21 files
HCDB2-170909 (1980-2025)
By CV32
This is the latest release version of the HCDB2 database for Harpoon Commander's Edition.
This version replaces the previous iteration, HCDB2-170714.
The legacy HCE Battleset scenarios will NOT function with this database installed.
The HCDB2 will adhere to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCDB2 scenarios.
There will be a period of time - while the HCDB2 structure is being finalized - where the above policy may be suspended.
Unzip this file into your HCE main directory. It will overwrite your existing 'commondb.res' file.
Copyright @ 2006-2017, Brad Leyte. HCDB2 database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCDB2 and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCDB2 database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCDB2 database. The HCDB2 database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.
HCCW-140314 (1950-75 era)
By CV32
HCCW-140314 by Brad Leyte (replaces the earlier version, HCCW-140220)
The HCCW (Harpoon Commander's Edition 'Cold War' Database) is a custom database for the period 1950-75.
The stock HCE scenarios for EC2003 and Westpac will NOT function with this database installed.
Use the stock HCE 'commondb.rsr' to ensure platform pic compatibility.
The HCCW adheres to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCCW scenarios.
Copyright @ 2010-2014, Brad Leyte. HCCW database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCCW and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCCW database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCCW database. The HCCW database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.
By CV32
HCWW-101110 by Brad Leyte (replaces HCWW-101027).
The HCWW (Harpoon Commander's Edition World Wars database) is a custom database for the World War I and World War II era.
The stock HCE Battleset scenarios will NOT function with this database installed.
The HCWW adheres to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCWW scenarios.
Copyright @ 2008-2010, Brad Leyte. HCWW database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCWW and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCWW database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCWW database. The HCWW database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.
By CV32
HCDA-110606 by Brad Leyte (replaces previous version HCDA-110225)
The HCDA (Harpoon Commander's Edition Database 'Americas') is a custom database.
The stock HCE scenarios for EC2003 and Westpac will NOT function with this database installed.
Use the stock HCE 'commondb.rsr' to ensure platform pic compatibility.
The HCDA adheres to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCDA scenarios.
Copyright @ 2008-2011, Brad Leyte. HCDA database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCDA and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCDA database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCDA database. The HCDA database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.
HCDB-150928 (1980-2015 era)
By CV32
This is the latest release version of the HCDB (replacing the previous release version, HCDB-150621), the official database for Harpoon Commander's Edition.
The HCE Battleset scenarios will function with this database installed.
The HCDB adheres to a policy of adding platforms but not deleting to retain backwards compatibility with all HCDB scenarios.
Unzip this file into your HCE main directory. It will overwrite your existing 'commondb.res' file.
Copyright @ 2006-2015, Brad Leyte. HCDB database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCDB and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCDB database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCDB database. The HCDB database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.
hc-timelines-db collection
By divefreak
This file simply contains a collection of my dbs, organized into subfolders to be used with the HC-Launcher.
Please don´t forget to add the mediafile to its subfolder!
for further informations and license for the DBs check the normal database downloads and support areas!
Happy new Year
By divefreak
This is the former EURO_DB. The DB is no longer focused on GIUK/Atlantique Ocean/Mediteranean only, it covers the whole World except the Westpac Area due to Space Limitations (County Names).
It is a worldwide DB for the period from around 1995-2010.
The main difference to the in Game db is the changed philosophy for base structure.
All long range weapons (SAM/SSM) are removed from
Harbours/Airbases. So a Scen-Writer has to add mobile Units to replace the SAMs with improved design posibilities.
Fixed SAM will only provided by AD-Fixed existing in Reality or have exist in the past.
This Version also supports all Changes that comes with the 1. Patch such as improved ECM and the new Gun Model
All scens written for the Euro DB will be transfered to the new dbs.
A little comment on the naming convention for all entries
an (x) beore the name marks hypothetical entries that never became operational.
the timetag after the name indicates the ioc date for a unit...
(1964) unit enterd service in 1964
(1970-80) unit /version for 1970 to 80
(-1970) unit retired in 1970
those dates are only a hint/help for scen designers not a fixed "law"
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany
Most of it´s Artwork(Drawings) comes from with permission of the Artist to use their work in my DB for non commercial purpose.
By divefreak
this is an attempt to create a db for the old times when missiles were not the most important weapon....
