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Caribbean Basin

Carribean Basin Scenarios

11 files

  1. Essequibo Crisis, January 2024. Hypothetical Scenario.

    Essequibo Crisis, January 2024. Hypothetical Scenario.
    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Caribbean Basin Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later.
    This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/UK-Allied side or from the Red/Venezuela side. You should play a few times first the Blue/UK-Allied side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Venezuela side.
    Image: HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) with some 617 Squadron RAF "Dambusters" F-35B on deck (And perhaps some others USMC VMFA-211 "Wake Island Avengers" F-35B out of sight) during Carrier Strike Group 21 (CSG21), the ship first operational deployment, September 22, 2021. A work by UK government file is licensed under the Open Government Licence version 1.0 and took from Wikipedia Commons.
    At the end of the very convulse 2023, with the almost two years long Russian invasion of Ukraine, the new Israel-Palestine crisis started on October 7, and before the current Houthis attacks on the civilian traffic in the near seas, another latent crisis exploded.
    The Maduro's socialist regime of Venezuela, almost a puppet of Cuba and with increasing bonds with Iran, attempts to overcome its usual internal crisis with the very usual move of search an external enemy.
    In this case the victim is its neighbour Guyana and the frontier Essequibo region.
    The terrain is impassable and Brazil supports Guyana, and the question probably will be resolved in international justice courts, too long to be explained here.
    But in this hypothetical scenario Guyana requested aid from the United Kingdom, materialized in a carrier strike group steaming and showing flag in the Venezuela EEZ, keeping presence for deterrent of the Maduro's pretensions over Essequibo.
    The carrier strike group is limited by the lack of Royal Navy escorts (many in the Horn of Africa) and the low availability of F-35B and pilots (because the Eastern Europe Russian invasion of Ukraine), and the Venezuelan side is tempted of prevent its passage on its EEZ. Also, US refuses to support UK in this operation because the low risks and other commercial interests.
    Alea jacta est.
    Enrique Mas, January 21, 2024.



  2. FONOPS off Venezuela 2020. Historical/Alternate History Scenario.

    FONOPS off Venezuela 2020. Historical/Alternate History Scenario.
    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Caribbean Basin Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later.
    This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/US-Allied side or from the Red/Venezuela side. You should play a few times first the Blue/US-Allied side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Venezuela side.
    Image: The littoral combat ship USS Detroit (LCS-7) travels in formation with the guided missile destroyers USS Lassen (DDG-82), USS Preble (DDG-88) and USS Farragut (DDG-99), as well as a Navy P-8A aircraft while conducting maritime security operations in the Caribbean Sea, May 11, 2020. Photo By: Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Anderson W. Branch, VIRIN: 200511-N-KK394-1564Y.JPG, took by a serviceperson on duty, and in consequence in public domain.
    Freedom of Navigation is a principle of consuetudinary international law, relative to freedom movement of vessels of sovereign states without the interference of other states, with the exceptions provided by international law.
    Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS) are operations of naval ships transits to enforce and guarantee Freedom of Navigation in dubious or contested maritime zones, and codified as in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
    The U.S. Navy executes freedom of navigation operations with regularity. Though the U.S. is not a signatory to UNCLOS, it broadly supports UNCLOS framework for freedom of navigation, and the Navy routinely carries out transits and other operations to demonstrate the recognized limits of claimed territorial seas, most highlighted in the South China Sea.
    The United States was the signatory of the 1958 version on UNCLOS which had many of the same provisions as the current treaty. When the required number of nation-states has ratified it, UNCLOS goes into effect and becomes part of international law for the entire world, including the US. UNCLOS was recognized and adhered to by the US since 1983 as part of the Reagan administration's ocean policy. US Navy FONOPS is based on UNCLOS.
    Venezuela has from some time ago required prior notification for military operations between its 12 nautical miles territorial seas boundary and its EEZ boundary extended to 200 nautical miles, and it has challenged U.S. government vessels in this zone.
    Also, the U.S. does not recognize the administration of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, favoring political opposition leader Juan Guaido instead. 
    In 2020, and in the aftermath of the March 31-April 1 night, when the Venezuelan patrol ship Naiguata (GC-23) was sunk by ramming of the reinforced arctic hull of RNMS Resolute cruise ship with Portuguese flag, under accusations of attempt to throwing the Maduro regimen, USN persists on its FONOPS operations.
    Venezuela is determined in the control and identification on ships sailing its EEZ, and after the RNMS Resolute incident, the clash is almost inevitable.
    This scenario is qualified as "historical" because the present forces are the same historically available at August 2020.
    Enrique Mas, August 29, 2020.



