SimPlot3 will begin soon, so there is some silver lining to the cloud.
  3. The background images were designed to be centered at (0,0) game coordinates.
  4. I'm sorry to say that MacOS development for SimPlot has lagged behind the Win10 version due to Apple Gatekeeper issues. Therefore, you likely do not have the most recent version, which addresses the issues you are having. Do you have a Win10/11 computer to use? If not, I will try to update the MacOS version (no promises, though).
  5. View File South China Sea This is a map of the South China Sea between Hianan, Vietnam, and the Philippines. There are no water depth levels on this map. Submitter kmart494 Submitted 04/26/2023 Category Maps  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is a map of the South China Sea between Hianan, Vietnam, and the Philippines. There are no water depth levels on this map.
  7. kmart494

    Sea of Japan

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a map of the Sea of Japan. There are no depth levels available on this map.
  8. View File Sea of Japan This is a map of the Sea of Japan. There are no depth levels available on this map. Submitter kmart494 Submitted 04/26/2023 Category Maps  
  9. View File GIUK Gap with Depth Levels This is a map of the Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom gap with 5 different depth levels. Submitter kmart494 Submitted 04/26/2023 Category Maps  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is a map of the Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom gap with 5 different depth levels.
  11. SimPlot version 2.3.3 is ready for download. Fixed: Problems loading MapMaker maps after saving and reloading a scenario. Units deleted but "Show as Sunk" would temporarily disappear.
  12. Anything older than H4 were not created in pdf format. Larry has told me the file types of the original documents are not supported by modern software.
  13. I made a video showing how to play a refereed double-blind game. Kevin Martell's YouTube Channel
  14. I uploaded a new version of Harppon: Captain's Edition to the Vassal website. Version 1.1 - Requires Vassal Version 3.6.7 or later. Now can host up to 2 NATO and 2 Soviet players. Added graphics for depicting ship/aircraft sensor ranges. Added an Invisible trait to counters to support double-blind play. Added a Referee player to support double-blind play. All counters except missiles are on player-specific counter sheet windows. Flown aircraft will automatically return to the base Ready Aircraft box when the Next Turn button is pressed. Harpoon: Captain's Edition Vassal Module Example Solitaire Playthrough Example Head to Head Playthrough
  15. A module for the classic 1990 game Harpoon:Captain’s Edition is now available for download. https://vassalengine.org/wiki/Module:Harpoon:_Captain's_Edition
  16. Actually, the discrepency with the decimal place is internal to SimPlot. Many decimal values are truncated to a certain number of places, then cast as an integer value to be saved. This saves file space as Xojo will save too many decimal places in JSON. I forgot I had done that. The value in your file is correct. What's not correct is the drawing routine in SimPlot. It turns out that a background image from MapMaker was being drawn first, then the background fill is drawn. That "covers up" the image. The next release will have the fix. I might release it this weekend, but the unit formations are not yet tested.
  17. I think I discovered the problem. Your map image has a scale of .353 pixels/nmi, but the json file shows 353 pixels/nmi. This will not render correctly in SimPlot. I will look at the source code to see where the app went wrong.
  18. Is your raw picture in the same folder as the map json file? It should appear there if the checkbox is set True.
  19. The formation ships will have to "teleport" to their new locations since I am not going to code a movement AI. I actually researched how ships move in a formation, and it is very complicated (also depends on the type of formation). I don't want to sped any time on that right now. The NTDS symbols can be adjusted using F9. Try different Symbol Scale or Symbol Size settings I will reduce the transparency down to 25% and see if that helps. Otherwise, I will have to turn it off.
  20. Under the File menu there is a screenshot function. I am looking into ways to reduce the file size without sacrificing the data.
  21. The unit's Track Number is a four digit number starting at a random point and incremented by one. The internal UnitId property starts at 001 and increments by one for each new unit. The UnitId is also prefixed by a letter indicating the type of unit. You can create units using a blank scenario and export them (Units/Export menu item). Send the JSON file to your friend. Your friend can then import the unit (using the Units/Import menu item). The UnitId and Track Number will be assigned at the time of importation.
