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Files posted by CV32

  1. World War III

    Chaos is rampant in the Pacific. Japan and Russia are engaged over a large find of oil reserves at Sakhalin Island. China must crush Hong Kong secessionists who have declared their independence; failure is not an option as Taiwan and others would surely follow suit. North Korean brinksmanship is at a new peak. DPRK forces are massed at the border and threatening to invade the ROK unless Pyongyang is granted an impossible package of economic concessions. In short, every hot spot in the region is about to boil over! (Released March 2005).



  2. MEDFED9

    Allies take back the Med
    EC2000 Battle for the Mediterranean
    With a surprise victory in the previous month, the Allies were able to break the blockade created by the European Federation and reinforce American naval units in the Med and refortify Tel Aviv. The Federation wants to reverse this setback, so they have gathered their naval assets in the central Med. Intelligence estimates conclude that they intend to open up a gap to bring out the recently rebuilt Black Sea Fleet; a giant force capable of driving a wedge clear to Africa if given the opportunity to pass through the vulnerable Bosporus and Dardanelles.



  3. MEDFED8

    Escape from the Med
    EC2000 Battle for the Mediterranean
    The European Federation's aggression in the Baltic, Iceland/UK Gap and North Atlantic has spread into the Mediterranean. With France siding over to the E.F., Italy has decided to remain committed to the Federation's cause. Earlier in the month, the Italian navy had siezed three Saar V's from the Israelis that were on maneuvers in the Adriatic. Italy has now positioned several of it's naval assets, in coordination with some French carrier groups, to create a blockade and prevent American forces from trying to leave or establishing reinforcement. There are several Arab navies whom are sympathetic to the Federation and are on the brink of signing a multi-lateral agreement of military and economic cooperation.



  4. HCDB2-170909 (1980-2025)


    This is the latest release version of the HCDB2 database for Harpoon Commander's Edition.

    This version replaces the previous iteration, HCDB2-170714.

    The legacy HCE Battleset scenarios will NOT function with this database installed.

    The HCDB2 will adhere to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCDB2 scenarios.

    There will be a period of time - while the HCDB2 structure is being finalized - where the above policy may be suspended.

    Unzip this file into your HCE main directory. It will overwrite your existing 'commondb.res' file.

    Copyright @ 2006-2017, Brad Leyte. HCDB2 database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCDB2 and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCDB2 database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCDB2 database. The HCDB2 database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.



  5. Fire and Fury

    Fire and Fury
    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Westpac Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side, and requires database HCDB2-170714 or later.
    Long suspected of having a nuclear weapons program, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) caused worldwide alarm when it tested its first atomic bomb in 2006, in spite of years of negotiations aimed at preventing just that. In parallel with the Bomb itself, the Hermit Kingdom also pursued the means to deliver it. And in July 2017, barely a decade after first becoming a nuclear power, the DPRK demonstrated what appeared to be the first successful test of a potential intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). This time around, there was a very different personality sitting behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office. A man who declared in no uncertain terms that the North Korean regime would face the 'fire and fury' of American military power if they threatened to use their newfound weapons against the United States of America.



  6. Allegro (Part 2 of 3)

    Scenario 2 of 3: This one looks at a PRC/Taiwan battle without actually involving the Taiwan Strait! Your primary mission will be to guide your SAG and Amphib groups from Taiwan past enemy units from the Chinese and Philipino sides trying to locate them. Use every trick you can think of because once you're spotted it can easily become a slugfest. (Released February 2006).



  7. Tesseract


    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Westpac Battleset.

    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side only.

    A month ago, the Peoples Republic of China seemed to finalize its grip on the South China Sea, appearing to complete efforts to establish full fledged military installations on several newly created man made islands. Its territorial ambitions and aggressive land reclamation policies in the region have long aggravated and alarmed its neighbours in Southeast Asia, but the events of the past two weeks have been deeply disconcerting. The Chinese have now moved troops and weaponry into these new bases, and declared an air defense identification zone that encompasses almost the entirety of the South China Sea. In an emergency meeting of the Association of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN), all but Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar have agreed to send military forces into the Spratly archipelago to confront the Chinese.



  8. HCDB-150928 (1980-2015 era)


    This is the latest release version of the HCDB (replacing the previous release version, HCDB-150621), the official database for Harpoon Commander's Edition.

    The HCE Battleset scenarios will function with this database installed.

