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Indian Ocean/Persian Gulf Scenarios, EC2000/3 Battle for the IOPG

93 files

  1. SC93

    Sea Control 1993. You have some second line USN ships and a few Harriers. Let's control some sea.
    Harp Version 2023.11



  2. Halloween 1997 WWIII, Ghosts of an Alternate Past. Hypothetical Scenario.

    Halloween 1997 WWIII, Ghosts of an Alternate Past. Hypothetical Scenario.
    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 IOPG Battleset and the HCDB2-170308 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later.
    This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/NATO side or from the Red/USSR. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side.
    Image: The flight deck of the USS Nimitz (CVN-68) on the Persian Gulf October 12, 1997, just in this scenario time period. On deck there are aircraft of her single squadron of F-14A Tomcat and her three squadrons of F/A-18C(N) Hornet, two USN, one USMC. The aircraft with the round disks over the fuselage are the AWACS aircraft with their round radar domes. The three aircraft to the left of the foremost E-2C Group II Hawkeye and directly in front of the 1st elevator (outlined in red) are two S-3B Viking and an EA-6B Prowler. The one aircraft that is directly on the first elevator/lift is an F-14A Tomcat. Also clearly visible are the catapult rails and the folded jet deflectors (which are folded up when an aircraft makes a catapult launch). The two small rectangles directly to the left of the foremost E-2C are the weapons elevators.
    Official U.S. Navy photo took by a serviceperson on duty and as consequence in public domain, took from Wikipedia Commons and from ttps://www.navysite.de/cvn/cvn68_9.htm 
    This remaking of the old original IOPG battleset scenario "12.0 ...and then there were two" is the answer at an request by a decades long harpgamer and political science professor, about updating a scenario he employs academically to teach naval operations on introduction to strategic studios. The updating is realizad because in the current HCDB2 platforms are very actualized and corrected, the orders of battle are historically corrected, and the new game engine is clearly superior. Also, at request, are added some submarine operations. Incidentally I flash developed it in few spare hours when travelling on holidays near Mantua, Italy.
    Original scenario text:
    12.1 Background: As the war against Turkey by Syria and Iraq raged, the Soviet Union found its own battle against Iran unwinnable because of U.S. assistance. The U.S.S.R. felt that it might be able to make the United States back down if it cut off the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. Unfortunately, the Soviet Union had underestimated the will of the American President. The Admiral of the Fleet Kuznetsov and the escorting battlegroup found itself trapped in the Arabian Sea between the remains of the Iranian Air Force and a Nimitz-class carrier battle group.
    Updated by Enrique Mas, September 8, 2024.



  3. Hot Fishes in Hot Waters, February 2019. Historical Scenario.

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 IOPG Battleset and the HCDB2-170308 new standard 1980-2025 Platform Database. This scenario is designed with advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later.
    This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/Indian side or from the Red/Pakistani side. You should play a few times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red side.
    Image: INS Chakra (II) S72 (ex Russian Pacific Fleet K-152 Nerpa), a Project 971I/Akula-class nuclear attack submarine, leased from Russia for India, and employed on Indian waters from 29 March 2012 to 5 June 2021, when returned to Russia in Vladivostok. Official Indian Armed Forces photo 31 March 2012 in fair use, and took from Wikipedia Commons.
    In the immediate aftermath of the 14 February 2019 Pulwama terrorist attack, on the continuous Indian-Pakistani conflict for Jammu and Kashmir, succeeded by the Indian retaliation by the 26 February 2019 confuse Balakot airstrike, a intermediate submarine action is usually beleaguered.
    Soon after the Pulwama terror attack, on February 19 India pulled out its Navy from the exercise TROPEX 19 and deployed a major part of its fleet with 60 vessels to March 10, from the Andaman and Nicobar islands to close to Pakistani territorial waters, apparently hunting for the Pakistani Agosta 90B-class submarine Saad, improved with an AIP system.
    Including in the exercise was the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya and also the then two only Indian nuclear submarines, the SSN Chakra and the SSBN Arihant, the last one concluding her first operational deterrent patrol few months before in November 2018.
    Both Indian and Pakistani navies must prevail over the other, to show his resolution to control the Arabian Sea and the access to the main Pakistani ports, and to prevent the other side to overcome. Only eluding that unbalanced situation, probably directing towards a nuclear escalade, a major conflict could be avoided.
    At last on 4 March 2019 the Indian Scorpene-class submarine Kalvari was detected by a Pakistani P-3C Orion some 86 nm of Gwadar, well into the Pakistani Exclusive Economic Zone.
    But cold heads prevailed and no more shots were fired.
    This scenario speculates on the situation going hot between the both sides submarine and ASW elements. Even a submarine lost by a hostile action could be covered as a lamentable accident to avoid a further escalade.
    The sea is perhaps too much wide and open and both side forces scarce, but after an encounter the actions can be short and destructive.
    Enrique Mas, April 12, 2024.