  3. Vtank

    A current affair. Interdict a convoy of Iranian gasoline tankers, or defend it. For RED or BLUE, probably more challenging from the RED side. Some restrictions apply.



  4. BRICS #1: Monkey's Paw (Battle of the Netherlands Antilles)

    BRICS Conflict #1 (Circa 2016 - 2018) - Monkey's Paw (Battle of the Netherlands Antilles)
    BRICS - An economic (and military) alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. From the present to this hypothetical series of engagements, the alliance had influenced several other nations and influenced a number of clients.
    Scene Setter (Taken from "The BRICS Conflict - A Brief History of the Third World War (2016 to 2018)"):
    The 2013 attack by the US and Israel on Iran has caused oil and Petroleum prices to sky rocket. OPEC has chosen to keep the prices high in order to help establish a new Persian Republic. As a result of high energy and fuel prices, the Eurozone, US and other western economies, which were in economic trouble in 2011-12 collapsed into a second deep recession, with no end in sight.
    The seemingly innocuous economic alliance born in 2011 was now riding a wave of economic influence and geo-political power. The economies (and more importantly, the defense budgets) of Brazil, Russia and South Africa have been capitalizing off of vast oil revenues and have been pouring in from their existing and newly discovered reserves. Both China and India have been enjoying an industrial boom, at the expense of the old order economic powers that have been withering. A large number of second-tier economies in the Asia-Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin American economies that have developed or recovered more quickly, have attempted to stay neutral as the storm clouds have been gathering.
    In May 2016, as the BRICS alliance and their surrogates attempted to sweep away the old order and establish their place on the world stage, the world war many feared would occur started in the most unlikely of places - the Caribbean Sea.
    When the Netherlands economy crashed with the rest of the Eurozone, it liquidated several territorial holdings in an attempt to save money. In 2014, the Netherlands Antilles in the Southern Carribean Sea was divided between Columbia and Venezuela. Shortly thereafter, a vast oil and natural gas reserve was discovered undeneath the continental shelf in that location. Venezuela's Hugo Chavez immediately claimed the whole area and old animosities between Venezuela and iits Western neighbor Columbia, resurfaced.
    Columbia took the peaceful path toward development. They contracted with the US oil companies eager for work, in the struggling post-recession business climate. It was discovered their reserves rivalled Brazil's. Once production began and revenues came poring in, Columbia used its revenues to improve its economic standing in the Latin American region.
    Venezuela on the other began preparations fo take the reserves by force. Chavez, now suffering from another serious bout of cancer signed several agreements with Brazil and Russia, which included contracts for defense infrastructure improvements. In 2015, Chavez lost his fight against cance and died. His successor claimed Columbian spies had poisoned him, causing the cancer. Venezuela began inciting the few anti-government groups left in Columbia , in an effort to foment class warfare. Lastly, Brazil brokered a deal with Russia on Venezuela's behalf or several new naval platforms including a new Steregushchiy class frigate, which was named the Hugo Chavez and two next generation Kilo class submarines, armed with the Club family of missiles. These platforms were delievered in early 2016.
    It is now June 2016, the US Navy, now a shadow of its former self as a result of the financial meltdown and forced budget cuts is participating in one of the few regional exercises it now participates in - Carribean Partnership, with the Columbian Navy.