The last changes to HCE make this possible....
It is a derivate/follow on of the merged Euro and Atlantic DB, therefore it is covering 90% of the world´s navys
It is still at a Beta Stage, so you can expect errors, faults and changes....
So all scen designers are welcome to create scens for this db.
Fixed some crashes with faulty Loadouts and mounts....
A little comment on the naming convention for all entries
an (x) before the name marks hypothetical entries that never became operational.
the timetag after the name indicates the ioc date for a unit...
(1964) unit enterd service in 1964
(1970-80) unit /version for 1970 to 80
(-1970) unit retired in 1970
those dates are only a hint/help for scen designers not a fixed "law"
Special Thanks to Gordon Rottman for providing help and data about the Korean Navys during the Korean War
Copyright @ 2010 René Haar/Enrique Mas
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Germany
Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.
With the understanding that:
* Waiver — Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
* Other Rights — In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:
o Your fair dealing or fair use rights;
o The author's moral rights;
o Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
* Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
By divefreak
The HC-Weapons&Sensors-DB is not a working db containing all kinds of units.
It is a collection of nearly 2100 Weapon and more than 1000 Sensor datasets and several 100s sample mounts covering more than 75 Years of naval weapon development.
It is dedicated to all DB Designers looking for specific weapon data or those who want to start their own db without doing the basic research for each weapon.
As Usual a (x) in Front of an entry represents a system that was planned an did not enter active Service or a completly fictional System...
Polyphem SAM/SSM
Sea lance
Copyright @ 2010 René Haar
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Germany
Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.
With the understanding that:
* Waiver — Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
* Other Rights — In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:
o Your fair dealing or fair use rights;
o The author's moral rights;
o Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
* Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
PfDatafiles for HC-xxtoxx-DB s
By divefreak
this selfextracting File contains the pfdatafiles nescessary to import my HC Databases.
simply extract it into you HCE Folder and link the pe to the file with the browse function of the pe.
the Rar-File will create a Folder named DB and one subfolder for each db!
Next step is the normal import process. You need to import one db after another.
Now you have a folder that contains the datafiles for the dbs.
All you need to do for future use is to jump between the files!
By divefreak
Attention this db is in an very early beta Stage!!!!
It is a worldwide DB for the period from around 1935-1950.
This Version also supports all Changes that comes with the 1. Patch such as improved ECM and the new Gun Model
A little comment on the naming convention for all entries
an (x) beore the name marks hypothetical entries that never became operational.
the timetag after the name indicates the ioc date for a unit...
(1964) unit enterd service in 1964
(1970-80) unit /version for 1970 to 80
(-1970) unit retired in 1970
those dates are only a hint/help for scen designers not a fixed "law"
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany
The DB is based on the HCWW DB by Brad Leyte and the HCWW2 DB by Jan Masterson and René Haar
picturefile for HCxxtoxxdb
By divefreak
This is the picturefile for my 3 dbs. The hc65to80db, the hc80to95 and the hc95toxx.
And it is 100%compatible with the HCDB shipped with the game!
The file contains the neccesary data for the pics that are shown in the platformdisplay.
Simply replace the rsr file shipped with the game and that´s it! No need to restore the original file.
The drawings used by my dbs come from shipbucket, with permission from the artists to use them with my dbs.
enjoy it!
By divefreak
Tis is the former EURO_DB. The DB is no longer focused on GIUK/Atlantique Ocean/Mediteranean only, it covers the whole World except the Westpac Area due to Space Limitations (County Names).
It is a worldwide DB for the period from around 1980-1995.
The main difference to the in Game db is the changed philosophy for base structure.
All long range weapons (SAM/SSM) are removed from
Harbours/Airbases. So a Scen-Writer has to add mobile Units to replace the SAMs with improved design posibilities.
Fixed SAM will only provided by AD-Fixed existing in Reality or have exist in the past.
This Version also supports all Changes that comes with the 1. Patch such as improved ECM and the new Gun Model
All scens written for the Euro DB will be transfered to the new dbs.
A little comment on the naming convention for all entries
an (x) beore the name marks hypothetical entries that never became operational.
the timetag after the name indicates the ioc date for a unit...
