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About This File

HCDA-110606 by Brad Leyte (replaces previous version HCDA-110225)


The HCDA (Harpoon Commander's Edition Database 'Americas') is a custom database.


The stock HCE scenarios for EC2003 and Westpac will NOT function with this database installed.


Use the stock HCE 'commondb.rsr' to ensure platform pic compatibility.


The HCDA adheres to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCDA scenarios.


Copyright @ 2008-2011, Brad Leyte. HCDA database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCDA and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCDA database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCDA database. The HCDA database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.

What's New in Version 06/02/2010 04:10 PM   See changelog


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