  5. Supporting Argentina 1982

    Supporting Argentina, 2 Juny 1982.
    Another simple and introductory scenario ... or perhaps not, anytime with a lot of things to do.
    Note: In this scenario, to avoid spoilers, it is better to play the US/UK/NL/Blue side a few times, and only after play the Soviet/South American/Red side.
    On 1982 it was a lot of speculation about the possibility of a Soviet Union attack against the Western Forces, because the compromise of the British Forces in the South Atlantic War.
    Argentina has invoked the Rio Treaty of 1947 and some Latin American countries of doubtious political stability and affiliation in the Cold War had created a blockade in the mid-Atlantic between the British ships detached in the South Atlantic and Europe, and later had joined the Soviet side in the campaing against the Allied Forces.
    On this scenario the South American countries with Soviet and Cuban support attempt to prevent the use of the sea lanes to the Western Forces.
    The Western Forces attempt is to exit some merchant ships loaded with vital assets to the North Atlantic Ocean, East of Bermuda, and to keep the sea dominance breaking multiple lines of enemy attacks.
    The Soviet/Latin Forces must prevent the Western Side to achieve his goal, and to cause the bigger amount of damage possible.
    Also, Hurricane Alberto precludes the use of most of the US land-based air assets in CONUS, prevents the use of air strikes and reconnaissance planes against the Soviet/Latin ships, and cover his offensive operations.
    Key of the unnamed Air Bases:
    ABa Howard AFB MPHO, USA.
    ACa Guantanamo Bay MUGM, USA.
    ADa San Juan TJSJ, Puerto Rico.
    AEa Homestead KHST, USA.
    ALa, Roosevelt Roads TJNR, USA.
    AMa, Key West NAS KNQX, USA.
    ANa, Key West International KEYW, USA.
    AOa, Kingston MKJP, Jamaica.
    ARa, Antigua Air Station/Coolidge International TAPA, Antigua and Barbuda.
    ATa, Ladyville MZBZ, Belize.
    AVa, Curacao International Airport TNCC, Netherlands.
    YSa, Gustavo Rizo MUBA/Baracoa, Cuba.
    YTa Camaguey MUCM, Cuba.
    YUa, Sancti Spiritus MUSS, Cuba.
    YVa Santiago de Cuba MUCU, Cuba.
    YWa Cienfuegos MUCF, Cuba.
    YXb Mariel Port, Cuba.
    YYa Playa Baracoa MUPB, Cuba.
    ZOa La Coloma MULM, Cuba.
    ZPa Havana Jose Marti MUHA, Cuba.
    ZQa Santa Clara MUSC, Cuba.
    ZRa Pinar del Rio/San Julian MUSJ, Cuba.
    ZSa San Antonio de los Banos MUSA, Cuba.
    ZTa Holguin MUHG, Cuba.
    ZUa Manta SEMT, Ecuador.
    ZVa Maracay SVBL, Venezuela.
    ZWa Maracaibo SVMC, Venezuela.
    ZXa Barquisimeto SVBM, Venezuela.
    ZYa Barcelona SVBC, Venezuela.
    ZZa Managua MNMG, Nicaragua.
    YRa, Puerto Cabezas MNPC, Nicaragua.
    YQa, Bluefields MNBL, Nicaragua.
    YHa Barranquilla SKBQ, Colombia.
    YIa El Palanquero SKPQ, Colombia.
    The Cuban warships and submarines are represented by equivalent types of other Soviet satellite navies. The other South American countries forces are represented by equivalent types of other countries.
    Enrique Mas, October 2011
    Edit: 28 October 2011, strenght of 198th Fighter Squadron, 156th Tactical Fighter Group, Puerto Rico ANG, reduced from 36 A-7D CorsairII to the historical accurate 18. Year of A-7D replacing F-104C changed from 1975 to 1976.
    29 October 2011, added a necessary submarine on a Red surface group.
    30 October 2011, added forgetted patrol pattern for the Bermuda based VP-56 Dragons' P-3C Orions. Changed patrol pattern of the F-16A defending Panama.
    11 November 2011: Scenario adapted to the HCDB-111103 new historical platforms, with A-7D replacing A-7E, Kfir C.2 replacing Kfir C.7, Belknap 1980/3 replacing Belknap 1990/2, and adding Komar-class PTM.
    15 November 2011: Starting point of Cuban/Soviet PTM modified to prevent going aground. Number of ships to be sunked by the Blue side increased proportionally to the now greater number of Red side ships.



