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Everything posted by Gunny

  1. You have the correct files, but for a reason I'll dig, database date didn't change. As for the BOL issue, it seems to be a GE issue. Maybe the same for ASROC. FG
  2. HUD4 v1.11 updated version posted to the appropriate section. My XMas present to the Pooners' community. Merry end of year to each of you!* FG
  3. Gunny

    HUD4 status

    A quick message to inform that I plan to release an updated version of HUD4 v1.11 on 23rd of December (Mayan Calendar being defeated by me).This is my Christmas present to the Harpoon community. It will bring a handful new platforms, squash a few dupes ships spotted, and usual bugs/incoherences reported by fellow pooners. Due to professionnal necessities, I have less time to dedicate to platform edition. FG
  4. These were added by request from Harold Hutchinson, who's working on a novel called "Strike Group Reagan". Harold sometimes sends me hcf files which I just need to import into HUD4 main file to generate platforms. Strike Group Reagan, apart from being a novel written with the support of Harpoon (in the vein of Red Storm rising or Hunt for Red October) was also planned to be a battleset integrated to 3.11. We only missed a few scen designers to help, and this contributed to the 3.11 delay. FG
  5. Ralf, need to cast your vote at the poll on top of this topic FG
  6. Corrected, missed Diesel fuel. Thanks for reporting FG
  7. Too different from the Valour. Same basis, but different weapons. New entry created. FG
  8. J-15 Flying Shark is in the db aircraft number 659 FG
  9. Added to upcoming HUD4 v1.11 release. FG
  10. It works as a "dice roll"... i.e 1-3 on the dice, boarding fails 4-6, boarding is successful. See how Israel got disappointed when boarding Mavi Marmara, and take also the failure of Eagle Claw in 1980. Boarding operations won't be sucessful all the time, they may miss for a lot of reasons. That is awkwardly represented in H3GE. FG
  11. This is no DB issue, this is GE issue. A destroyer will never be boarded by a raft. Russel Sharp, code maker for AGSI is the person who can be contacted for more explanations. FG
  12. Yeah, it was maybe accident, but I'll fix this soon. FG
  13. Added to HUD4 v1.11 with all different sub-variants FG
  14. I know this will rejoyce every American fellow here, HUD4 v1.11 next version now includes the upcoming CVN-80 Independance. She will be available from 2027 when using both countries and years' restrictions. Of course, since 2027 is still damn far away, there will be surely delays of all kinds, but HUD4 (and sequels) will keep a track of it. FG
  15. I keep using Darren's conventional [#] marking. See those nasty Le Normand class destroyers, they're identified by Hull code FDASM (Frégate de Défense Air et Sous-Marin)--> Air Defence and ASW "frigate" (French call a destroyer a frigate ) FG
  16. No Ralf, the PAN Arromanches isn't a fictional carrier per se, it's a heavily modernized Charles de Gaulle. But in the countries' annex, it appears as Arromanches class since CTF450's series starts with PAN Arromanches as class leader. FG
  17. I nominate Frans Koenz aka Taitennek, for providing us a rich website on his free time. FG
  18. Hallo Ralf, Not a db issue: I've created a fictional task force (aka CTF450) in the countries annexes, and the name PAN Arromanches appears from it. CTF450 has its own Orbat, maybe I should post it? FG
  19. File Name: High Tension File Submitter: Gunny File Submitted: 30 Nov 2012 File Category: Scenarios 1st scen made for TF450 project. Features 2 of the carrier forces against hardliners in the Persian Gulf. Click here to download this file
  20. Gunny

    High Tension

    Version initial


    1st scen made for TF450 project. Features 2 of the carrier forces against hardliners in the Persian Gulf.
  21. Yeah, I know what the problem was... In fact, with full realism, it means that comms will behave as they're expect to do in real life. If 2 platforms have dissimilar comms, they will never communicate together, and I had the idea it was this issue. Comms are poorly handled in Harpoon, It's a matter of coding.Maybe that will also solve the ASROC issue. FG
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