    The HCDB adheres to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCDB scenarios.

    Unzip this file into your HCE main directory. It will overwrite your existing 'commondb.res' file.

    Copyright @ 2006-2015, Brad Leyte. HCDB database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCDB and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCDB database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCDB database. The HCDB database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.



  9. Four Minute Warning

    From 1953, British citizens were told that they could expect four minutes of warning before an impending Soviet nuclear attack. Once the alert was given, television and radio networks all over the country would be interrupted by a broadcast warning, as well as activation of the national air raid siren system. In practise, the warning would have likely been much less than four minutes. The RAF Bomber Command Main Force, and its V class bombers - the Valiant, Vulcan, and Victor - was intended to guard against this threat and to prevent the neutralization of British nuclear retaliation capability. The V bomber force, and especially the Avro Vulcan, were intended to be kept at high readiness and also to be capable of flushing to their dispersal airfields within the four minute warning.
    The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 saw Vulcans lined up on their runways, bombs loaded and engines running, ready to take off at two minutes notice. The Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) station at Fylingdales in North Yorkshire would not be operational until September 1963. The period between late 1962 and late 1963 could therefore arguably be measured as the most dangerous test of the four minute warning.



  10. Eastern Questions

    Eastern Questions
    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Mediterranean Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side only.
    Some hundred and sixty years after it first ravaged this part of the world, the horrors of a wider war threaten to return to the Crimea. The civil conflict that has been raging in the Ukraine since the early spring of this year had finally shown signs of potentially coming to an end, but the underlying problems and issues that caused the conflagration remain unresolved. The release of a report on the cause of a shootdown of a civilian passenger jet - and the emergence of new information that implicates Russian forces in its destruction - have shattered an uneasy cease fire between the Kiev government and the separatist forces in the Donbass.
    The cease fire has been broken by the hostile actions of the pro Russian separatist rebels in the southeastern parts of Ukraine. Fighting erupted again in the last several hours. The rebels are refusing to abandon their weapons and are laying claim to the self-proclaimed regions of Luhansk Peoples Republic and Donetsk Peoples Republic for themselves. The Russians have meanwhile strongly protested the assertion that they caused the airliner shootdown, describing it as a subversive and disgusting NATO plot. Moreover they claim the Sea Breeze maritime exercise being undertaken by NATO forces in the Black Sea is a cover for an offensive operation.



  11. HCCW-140314 (1950-75 era)

    HCCW-140314 by Brad Leyte (replaces the earlier version, HCCW-140220)
    The HCCW (Harpoon Commander's Edition 'Cold War' Database) is a custom database for the period 1950-75.
    The stock HCE scenarios for EC2003 and Westpac will NOT function with this database installed.
    Use the stock HCE 'commondb.rsr' to ensure platform pic compatibility.
    The HCCW adheres to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCCW scenarios.
    Copyright @ 2010-2014, Brad Leyte. HCCW database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCCW and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCCW database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCCW database. The HCCW database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.



  12. Fleet Ex 83

    Fleet Ex 83
    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Westpac Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side only.
    The year 1983 has sometimes been described as the 'most dangerous year'. Certainly an argument can be made that this is true, at least as far as the Cold War was concerned. A number of events occurred during 1983 that brought the two superpowers of the era - the United States and the Soviet Union - as close to the brink of war as they had ever been.
    On 8 March 1983, American President Ronald Reagan delivered a speech in which he described the Soviet Union as an 'evil empire' and the 'focus of evil in the world'. Soviet President Yuri Andropov responded angrily, describing Reagan as 'insane'. Barely two weeks later, fuel was thrown on the smoldering fire. Reagan delivered another speech on 23 March, announcing plans for a laser armed, space based missile defense system that would defend America from nuclear attack. Again Andropov was incensed, accusing the USA of preparing for a first strike.
    With the rhetoric heated to an unprecedented temperature, and the paranoia in full swing, the stage was set for the possibility of a full scale conflagration between the superpowers.



  13. Them

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for the Atlantic battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side.
    It has often been the subject matter of science fiction, both in the written word and on the silver screen. An invasion of the Earth by an alien species from another world. Almost certainly superior to us in technology, just by virtue of their ability to undertake stellar travel, what has remained unknown is whether they would be hostile. That is, until now. They have arrived.
    This is intended to be a fun scenario, a break from the usual fare, so enjoy!