    USA vs. The World (Please read readmefirst.txt before playing)



  5. Indian Submarine Incursion 2016. Hypothetical/Historical Scenario.

    Indian Submarine Incursion 2016. Hypothetical/Historical Scenario.

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the IOPG Battleset and the new HCDB2-161204 1980-2025 era Platform Database (But because the limited employed units, it's also playable with the old HCDB- 1980-2015 era Platform Database). This simple and introductory but historical accurate scenario is designed with advanced Scenario Editor and to be run with HCE 2015.008+ or later.

    Image:An Indian Shishumar-class submarine on 29 July 2006, a German-designed and build conventional diesel-electric submarine, of the successful and widely exported Type 209/1500 model. Indian Navy official photo, took from Wikipedia Commons.

    This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/Indian side or from the Red/Pakistani side. You should play a few times first the Blue/Indian side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Pakistani side.

    After the Second Cold War originated middle in the second presidential term of Vladimir Putin from May 2012, starting in 2014 and in the successive years the world was full of naval, military and security incidents.

    Some were related with the Second Cold War, others not.
    Between those last ones the supposed Indian submarine incursion near the Pakistani shores in 14 November 2016, detected and repealed by the Pakistani Navy, was one of the most worrying.
    The incident was denounced by Pakistan and denied by India, and probably involved a conventional Indian diesel-electric submarine executing intelligence operations. The incident was not clear because apparently was buried in the media and forgotten few days later.
    At time of building this scenario no other news were released on the matter.

    A short list to remember them, mostly as result of President of Russia Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB lieutenant colonel) actions, provoking in succession the Crimea, Ukraine, Donetsk, Baltic States, October 2014 Swedish submarine incursion, G-20 Brisbane meeting naval crisis, November 2014 Faslane submarine incident, frigate Yaroslav Mudryy February "Channel Dash", April 2015 Finnish submarine incursion (for many observers causing the pre-mobilization of Finland reserve forces), Russian intervention in Syria from 30 September 2015, violation by Russian military helicopters of the Finnish and Georgian borders on 10 December 2015, March 2016 detection by the French of a Russian submarine near Bay of Biscay, violation by Russian military helicopters of the Polish border on 18 April 2016, the confuse Russian submarine B-265 Krasnodar incident with Polish warships (and the consecutive Putin sack of Russian Baltic Fleet numerous commanders), the HMS Montrose confuse and dangerous encounter with the new Baltic Sea Fleet Russian corvette Soobrazitelnyy in middle of the BALTOPS 2016 exercise in June 2016, the failed (in relation to carrier-based air strike operations) deployment of the Russian Northern Fleet Admiral Kuznetsov CVBG near the coasts of Syria from 4 November 2016 and the successive incident with a stalking Dutch submarine on 9 November, and with constant and multiple overflies with military warplanes entangled in potential incidents with commercial and military flights in Europe. That without counting with other unrelated naval incidents, just as the Iranian seizure of the Maersk Tigris in 28 April 2015, or the mid-October 2016 launching of anti-ship missiles against UAE and US warships from the Yemen shores and the successive retaliation with cruise missiles by US forces (and neither counting in landlocked actions, as the continuous counter-Daesh operations in Middle East).
    And all those incidents without counting those more towards Far East with China as a less perceived and growing problem, and his own many types generated incidents. China was building structures with military capabilities, including from 2012 more relevant structures, as the 3000+ meters long (Very Large Airport in Harpoon parameters) runway in Fiery Cross Reef (finished at March 2016), and more important, building multiple artificial reefs and islands above previous simple shoals for claiming territory, and for. At last in an undetermined date late April 2015 China claims as territorial waters the 12 nautical miles circling his "new" islands.
    As the US official doctrine is Freedom of Navigation (FON) worldwide on international waters (same in the Baltic and Black Seas), and as in this case with fears about a decision about not to send naval vessels into the zone would inadvertently help the Chinese build their own case for sovereignty in the area, some air and surface elements of US Navy begin to orbit near the Chinese claimed areas, but not crossing the 12 nm line surrounding the islands.