  22. I would like to know how important the turn replay and historic movement track features are to your experience using SimPlot with Harpoon V. The upcoming issue is the complexity of not only the code to execute turn replay, but also the amount of data that must be stored in the way of historic movement tracks to support turn replay. The more features I add to SimPlot, the more coding that must be done and the more data that must be collected to support turn replay. Already I have eliminated range arcs/circles from historic consideration. That means the arcs/circles will not appear and disappear during the course of replay, but rather they will stay on/off based on their last status. I am in the process of expanding the formation editor features, but it occurs to me a formation will change its composition (units and their locations within the formation) over time. Even a change to the formation leader will cause the turn replay to not function right unless the changes are tracked by time. (Especially because all the formation bearings and distance are based on the leader.) This requires additional code and data storage (larger file sizes) to implement correctly. I have to admit I really like the concept of a live turn replay. It was originally a response to players of multi-player games that felt disconnected by the multi-player experience (processing multiple turns between player interactions). The replay would give a player an opportunity to "catch up" with the action since the last turn. Perhaps an alternative could be offered in the way of screenshots saved into Red, Blue, and All folders based on the referee "Show Side" setting. Movement tracks are s lightly lesser issue for coding, but they are a huge issue for file sizes. Already I have begun offering players the option to not save movement tracks in their turn files. The movement tracks do at least allow players to "turn back the clock" in case of an error during movement. That means tracking movement for at least one turn. But, I would like to know if displaying the total historic tracks during a scenario is useful to you. Kevin
  23. I did not yet incorporate that feature, so it is disabled for now. But, it will come soon.
  24. SimPlot MapMaker for MacOS View File This is an experiment in using SimPlot MapMaker on Intel 64 bit MacOS. The dmg file will download but must be activated by clicking on it in the download pane of the browser or double-click on it using Finder (in the Downloads folder). The dmg will open as an attached device (sorry--there is no installer yet for SimPlot MapMaker). If a window pops up showing the SimPlot MapMaker.app file, please close it. Running SPMM from that window will only provide a temporary storage space for the application. Using Finder, create a new sub-folder in your Applications folder (ex: SimPlot MapMaker). Drag and drop the SimPlot MapMaker.app file from the attached device to your new folder. Close the attached device (click the close button next to it in Finder). You are now ready to use SimPlot MapMaker by double-clicking the SimPlot MapMaker.app file. You may get a security warning, but allow it to continue opening the application. This is a beta version and most things work. You must have a png background image (e.g. from Google Maps). You must also measure the pixels per nautical mile of the image. When you get the project started, you can draw polygons on top of the background. I use it to create land polys with other overlays. As an option, the original background can be used as a part of the final map (using the image with some overlays, but not a complete repaint). Submitter kmart494 Submitted 12/11/2021 Category Application/Tools/Mods/Docs  
  25. Version 1.0.0


    This is an experiment in using SimPlot MapMaker on Intel 64 bit MacOS. The dmg file will download but must be activated by clicking on it in the download pane of the browser or double-click on it using Finder (in the Downloads folder). The dmg will open as an attached device (sorry--there is no installer yet for SimPlot MapMaker). If a window pops up showing the SimPlot MapMaker.app file, please close it. Running SPMM from that window will only provide a temporary storage space for the application. Using Finder, create a new sub-folder in your Applications folder (ex: SimPlot MapMaker). Drag and drop the SimPlot MapMaker.app file from the attached device to your new folder. Close the attached device (click the close button next to it in Finder). You are now ready to use SimPlot MapMaker by double-clicking the SimPlot MapMaker.app file. You may get a security warning, but allow it to continue opening the application. This is a beta version and most things work. You must have a png background image (e.g. from Google Maps). You must also measure the pixels per nautical mile of the image. When you get the project started, you can draw polygons on top of the background. I use it to create land polys with other overlays. As an option, the original background can be used as a part of the final map (using the image with some overlays, but not a complete repaint).
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