  14. FRUKUS Ruckus

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by either of the BLUE side or the RED side.
    An annual exercise aimed at open dialogue and cooperative training, the FRUKUS naval drills typically see the commitment of at least one warship from each of the navies of France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. The drills have usually gone relatively smoothly, excepting, for example, in 2008 when the Russian intervention in Georgia caused partner navies to pull out of participation in the exercise scheduled to occur that year in the Sea of Japan. Perhaps inevitably, diverging positions on foreign policy have once again thrown a monkey wrench into plans for the latest FRUKUS exercise. This time with dire results.



  15. Gates of Sorrow (Part 5 of 5)

    Gates of Sorrow (Part 5 of 5)
    A Harpoon Commanders Edition (HCE) scenario for the Middle East Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side only.
    This is the final instalment of the five part series that began with the scenario Threshold.
    With much of the Middle East now laying in smoking ruins, chaos reigns in the region. A follow up nuclear strike against Tehran, believed to have been carried out by cruise missiles launched from an Israeli submarine, has leveled that city. Most of the Russian military support deployed there, having arrived under the pretense of peacekeeping, was annihilated in the attack. Even so, the Russians have now redoubled their presence in the region, shifting forces to the east and south. Potentially worse, however, is the political upheaval in the Gulf Cooperation Council states. Outrage over the nuclear exchange, most of it directed at Israel and the West, has split the alliance. The Saudi regime is in turmoil. A terror attack and hostage taking at the busy port of Jebel Ali in the United Arab Emirates has inflicted serious damage and casualties among foreign corporations and their workers, many of them Westerners. Emerging factions on both sides of the crisis have split the UAE, plunging it into civil war.
    The region has become a nest of vipers from which escape is now in doubt.



  16. Last Stan

    EC2003 IOPG
    Iran's stubborn refusal to submit to the authority of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) with regard to its nuclear program led to its emergency reference to the UN Security Council. Resolutions aimed at sanctioning Iran and leaving the door open for further action were vetoed by both Russia and China. The EU3 (France, Germany and the UK) and the United States nevertheless pressed ahead with their cooperative efforts to find a way to bring punitive action against Iran. The debacle in Pakistan, however, badly aggravated the situation. US intelligence discovered (thanks to a tip from the Mossad) that Pakistan had covertly assisted in the escape of mastermind Osama bin Laden across the border into Iran, and that the Al Qaida mastermind was now rebuilding its terror camps with the help of Tehran. The apparent link between terrorism and the Iranian nuclear program was too much for the EU/US coalition to accept, and the wheels were put into motion to put a stop to Iran's nuclear ambitions. Russia, China and Pakistan denied there was sufficient evidence of any such link, and vowed to oppose any aggression against Iran that had no Security Council support. (Released January 2006).



  17. Pinger Charlie

    Pinger Charlie
    EC2003 GIUK
    During the Cold War, the Baltic Sea was the "playground" of maritime reconnaissance and electronic surveillance assets of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Both sides employed their assets to continuously monitor each other's activities. The West German Naval Air Arm's Atlantic maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) of Marinefliegergeschwader 3 (MFG3) "Graf Zeppelin", based at Nordholz, flew continuous patrols over the Baltic Sea and Danish approaches to monitor the buildup of Soviet naval forces which would have to transit through these waters to reach the North Atlantic. The area was vital to NATO's overall defence strategy, which depended on countering any offensive brought by Warsaw Pact forces in the event of war. ASW operations in the region were all the more difficult by constantly changing temperatures, the salinity of the shallow water, and numerous shipwrecks. ["Pinger Charlie" is the nickname given to a certain sonobuoy pattern used by MFG3 Atlantics]. (Released January 2006).



  18. First Navy Jack

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition (HCE) scenario for the Middle East Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side.
    In 1980, then Secretary of the Navy Edward Hidalgo directed that the US Navy ship with the longest active status should display the First Navy Jack until its departure from service. With the decommissioning of the carrier USS Kitty Hawk in May 2009, the honor of flying the First Navy Jack passed to the USS Enterprise. Now, during the final deployment of her career, the Big E has been diverted from her return voyage to take on one final mission: put an end to the carnage in Syria. The First Navy Jack will be flying high.