    Both Indian and Pakistani navies must prevail over the other, to show his resolution to control the Arabian Sea and the access to the main Pakistani ports, and to prevent the other side to overcome. Only eluding that unbalanced situation, probably directing towards a nuclear escalade, a major conflict could be avoided.

    Enrique Mas, December 6, 2016.



  6. IND1

    This is the first scenario in the series.

    Following the fall of the Saddam Hussein Regime in early 2002 the situation in the Middle East has become highly unstable. The Islamic State (IS) managed to overthrow the Iraqi government in 2016 and then spread the insurgency into the neighboring countries of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Forced to act, in order to protect their interests and oil supply, the United States (US) invaded Iraq again in 2017 and also installed strong military presence in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Although the threat of IS was practically destroyed by these actions, the continued presence of US forces in the Middle East let tensions grow even further. The joint Israeli-US air offensive against Iranian nuclear facilities in late 2018 was the spark that ignited the fire. Many young Arabs, up until then foreign to insurgency, picked up weapons and joined a newly established democratic movement to depose the ruling regimes of the Middle East and oust American troops from their home countries.
    The second Arab spring had arrived, this time directed against the US.
    After 6 months of guerrilla warfare between US troops and democratic insurgents, the US decided to withdraw its troops from the Middle East. The last convoys of troops were however not sent back to the United States but seemed to be relocating to Pakistan, where a CIA-backed junta ousted the radical Islamic leaders that had recently gained power. Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal was dissolved and the establishment of a strong US presence in Pakistan was a clear message to the new democratic Middle East governments that any interference in the oil supply would result in US intervention with airstrikes out of Pakistan.
    Britain left the EU in early 2018 an action which led to another spark. In the Berlin European summit in late 2018 the now 33-member EU (plus Switzerland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Slavic Macedonia; minus Great Britain) declared its consolidation creating the European Confederation (ECON). Angela Merkel was elected first President of ECON with the leader of Greater Russia Vladimir Putin, still recovering from the mysterious assassination attempt in early 2018, attending the ceremony too.
    In early 2019 representatives of the newly elected governments of the Persian Gulf states and India met via video-conferencing with representatives of ECON addressing their concerns over the threat of American forces in Pakistan. Further meetings followed leading to the events that follow.



  7. First Chinese antipiracy flotilla in trouble, January 2009. Alternate History Scenario.

    First Chinese antipiracy flotilla in trouble, January 2009. Alternate History Scenario.

    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for the IOPG Battleset and the HCDB-150621 1980-2015 era Platform Database.

    Image: Chinese DDG-171 Haikou (AEGIS equivalent), "A boarding team from the People's Liberation Army (Navy) Haikou (DD 171) makes way toward the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Waesche (WMSL 751) July, 16, 2014, during a Maritime Interdiction Operations Exercise (MIOEX) as part of Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) Exercise 2014". U.S Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Manda M. Emery, a serviceperson on duty, and as consequence in public domain. Taked from Wikipedia Commons.

    This scenario is designed to be played from the Blue/India side or from the Red/China side. You should play a few times first the Blue/India side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/China side.

    The situation is inspired in some fake news reports repeated in the Web every few years, the last apparently in 4 July 2015, about a Chinese antipiracy flotilla in the Horn of Africa shadowed by a Indian Kilo submarine undetected.
    But analyzing the Chinese flotilla composition, you will discover (as cited in some of the reports) they're the ships composing the first Chinese antipiracy flotilla in January 2009!
    This scenario is build to reflect the strategic potential of this bizarre situation (and of course a diesel-electric SS as Kilo-class can't trail a nuclear SSN!).
    As cause of origin of this crisis you could choose between 29 October 2008, when UK recognised Chinese sovereignty over Tibet, the Arunachal Pradesh dispute, Russia shutting off all gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine from 7 January 2009, or a radical and unexpected change in the US foreign policy when Barack Obama in 20 January 2009 succeeds George W. Bush as the 44th President of the United States, and becomes the first African-American President.
    As a result of one of these or other unexpected events the Chinese flotilla is trapped far home and must return sailing Indian hostile waters.
    Luckily the Indian forces are unprepared and the transit opposition is light.

