About This File
This is the former EURO_DB. The DB is no longer focused on GIUK/Atlantique Ocean/Mediteranean only, it covers the whole World except the Westpac Area due to Space Limitations (County Names).
It is a worldwide DB for the period from around 1995-2010.
The main difference to the in Game db is the changed philosophy for base structure.
All long range weapons (SAM/SSM) are removed from
Harbours/Airbases. So a Scen-Writer has to add mobile Units to replace the SAMs with improved design posibilities.
Fixed SAM will only provided by AD-Fixed existing in Reality or have exist in the past.
This Version also supports all Changes that comes with the 1. Patch such as improved ECM and the new Gun Model
All scens written for the Euro DB will be transfered to the new dbs.
A little comment on the naming convention for all entries
an (x) beore the name marks hypothetical entries that never became operational.
the timetag after the name indicates the ioc date for a unit...
(1964) unit enterd service in 1964
(1970-80) unit /version for 1970 to 80
(-1970) unit retired in 1970
those dates are only a hint/help for scen designers not a fixed "law"
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany
Most of it´s Artwork(Drawings) comes from www.shipbucket.com with permission of the Artist to use their work in my DB for non commercial purpose.