  19. Okean 80

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side.
    Okean (Ocean) 70, conducted by the USSR during April and May 1970, was the largest exercise held by any navy since the end of WWII. Hundreds of surface ships, submarines and land based aircraft participated simultaneously in several worldwide operating regions, including the Barents, Norwegian Sea, Baltic, and Mediterranean, as well as in the Pacific. Five years later, in April 1975, another major Soviet naval exercise, dubbed Okean 75, repeated the same kinds of ASW, anti-carrier strike and amphibious landing drills. Another exercise was expected to occur in Spring 1980. But it did not happen. Events such as the Iranian hostage crisis and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan a year earlier had heightened the risk of a confrontation between the superpowers. Later in the year, and rather unexpectedly, the Soviets began gearing up for what was expected to a large scale Okean style exercise. NATO did not know it at the time, but Okean 80 would prove to be the launch of a full scale attack by the Warsaw Pact.



  20. No More Mr Nice Guy

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the Westpac Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side.
    An American effort to deter aggression on the Korean Peninsula is met by unexpected resistance from the Peoples Republic of China. Caught deep inside the Yellow Sea, an American carrier strike group must fight to stay alive and protect the reinforcements already enroute to Inchon.
    This is a large and very busy scenario, a monster of sorts. RED has more than 40 bases and over 2,000 aircraft at its disposal. You will likely need to adjust your game and staff settings, and make liberal use of the pause feature, just to keep things manageable. Early mistakes will almost certainly result in your demise.



  21. Red Line

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition (HCE) scenario for the Middle East battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side.
    During the past few years, and even more so during 2012, the international news headlines have been dominated by stories of the suspicion surrounding the nuclear activities of Iran, whether that nation is actively pursuing a nuclear weapons program, and if so, the mortal threat faced by Israel. Slowly but surely the story has been building toward a potential flashpoint, with increasing concern about the possibility of unilateral action by Israel to forestall that threat. To paraphrase the recent words of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu - 'those who refuse to put red lines before Iran have no moral right to put a red light before Israel'. Whether Israel actually has the ability to stop or even delay an Iranian nuclear weapons program in any appreciable way, remains a matter of debate. What is certain that there exists a red line that, once crossed, will compel action. The only question is who will act.



  22. Sons of Neptune

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition (HCE) scenario for the South Africa battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by either the BLUE or RED side.
    Most folks have probably never heard of the Agalega Islands, which lie about 400 nm northeast of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Their remote location is key to their importance, especially from the perspective of burgeoning blue water navies like India and China. The islands straddle a vital shipping route for a great deal of commercial traffic around Cape Horn, including supertankers too large to pass through the Suez. They are also a valuable stepping stone for economic investment in Africa, again the focus of energy hungry nations like India and China. When the Mauritian government signed a long term lease to India of their sovereign territory in the Agalega Islands, China was furious. It backed a long held claim by Myanmar to the Nicobar and Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal, ostensibly in retaliation against India. New Delhi returned the favour by interdicting Chinese commercial shipping.



  23. Imperium

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition (HCE) scenario for the Westpac Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side.
    In this alternate history scenario, the fruition of the Manhattan Project was delayed. The Soviet Union invaded northern Japan, and the Allies were forced to invade southern Japan. The Japanese eventually surrendered when the Bomb finally arrived, but in the aftermath of World War II the country was divided into a communist North and a capitalist South. Each was tied to their respective masters.
    Brad Leyte, August 2012



  24. Bedonian Express

    Bedonian Express
    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 GIUK battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the BLUE side only.
    The nickname Bedonian Express was applied to certain strategic reconnaissance missions conducted by US Air Force SR-71 Blackbird aircraft during the Cold War, and in particular, those missions repeatedly carried out through a corridor that followed the coast of Poland and the USSR in the Baltic Sea. These flights typically entered the Baltic over a reporting point codenamed Codan, and located about 80 km south of Copenhagen.
    Brad Leyte, August 2012



  25. HCDA-110606

    HCDA-110606 by Brad Leyte (replaces previous version HCDA-110225)
    The HCDA (Harpoon Commander's Edition Database 'Americas') is a custom database.
    The stock HCE scenarios for EC2003 and Westpac will NOT function with this database installed.
    Use the stock HCE 'commondb.rsr' to ensure platform pic compatibility.
    The HCDA adheres to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCDA scenarios.
    Copyright @ 2008-2011, Brad Leyte. HCDA database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCDA and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCDA database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCDA database. The HCDA database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.



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