    Enrique Mas, July 11, 2015.



  8. The Search for Cyrus the Great, late May 2014 (Alternate History Scenario)

    The Search for Cyrus the Great, Alternate History Scenario, late May 2014.
    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for the IOPG Battleset and the HCDB-130818 1980-2015 Platform Database.
    Image: source Wikipedia. Iranian F-14A. 2008-04-14 18:09 taked by Amirmgh. This picture is taken in an exhibition in Tehran.
    This scenario is designed to be played mainly from the Blue/US side. You should play many times first the Blue side to avoid spoilers, and only later play the Red/Imperial Islamic Iran side.
    On November 27, 1978, when visiting San Francisco a few days away from his long and mild Paris exile, in a meeting deeply impressed and touched by the stringent gay rights ordinance for the city, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini besides the Mayor George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk were assassinated at the City Hall by former Supervisor Dan White.
    As consequence, the 1979 Islamic Revolution not happened, and the old Shah keeps in power to 1988, when forced by the people abdicated in favour of his son Reza.
    The Soviet/Russian occupation of Afghanistan lasted only to 1985 because the strong Shah support to the anti-Soviet not-Islamist Afghans. And in support of the Shah, the United States does generous weapons transfers, keeping Iran as the Persian Gulf Guardian. With a stronger Iran, the Iraq-Iran War neither happened, and Saddam Hussein keeps in power in 2014.
    Aside the planned weapons programs, in 1978 the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CV-42) was not scrapped, she was transferred to Iran to be renamed Darius the Great. After a long and painful conversion process, to almost the level of the USS Midway SCB-110.66 conversion, she was recommissioned in 1986 and employed mostly for training. After, in 1988 and because the Darius the Great was too small to operate the F-14A Tomcat the Imperial Iranian Navy want to operate and in service previously in the Imperial Iranian Air Force, the United States transferred Iran the USS Forrestal (CV-59) and was renamed Cyrus the Great. It was possible because after the Afghanistan debacle in 1985 and the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident the Soviet Union was dissolved a few years earlier than in our timeline, on 1987, and the US Navy can ride out of some carriers.
    But from 1988 the problems begun in Iran. As in our timeline violent Islamic movements spread all the planet as consequence of the lack of balance between two hyperpowers and the multiplicity of power poles. And in Iran turmoils and rampant Islamism forced the old Shah to resign, abdicating on his elder son Reza, formed as fighter pilot in the West.
    The new state entity of Imperial Islamic Iran survives from 1989 to 2014 with a very difficult balance between Imperial and Islamic traditions, keeping the Pahlavi dynasty nominally on power and with the clerics supporting Islamic terrorist groups worldwide. But directly this politic almost isolated Iran, and was punished with successive weapons embargoes from 1990. The Imperial Islamic Iranian Armed Forces now are not state of art as in the 1970s, but count with some semi-clandestine support from China, India and Israel.
    And when from February 21, 2014, erupted multiple crises in Ukraine, Baltic States (well staged by President Putin) and China, and in front of the feeble and hesitating Obama Administration, Iran saw his opportunity as a major player.
    Iran menaces to close the Persian Gulf with his carrier force and control the oil flow with very superior power to previous historical attempts.
    Some days before, pressed by Iran, the Gulf minor States forced the Western forces to quit Al Dafhra and the other Persian Gulf bases.
    With his forces divided between Europe and the Far East, only the isolated small Bush CVBG with very little support from Camp Lemmonier in Djibouti and some occasional SSN can prevent the Persian Gulf blockade.
    Enrique Mas, May 13, 2014.



