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Operation Wooden Leg, October 1, 1985. Historical Scenario.

A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for the Mediterranean Battleset and the new HCDB2-170714 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later.

Image: 120 "Desert Giants" Squadron Boeing KC-707 refuelling Israeli F-15, at the June 28, 2011, Israeli Air Force Flight Academy ranks ceremony. Took from Wikipedia Commons.

This scenario is designed to be played mostly from the Blue/Israeli side, the Red/PLO-Tunisian-Libyan is also fully playable, but perhaps not winnable.

Operation Wooden Leg was a historical strategic long-range operation of the Israeli Air Force, aimed to retaliate the PLO headquarters in Tunisia after a series of terrorist attacks the precedent weeks, aimed at Israeli citizens in Israel and Cyprus.
Was executed by the new and longer range F-15C/D Eagle/Baz, which carried approximately 2000 lbs of additional internal fuel than the previous F-15A/B. The first new model F-15C/D were received by Israel from the Peace Fox II contract, later increased by others of Peace Fox III, and active from 6 June 1982 in the 106 "Second Baz/Spearhead" Squadron.
Were employed GBU-15 TV-guided bombs, one carried by each of six F-15D (106 "Second Baz/Spearhead" Squadron), and Mk82 dumb bombs, six carried by each of two trailing F-15C (133 "Kings of the Twin Tails" Squadron).
The F-15, with national and squadron insignia and individual aircrafts names obscured with brownish waterwashed paint, were refuelled over the Mediterranean by a pair of flying-boom equipped Israeli KC-707 tankers.
The operation was a complete success, without any Israeli losses.
Could you replicate the Israeli achievement in this apparently simple scenario?

Enrique Mas, August 12, 2017.

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