(1964) unit enterd service in 1964
(1970-80) unit /version for 1970 to 80
(-1970) unit retired in 1970
those dates are only a hint/help for scen designers not a fixed "law"
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany
Most of it´s Artwork(Drawings) comes from with permission of the Artist to use their work in my DB for non commercial purpose.
By divefreak
this is an attempt to create a db for the old times when missiles were not the most important weapon....
The last changes to HCE make this possible....
It is a derivate/follow on of the merged Euro and Atlantic DB, therefore it is covering 90% of the world´s navys
So all scen designers are welcome to create scens for this db.
Fixed some crashes with faulty Loadouts and mounts....
A little comment on the naming convention for all entries
an (x) before the name marks hypothetical entries that never became operational.
the timetag after the name indicates the ioc date for a unit...
(1964) unit enterd service in 1964
(1970-80) unit /version for 1970 to 80
(-1970) unit retired in 1970
those dates are only a hint/help for scen designers not a fixed "law"
HCDB-070524 compatible with 2003.15
By TonyE
HCDB backfitted to earlier version of HC. Includes commondb.res that the game engine needs, and the pfData file to use with the PE.
This may work with 2003.10 as well.
Copyright @ 2009, Brad Leyte. HCDB database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCDB and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCDB database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCDB database. The HCDB database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.
By divefreak
Atlantic_DB is focused on the Atlantique Ocean containing all American and African Countrys with a coastline on the Atlantic+Australia.
And it features selected European Countrys including the former USSR and now Russia
It is a regional DB for the period from around 1975-2005.
It has the same philosophy for base structure, weapon and senor data/modells.
No long range weapons (SAM/SSM) will be fitted to Harbours/Airbases. So a Scen-Writer has to add mobile Units to replace the SAMs with improved design posibilities.
Fixed SAM will only provided by AD-Fixed existing in Reality or have exist in the past.
The db is intented to be used with the upcomming HCCE and some tools provided by Tony
Beaware it is in an early stage, so changes are highly probably at the moment
Crash in GE fixed!
Merged into the Euro DB......
HCDB-070414 compatible with 2003.16b3
By CV32
This version of HCDB is compatible with the 2003.16b3 GE.
Copyright @ 2009-2010, Brad Leyte. HCDB database content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, distribute and transmit the HCDB and all or parts of its content, but not derivative works based on it without the express written permission of the author Brad Leyte. You may also adapt the HCDB database to your own needs under the terms of fair use. By doing so, you agree to fully attribute Brad Leyte as the author of the HCDB database. The HCDB database may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Brad Leyte.
By TonyE
A database from which to start your own database.
Note: This database is provided as a framework for creating a new database from scratch. There are sample entries as needed for the PE, GE, and SE to function. The sample entries may be changed to suit your needs but they should not be deleted. The EC2003 and WestPac built-in scenarios will not work with this database. A sample scenario is included just to show that the blank DB doesn't crash the game.
2008/11/29 Filled in the list of loadout types for GE 2008.062+ as per
2008/06/13 Changed the "LRMTS" flag name to "NOE - Nap of the Earth"
By divefreak
EURO_DB is no longer focused on GIUK/Atlantique Ocean/Mediteranean only, it is now merged with the Atlantic DB and it covers the whole World except the Westpac Area due to Space Limitations (County Names).
It is a worldwide DB for the period from around 1975-2008.
The main difference is the changed philosophy for base structure.
All long range weapons (SAM/SSM) will be removed from
Harbours/Airbases. So a Scen-Writer has to add mobile Units to replace the SAMs with improved design posibilities.
Fixed SAM will only provided by AD-Fixed existing in Reality or have exist in the past.
This Version also supports all Changes that comes with the 1. Patch such as improved ECM and the new Gun Model
I´ve stopped the developement of this db.
It will be splitted into dbs covering dedicated timeframes.
Until now the HC-65to80-DB and the HC-80to95-DB are published.
All scens written for the Euro DB will be transfered to the new dbs.
By TonyE
Database Description:
This database is not intended to reflect reality, it is a collection of my own
imaginary platforms and those of the people around me. There will be many
versions of one of my favorite planes, the F-14, and my favorite ships,
Iowa class Battleships. Please contact with suggestions.
*NOTE - The EC2003 & WestPac battleset scenarios will not work with this
database, only scenarios written for this database will function.