  9. Fate of PNS Ghazi, 1971. Historical Scenario.

    Fate of PNS Ghazi, 1971. Historical Scenario.
    A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for the EC2003 Battle for the IOPG Battleset and the HCCW-130923 1950-1975 Cold War Platform Database.
    Image: AGSS-479 USS Diablo after the Fleet Snorkel conversion in 1964, in Long Island Sound and before the delivery to the Pakistani Navy. Source: Wikipedia Commons and navsource.org, probably first released by LCDR Tomme J. Lambertson USN (RET).
    To avoid spoilers is better to play this scenario a few times first playing the Pakistani/Blue side, and only after the Indian/Red side. Is a long ASW scenario with very limited forces in quantity and quality in both sides, sailing the immense Bay of Bengal, where from long time nothing happens, but with frantic moments after the enemy is in contact.
    The PNS Ghazi (a title given to Muslim warriors or champions) was a Tench-class submarine (SS-479 USS Diablo) transferred to Pakistan on 1 June 1964 after a Fleet Snorkel conversion (The Fleet Snorkel conversion were conversion of fleet boats by far cheaper, slower, noisier and with poorer sensors than the more celebrated GUPPY conversions, developed to fulfil the number of submarines requested by the US Navy, impossible with the expensive Guppies. The Fleet Snorkel keep the four original fast-running electric engines not replacing them by two quieter slow-running engines, as the Guppies, and her hull and sail are not so streamlined as in the Guppies. Also, it was at least two Fleet Snorkel main variants: an US Navy variant with the big German-derivative BQR-2 chin-mounted passive sonar array, and other diverse austere variants for export, mainly for training submarine crews and employ the Fleet Snorkels as targets in ASW exercises in many allied navies, with simpler sensors, usually the BQR-3 passive sonar,
    an old JT in a dome. And as a Tench-class Fleet Snorkel converted her torpedo capacity was 28, not 24 as in the Gato and Balao-classes conversions.
    In the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War PNS Ghazi was the only submarine in both sides, and sailed in deterrent preventing the major ships of the Indian Navy to came out of harbour, and supporting Operation Dwarka, but not firing anytime in anger.
    In the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War, concluded after a fast 13 days campaign with the secession of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), the Pakistani Navy strategic plan was to send Ghazi into the Bay of Bengal, to mine some ports, to do some intelligence and to menace and prevent with her presence the use of the Indian Navy sole carrier, INS Vikrant.
    Ghazi was the only one Pakistani submarine capable of that task because her greater range (11000 nm against 4500 nm) and higher weapons capacity than the three modern Pakistani Daphne-class submarines, but noisier and with older sensors than the French-made boats.
    As the mission was considered highly dangerous Ghazi staff was changed to employ young naval officers, under the new command of Commander Zafar Muhammada Khan, promoted to this rank only four days before the mission begins.
    After looking for Vikrant in Madras/Chennai, and perhaps induced to go to Visakhapatnam by some Indian settled HUMINT trap, Ghazi was sunk near the entrance of that last harbour, when was executing minelaying operations.
    She was lost with all hands, but the sinking causes are dubious, more probable an spontaneous internal explosion caused by hydrogen leaked from the batteries or the accidental explosion of one of her own mines, less probably sunk for a pair of depth charges randomly launched without sonar contact by INS Rajput.
    This scenario departs from this initial historical situation the first day of war, and speculates with Ghazi surviving the minelaying attempt at Visakhapatnam, and hunting for Vikrant in the Bay of Bengal.
    Unnamed places are:
    ZTp Visakhapatnam port, India.
    ZQp Madras/Chennai port, India.
    ZRp Haldia/Calcutta port; India.
    ZQp Port Blair port, India.
    Enrique Mas, September 2013.



