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Everything posted by Gunny

  1. Added to HUD4. FG
  2. Gunny


    Added to HUD4 in 2 variants: NASAMS I and II FG
  3. Added both civilian and tanker versions FG
  4. Both added to HUD4 since civilian Boeing depicted in HUD4 doens't feature advanced coms/jammers. FG
  5. Added to HUD4 v1.2 FG
  6. Very pleasant news to read, Thanks for reporting this. FG
  7. Quick information: HUD4 is now 100% converted to new standards. Release date will be 28th of June evening (CET). In the coming week, a handful platforms will be added. FG
  8. Hi gents, a quick message to let you know that HUD4 is now in the latest stages of conversion. It's now a matter of days before I finish this long process. Expect no release before end of the month, 2 weeks of patience... FG
  9. Platforms added as per your request in HUD4 next version. FG
  10. Flag added, will be available soon in a new version of HUD4 (expected around end of June). Thanks for reporting. FG
  11. Issue fixed, thanks for reporting. Files are now 1/06/2013. FG
  12. Mark, it's your birthday present, HUD4 is updated. File should have the June 1st as a date. Enjoy! FG
  13. Planned 31st of May release of HUD4 delayed to early June, New version will wait until all ships are converted, 142 remain as of today, FG
  14. A quick message to let you know guys that sensors' annex is now 100% converted. Expect some new behavior of the ESM/visual/IR sensors. Focusing now on ships (417 still to convert) and I'll finish with aircrafts (484 still to convert). Next release slated for May the 31th evening. FG
  15. After sensors, I plan to finish the ships (60% done), then I'll finish with aircrafts (26% done). Expect all sensors done by the end of May (for next release), ships finished for the June release, then aircrafts should be finished this summer, according to how much time I can dedicate to the DB. FG
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