  6. Red Spanish Main, Juny 1986

    Red Spanish Main, Juny 1986.
    A simple and introductory scenario ... or perhaps not.
    Note: In this scenario, to avoid spoilers, it is better to play the US/Blue side a few times, and only after play the Soviet/Red side.
    1986 was a year full of events with strategic implications, some of them very unexpected: Soviet war in Afghanistan, US retaliatory strikes on Libya against the Gaddafi's terrorist actions, Challenger disaster, launching of the Mir space station, Chernobyl atomic disaster in the Soviet Union ...
    Many things and alternative historical lines of action could go wrong and degenerate in an open war.
    The first reform of Mikhail Gorbachev, the new Secretary General of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was a heavy restriction in the sales of vodka to prevent the alcoholism in the Soviet Union. This measure provocked the overthrowing of Gorbachev and a new Politburo composed exclusively by Communist Party of the Soviet Union hard-liners.
    As consequence, at the unexpected hostilities start some ships of the Soviet Red Banner Northern Fleet showing the flag in neighbouring fellow countries are trapped in the Spanish Main, like the long time ago vanished pirates, and they need to reach the safe haven of Havana (near YVa) in eight days or so, before the US can concentrate forces coming from the East Coast and the Northern Atlantic in the Caribbean to obliterate them.
    Is confirmed the presence of the nuclear-powered battlecruiser Kirov in the trapped forces, but her presence is balanced because the supposed dominance of the newly recommissioned battleship BB-61 Iowa and her surface action group, after the reactivation of the battleships by the aim of President Ronald Reagan and Secretary of the Navy John Lehman to create a 600-ship navy, and just after the correction of her deficiencies after a recent InSurv inspection.
    Also, Hurricane Bonnie precludes the use of land-based air assets, prevents the use of air strikes and reconnaissance planes against the Soviet ships, and masks his transit to the Cuban harbours.
    Key of the unnamed Air Bases:
    ABa, Howard AFB MPHO, USA.
    ACa, Guantanamo Bay MUGM, USA.
    ADa, Homestead KHST, USA.
    AXa, Roosevelt Roads TJNR, USA.
    AYa, Key West NAS KNQX, USA.
    AZa, Key West International KEYW, USA.
    BAa, Kingston MKJP, Jamaica.
    YWa, Gustavo Rizo MUBA/Baracoa, Cuba
    YXa, Camaguey MUCM, Cuba.
    YYa, Sancti Spiritus MUSS, Cuba.
    YZa, Santiago de Cuba MUCU, Cuba.
    ZAa, Cienfuegos MUCF, Cuba.
    ZBb, Mariel Port, Cuba.
    ZCa, Playa Baracoa MUPB, Cuba
    ZTa, La Coloma MULM, Cuba.
    ZUa, Havana Jose Marti MUHA, Cuba.
    ZVa, Santa Clara MUSC, Cuba.
    ZWa, Pinar del Rio/San Julian MUSJ, Cuba.
    ZXa, San Antonio de los Banos MUSA, Cuba.
    ZYa, Holguin MUHG, Cuba.
    ZZa, Managua MNMG, Nicaragua.
    The Cuban warships and submarines are represented by equivalent types of other Soviet satellite navies.
    Enrique Mas, October 2011
    Changes 5 October 2011: a number of not used Air Bases deleted to speed-up the gameplay. ICAO designation added to the Air Bases. Unnecessary nuclear release deleted.
    Changes 13 October 2011: Group AKS (Kocak) restored course, speed and alternate start points. Two not used Air Bases deleted to speed-up the gameplay.