  10. BRICS #4: Kara-Kai Shakti

    BRICS Campaign - Scenario #4: Kara-Kai Shakti
    A Harpoon Commanders Edition (HCE) scenario for the Indian Ocean 2003 Battleset.
    This scenario is designed for play by the RED side.
    Scenesetter: (Taken from “The BRICS Conflict – A Brief History of the Third World War (2016 to 2018)”)
    A little known fact of the year 2012, was the cause of the Indian blackout that parlyzed the nation on 30 and 31 July. The largest power outage in history was caused by the inadvertant release of a computer virus into India's fragile electrical infrastructure. The digital vector was designed to attack command and control (C2) systems. When a technician was running a series of operational tests in a commuter model, he accidentally released it onto the country's power grid. The cyber warfare agent was part of a secret program to cripple Pakistani C2 systems in the event of war. This fact wasn't learned until years later, when surviving Indian records from the BRICS War were examined.
    As the global economy began its meltdown in 2012 - 2013, India started making plans to solidify its position on the Asian Sub-Continent. After all, thought the leaders in New Delhi - it is the 'Indian Ocean.'
    After getting the approval of other BRICS members, India began cultivating relationships with several regional minor entities. One paid-off splendidly, while two others produced serious blow-back.
    In 2014, Indian Intelligence succeeded in initiating a coup that overthrew the government of President Zillur Rahman. This established a puppet government, which formed a buffer on India's eastern border. India and the new 'President' established the United Indian Alliance (UIA), for the good of all peoples in the greater Indian Ocean region.
    At the same time, India attempted to influence and depose the governments of both Sri Lanka and Myanmar. New Delhi thought - if it worked once, surely it would again! Sadly, both scandals broke onto the world stage almost simultaneously and they left an embarassing mark.
    For several years Sri Lanka had been a very favorable trade partner with India. The Sri Lankan Navy-Coast Guard had benefited from newer OPVs and other patrol vessels, provided by Indian shipyards. This changed in early 2014, when it was leaked India was unduly influencing these sales through bribes to the Minister of Defence and the senior staff of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces. It seemed the sale of these new naval vessels were being subsidized by more than just 'offsets' to help the Sri Lankan economy. As a result, several days of riots occurred in the streets of Columbo. The people were livid that while they were starving, those in control were being bought-off by India.
    Sporadic protests reached thier boiling-point in the Spring of 2016, when an Indian Navy frigate was attacked by Sri Lankan nationalists. The INS Udaygiri a nilgiri class frigate visited Columbo, carrying dignitaries hoping to negotiating the restart of naval shipbuilding contracts. As the ship was pulling into port, it was rammed by a harbor tug that had been commandeered by nationalists and loaded with explosives. The blast ruptured the hull at the waterline and caused the ship to sink quickly. Many of the crew had been manning the rails and a majority of diplomats were also topside. The blast and flying shrapnel decimated them. Indian media treated the event like their version of the Hindenburg disaster. Almost simulatanously, bombs exploded at each of India major shipyards. The message was quite clear - India was not welcome in Sri Lanka.
    The situation with Myanmar was somewhat different. India had been secretly supplying anti-government forces with a variety of arms and equipment. In late 2014, a missionary relief flight was shot down by a SA-24/Grinch, fired by anti-government forces. Several rebels were captured by government forces under UN supervision. Evidence released to the world press indicated the missile came from Indian sources. The Myanmar Junta shouted to the cameras of the world media that india was funding an effort to topple the 'ligitiamte' governmental authority. The Burmese people became drunk on xenophobia and more anti-Indian protests paralyzed the region for days.
    (Side note: A postwar forensic investigation of recovered data showed the leaked information were clever forgeries, produced as part of a espionage campaign by Pakistan, to embarass India in the eyes of the world)
    The leaders of India were furious at the situation they found themselves in. They pushed for quick and decisive action at several meetings of the BRICS Central Committee, but were rebuffed each time and were asked to be patience. Great opportunity must be siezed at just the right time China's leader stated. Finally in late 2015, the BRICS Executives met secretly in Rio de Janero as the global economic situation was worsening. Plans were finalized to craft the world in an image of their choosing. Brazil would become the leader of a new Pan Latin American Republic (patterned loosely on the EU model, but led by puppets under the control of the large South American nation), Russia would gain control of the emerging Arctic region, China would sieze control of the vast western Pacific, South Africa would develop the African sub-continent and work to reform and develop the starving Saharan region.
    India besides teaming with South Africa to develop MENA (Middle East - North Africa) would be the gatekeeper of the world's oil supply in the Arabian Gulf region. The Indian Prime Minister, Nur Ghandi (only distantly related to the famous family, yet extremely capable of capitalizing off it) was pleased. After all she thought - it was the 'Indian Ocean.'
    It was agreed that when Venezeula (after being supplied and prompted by Brazil and Russia) attacked neighboring Columbia, India was to initiate a cyber attack on Pakistan and then conduct a follow-up air and ground campaign. Meanwhile at the same time, seizing Sri Lanka and the Bay of Bengal (inluding Myanmar), thus establishing its dominance over those who had embarassed it.



  11. Kilos in the Gulf

    From 1998?
    ASW in the Gulf of Oman: prevent mining the Straits of Hormuz.



  12. Bring Me The Base Of Diego Garcia

    From 1991.
    As an exercise in Soviet carrier airpower, eliminate said base and a USN CVBG.
    NOTE: Using the latest HC2011.013GE will eventually trigger an "AI Stopped Sub" error message that will eventually stop the game cold. However, It worked fine when I backtracked to the 2009.064 GE.



  13. Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence

    Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence. can Iran really close the Straits of Hormuz? Even if the US is not involved?



  14. The Killing of bin Laden, 1 May 2011 (Hypothetical).

    On the 2 May 2011 the World was surprised when US Government Officials informed about the killing the previous day in a daring Special Forces raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan, of Osama bin Laden, the founder and leader of the al-Qaeda islamist international terrorist network.
    The action was excuted mostly by DevGru (Naval Special Warfare Development Group) members, previously the SEAL Team Six and nowadays with other classified name, descended in the house by fast rope and probably in collaboration with other Special Forces/CIA/Intelligence operatives intervention and support. They were flown into Pakistan from Afghanistan by helicopter from the 160th Special Operations Air Regiment (Airborne) Night Stalkers, part of the Joint Special Operations Command, two MH-60 stealthy modified and two MH-47. One MH-60 was lost in the operation because mechanical breakdown.
    The helicopters probably taked-off from Bagram, Afghanistan, where is based the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing and the Special Forces aircraft can be merged stealthly with the usual resident units.
    The corpse of Osama bin Laden was buried in the sea the same day by the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), with the CVW-17 embarked.
    Edit 28 november 2012: for the start I was speculating about the bin Laden corpse ferried to CVN-70 in a C-2 Greyhound because range, load and speed reasons, but a Greyhound present in Bagram or other Stan base is too notorious and conspicuous. In the December 2012 issue of Air Forces Monthly is mentioned as widely and unofficially accepted the corpse was ferried in a more discrete V-22, doing the first and unofficial landing of the Osprey type in a carrier.
    At the moment of the scenario design the data about the operation are scarce, and it's not historically accurate.
    This scenario only pretends to be a little divertment and a little tribute to the people who ultimately has killed Bin Laden.
    Change 4 May 2011: 2xMH-53J Pave Low III replaced by 2xCV-22B Osprey (the last MH-53M Pave Low IV were retired in 2008).
    Change 8 May 2011: Title name changed from Kill to Killing, added 2xMH-47G, added 6xF-22A, added a FARP in the placement of the Tarbela Dam/Ghazi airport, suggested the first day as support for the helicopters flying from Pakistan.
    Change 12 May 2011: added 2xMH-60 Dark Hawk stealthy modified assault helicopters, added mention to 2xMH-47 included in the operation.



  15. Sixth Battle

    From 1993. A work around: The USN tries to save South Africa from a Soviet-backed invasion by its neighbors.



  16. Southern Watch

    From 1993. The January 1993 enforcement of the no-fly zones in Iraq.



  17. Operation Earnest Will

    From 1982. A different reflagged tanker (remember those?) scenario from the others: this time, you escort them into the gulf.



  18. hold on Diego Garcia

    Britain and France find them selves facing off with India....
    updated to fix a victory condition problem
    hopefully third time lucky, I hate working at 11pm.
    Another update, sorry guys, I think I've got the victory conditions sorted out.



  19. Smiling Buddha

    Here's a smaller scenario, suitable for beginners, concerning an Indian attempt to interdict a Chinese convoy. Smiling Buddha was the name for the first Indian nuclear test, now they have joined the NP club...Let's blow the dust off the Sea Harrier one more time..



  20. Operation Lone Avenue

    Operation Lone Avenue (EC2003 IOPG BattleSet)
    In the near future, the global economy remains stagnant and nations once committed to protecting the shipping lifelines of the world make deep budgetary cuts particularly in defense spending. As a result, the world's navies have gradually withdrawn from the Horn of Africa, leaving a dedicated few to continue the long patrols.
    Japan has become the dominant maritime power in the region. The US Navy's presence is a mere shell of it's former glory. Ashore, the war over Somalia has stalemated. The African Federal Union has finally seized Mogadishu. The Islamic Foundation of Justice is fighting a two front-war against both the Federalists and a hard-core pirate coalition on the coasts. All sides are exhausted from the protracted conflict and have agreed to a temporary cease-fire. But the IFJ has called upon their trump card; surging from the Persian Gulf is a renewed Iran, intent on spreading their militant philosophy to the shores of Africa...



  21. Pakistani Blockade

    From 2000. The USN vs. India. You may be surprised...



  22. Silver Tower

    From 1996. Another Dale Brown tribute, but using the HDSIII battleset.



  23. Another Gauntlet

    From 1991. Convoy protection through the Arabian Sea.



  24. Maldivian War

    From 1991. Two for the price of one as India challenges the USN.



  25. Turned Around

    From 1991. This time the Soviets have all the airpower and the USN doesn't. It will be ugly...



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