  7. All-out pre-Columbian Alien Invasion 2016

    Note: In this scenario, to avoid spoilers, it is better to play the Human/Blue side a few times, and only after play the Alien/Red side.
    All-out pre-Columbian Alien Invasion 2016:
    For thousands of years the Nest Ship and perhaps some Mother Ships rested deeply in the Chicxulub meteor impact crater after her interstellar travel with the basic elements moleculary disassembled, occult and mixed in cenotes and with other terrain irregularities and culturally coverted by local legends (or emplaced in the remains of the Olmec and Epi-Olmec cities and power centers of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, La Venta, Laguna de los Cerros, El Tajin or Cerro de las Mesas, in the old Olmec Heartland, or in Bimini Road, or in the Bermuda Triangle area), blind and automatically working on the self-reconstruction and activation of her colonization forces.
    At last, after a very long time the slow Invaders have enought forces for the military occupation of Gaia and begin the last phase of the invasion, the genetically induced biological reconstruction of the Aliens own bodies.
    But while concludes the biological reconstruction they need temporarily the support of other biological forces, and the Aliens have found help in related biosocial groups and countries that seemingly share the same way of vision of state and religion-controlled swarm mind, collectivist life and fanatic determinism: the Islamist and the Communists ones.
    Key of the unnamed Air Bases:
    ABa Santa Lucia, Hidalgo, Mexico.
    ACa La Ceiba, Honduras.
    ADa San Pedro Sula-La Mesa, Honduras.
    AEa La Aurora, Guatemala.
    AFa Comalapa, El Salvador.
    AGa Panama Pacifico, Panama.
    AHa San Andres, Colombia.
    AIa San Jose, Costa Rica.
    AJa Barranquilla, Colombia.
    AKa Bogota, Colombia.
    ALa El Palanquero, Colombia.
    AMa El Yopal, Colombia.
    ANa Guantanamo Bay, USA.
    AOa San Juan, Puerto Rico.
    APa Homestead, USA.
    AQa Jacksonville, USA.
    ARa Barksdale, USA.
    ASa Whiteman, USA.
    ATa Dyess, USA.
    AUa New Orleans, USA.
    AVa Tyndall, USA.
    AWa Seymour Johnson, USA.
    AXa Shaw, USA.
    AYa Eglin, USA.
    AZa Beaufort, USA.
    BAa, Holloman, USA.
    ZLa La Coloma, Cuba.
    ZMa Havana Jose Marti, Cuba.
    ZNa Santa Clara, Cuba.
    ZOa Pinar del Rio, Cuba.
    ZQa Holguin, Cuba.
    ZPa San Antonio de los Banos, Cuba.
    ZRa Cuenca, Ecuador.
    ZSa Taura, Ecuador.
    ZTa Maracay, Venezuela.
    ZUa Maracaibo, Venezuela.
    ZVa Barquisimeto, Venezuela.
    ZWa El Sombrero, Venezuela.
    ZXa Barcelona, Venezuela.
    ZYa Managua, Nicaragua.
    The S102B Korpen represents many types of ejecutive jets equipped with ESM.
    The Italian Maestrale-class FFG represents Venezuelan Lupo-class FFG.
    Enrique Mas, July 2011



  8. Panama Canal Terror

    A small scale, short duration action using gunboats, helos, anti-shipping mines and mobile land units.
    Escort two convoys from the pacific ocean to the entry to Panama canal and protect canal structures.
    Use minimum HCDA - 110225 database but please note Brad has made some improvements in HCDA-110606 which give improvements.
    Don Thomas



  9. 65 Spy

    This uses database HC_65to80_DB_091010 (by "divefreak"), find it in the database downloads (and don't forget to pick up the matching commondb.rsr file in the database section [picture file for HC_XXtoXX_db] for the pretty pics)
    A rather slow llittle scenario in which subs and EW planes sneak past Cuba to spy on who's doing what, and try not to get clobbered. Meanwhile Cuba sits like a spider and pounces out if you get too close (and are detected). Just had to do something with this growing database.
    New file added 2 march 2010 to correct time limit and victory conditions (Thanks for feedback)



  10. bandits

    A seek and destroy scenario using DB hcda090513 and hunting red and green pirates and drug runners. Green targets must be taken using some form of boarding party (to confirm they are pirates/drugrunners), this can be done with correct helo loadouts and by selecting target and using "intercept" command, you can't "attack" a green target.



  11. Dine And Dash - Carib/HCDA

    My first scenario. Suggestions and criticism very welcome.
    Dine And Dash
    For Caribbean Basin battleset and HCDA (Americas) database.
    The Venezuelan communist dictatorship has made it's final move to sweep the country of any dissidents. Rescue a group of foreign nationals and political opposition leaders who have, thus far, avoided capture via helo extraction. USS Roosevelt, a Burke-class Destroyer, is the only unit in the area capable of the task.
    *NOTE: Updated Version.*



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